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[Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

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Messages : 1951
Inscription : 12 nov. 2014, 15:48

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par znation » 07 janv. 2019, 17:34


Rien de special, juste dire que j'ai AUCUN soucis avec ton plugin où je lance tous les jours des backups vers un ftp local et google drive et que tout roule. La gestion pour virer plus ancien que etc ... juste genial !

Encore merci pour ton super taf ! il faut aussi poster quand ca va lol
JEEDOM v3.3.31 - NUC Z83 II

Messages : 267
Inscription : 25 mai 2016, 20:57
Localisation : entre Troyes et Quimper...

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par snoopy10800 » 07 janv. 2019, 18:29

thanaus a écrit :
07 janv. 2019, 16:43

Il y a un bug au niveau du caractère '#' lorsque l'on souhaite récupérer les logs d'une commande dans la configuration du plugin.
En effet, le caractère n'est pas bien pris en compte par Jeedom.

Par contre, tu peux récupérer le contenu du fichier par le biais du menu 'Analyse/Logs'.
Merci beaucoup pour le coup de main et.... mea culpa... c'était mon Google Drive qui était plein... Une petite purge, et tout fonctionne à nouveau. Encore merci !

Messages : 8
Inscription : 10 déc. 2018, 00:15
Localisation : Coueron

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par zaibakker » 27 janv. 2019, 15:03

Je cherche a recuperer le code retour de la commande créé dans ce plugin. Savoir si la sauvegarde s'est bien passé.
Je ne trouve pas cela dans ... chor-1-4-2
On est obligé de passer par un bloc code pour avoir le code retour d'une commande d'un équipement? Je trouve cela complexe pour si peu, je passe a cote de qq chose je pense.
Ma premiere commande de transfert google a echoué, j'ai eu un message, donc on doit pouvoir exploiter un code retour.
QQ un peut il me donner une piste?
KVM Debian 9
Gateway Xiaomi home + (détecteur présence, ouverture porte, switch & ampoule)
Z-Wave Plus USB Controller
2 Sirènes ZM1601EU5 (int & ext)

Jeedom as alarme (via switch xiaomi & Plugins Telegram)

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Messages : 443
Inscription : 12 févr. 2016, 22:40
Localisation : LA

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par batna44 » 31 janv. 2019, 09:15

batna44 a écrit :
19 déc. 2018, 17:36
thanaus a écrit :
19 déc. 2018, 17:28

Merci pour ce log en DEBUG mais il me faut celui de la commande spécifique que tu as lancé et non les logs du plugin.
Tu peux trouver ce fichier au même endroit que les logs et il devrait porter le nom suivant 'cloudsyncpro.#884'.

Code : Tout sélectionner

2018/12/19 16:32:02 ERROR : Couldn't find home directory or read HOME or XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variables.
2018/12/19 16:32:02 ERROR : Defaulting to storing config in current directory.
2018/12/19 16:32:02 ERROR : Use --config flag to workaround.
2018/12/19 16:32:02 ERROR : Error was: user: Current not implemented on linux/arm
2018/12/19 16:32:03 INFO  : Modify window not supported
2018/12/19 16:32:03 INFO  : Waiting for checks to finish
2018/12/19 16:32:03 INFO  : Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/12/19 16:32:10 INFO  : backup-Romulus-3.2.12-2018-12-19-07h27.tar.gz: Copied (new)
2018/12/19 16:32:10 INFO  :
Transferred:   70.805 MBytes (8.960 MBytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 2
Transferred:            1
Elapsed time:        7.9s]
Bon je ne comprends pas.
Je n'ai rien changé.... la comande ne fonctionnait pas.
et la ca fonctionne ...
j'ai de nouveau le meme bug...
impossbile de faire ma sauvegarde automatique

Code : Tout sélectionner

2019/01/31 08:11:42 ERROR : Couldn't find home directory or read HOME or XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variables.
2019/01/31 08:11:42 ERROR : Defaulting to storing config in current directory.
2019/01/31 08:11:42 ERROR : Use --config flag to workaround.
2019/01/31 08:11:42 ERROR : Error was: user: Current not implemented on linux/arm
2019/01/31 08:11:42 INFO  : Modify window not supported
2019/01/31 08:11:42 INFO  : Waiting for checks to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:42 INFO  : Waiting for transfers to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : .htaccess: Failed to copy: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 INFO  : Waiting for checks to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:43 INFO  : Waiting for transfers to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : .htaccess: Failed to copy: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 1 errors and: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 INFO  : Waiting for checks to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:43 INFO  : Waiting for transfers to finish
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : .htaccess: Failed to copy: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 1 errors and: update getinfo: object not found
2019/01/31 08:11:43 Failed to copy: update getinfo: object not found
Bon après ma femme a eu l'intelligence d'éteindre mon onduleur il y a qq jour, mais depuis normalement tout va bien
Raspberry Pi3/Razberry+Rfxcom/3 Fibaro Sensor/10 Détecteurs Zipato 3en1/5 Fibaro Smoke Sensor/Karotz/2 Wallplug+1 Smart Switch+1 Prise Foxx+1 répéteur Foxx/1 Quibino ZMNHJD1 Fil Pilote/6 Volets SOMFY RTS/Camera Ext FOSCAM/3 Xiaoyi/Orvibo

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Messages : 443
Inscription : 12 févr. 2016, 22:40
Localisation : LA

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par batna44 » 02 févr. 2019, 09:32

Je m'auto-répond....
Apparemment le dossier source de la sauvegarde à changé.... avant j'avais un dossier /www/html/jeedom/..... maintenant le backup se trouve sous :/usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/install/backup

Pourtant je n'ai rien changé depuis des mois
Raspberry Pi3/Razberry+Rfxcom/3 Fibaro Sensor/10 Détecteurs Zipato 3en1/5 Fibaro Smoke Sensor/Karotz/2 Wallplug+1 Smart Switch+1 Prise Foxx+1 répéteur Foxx/1 Quibino ZMNHJD1 Fil Pilote/6 Volets SOMFY RTS/Camera Ext FOSCAM/3 Xiaoyi/Orvibo

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 02 févr. 2019, 11:10


Au vu des logs de ton premier message et après une recherche sur le forum du framework que j'utilise (rclone), j'ai l'impression que le serveur FTP destination est instable. Ton premier message indique que je ne peux accéder au fichier du répertoire 'Jeedom' du serveur FTP pour en récupérer le contenu afin de le comparer au répertoire source.

Ton deuxième message est encore plus surprenant car tu serais passé d'une installation configuré avec le serveur Apache à une configuration avec le serveur Nginx. Aurais-tu récemment restaurer une ancienne sauvegarde ?
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 02 févr. 2019, 11:11


Peux-tu me fournir le fichier de logs de la commande en mode DEBUG afin de comprendre le comment du pourquoi ?
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 8
Inscription : 10 déc. 2018, 00:15
Localisation : Coueron

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par zaibakker » 03 févr. 2019, 00:53

Le pb vient seulement du code retour de l'execution d'une commande de sauvegarde vers google drive.
Les sauvegardes fonctionnement tres bien :)

Dans la log en pj je te mets le bout code que j'utilise pour essayer de recuperer le code retour du plugins...mais cette variable reste vierge.
Cette variable reste vierge que la sauvegarde passe ou ne passe pas.

J'ai changé le token et un repertoire d'entrée pour forcer une erreur.

$var = cmd::byString("#[Maison][GoogleDrive][Monthly]#")->execCmd();
$scenario->setData("code_retour", $var);
Pièces jointes
(11.99 Kio) Téléchargé 28 fois
KVM Debian 9
Gateway Xiaomi home + (détecteur présence, ouverture porte, switch & ampoule)
Z-Wave Plus USB Controller
2 Sirènes ZM1601EU5 (int & ext)

Jeedom as alarme (via switch xiaomi & Plugins Telegram)

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Messages : 443
Inscription : 12 févr. 2016, 22:40
Localisation : LA

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par batna44 » 03 févr. 2019, 09:31

thanaus a écrit :
02 févr. 2019, 11:10

Au vu des logs de ton premier message et après une recherche sur le forum du framework que j'utilise (rclone), j'ai l'impression que le serveur FTP destination est instable. Ton premier message indique que je ne peux accéder au fichier du répertoire 'Jeedom' du serveur FTP pour en récupérer le contenu afin de le comparer au répertoire source.

Ton deuxième message est encore plus surprenant car tu serais passé d'une installation configuré avec le serveur Apache à une configuration avec le serveur Nginx. Aurais-tu récemment restaurer une ancienne sauvegarde ?
C'est bien ca que je ne comprend pas.
Mon FTP est un WD Mycloud branché sur mon reseau domestique a moins d'un mètre de mon Pi3 sur lequel jeedom est installé.
Je n'ai rien changé et rien réinstallé depuis trèèèèèèès longtemps, et tout fonctionnait bien avant que ma chère et tendre décide de couper l'onduleur :mrgreen:
Raspberry Pi3/Razberry+Rfxcom/3 Fibaro Sensor/10 Détecteurs Zipato 3en1/5 Fibaro Smoke Sensor/Karotz/2 Wallplug+1 Smart Switch+1 Prise Foxx+1 répéteur Foxx/1 Quibino ZMNHJD1 Fil Pilote/6 Volets SOMFY RTS/Camera Ext FOSCAM/3 Xiaoyi/Orvibo

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Messages : 443
Inscription : 12 févr. 2016, 22:40
Localisation : LA

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par batna44 » 04 févr. 2019, 08:33

Bon et bien ma sauvegarde de cette nuit n'a pas fonctionné.....
Je ne comprends plus rien moi

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2019-02-01 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: options:array (   'background' => '0', )
[2019-02-01 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:cloudsyncproCmd::__set_state(array(    'id' => '884',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => '',    'eqType' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'name' => 'Backup',    'order' => '0',    'type' => 'action',    'subType' => 'other',    'eqLogic_id' => '160',    'isHistorized' => '1',    'unite' => '',    'configuration' => '{"source":"\/var\/www\/html\/core\/php\/..\/..\/backup\/","destination":"\/Jeedom\/","command":"copy","include":"","exclude":"","minage":"","maxage":"","timeline::enable":"0","interact::auto::disable":"0","actionConfirm":"0","actionCodeAccess":"","actionCheckCmd":[],"jeedomPreExecCmd":[],"jeedomPostExecCmd":[]}',    'template' => '{"dashboard":"default","mobile":"default"}',    'display' => '{"icon":"","invertBinary":"0","showOndashboard":"1","showOnplan":"1","showOnview":"1","showOnmobile":"1","showNameOndashboard":"1","showNameOnplan":"1","showNameOnview":"1","showNameOnmobile":"1","showIconAndNamedashboard":"0","showIconAndNameplan":"0","showIconAndNameview":"0","showIconAndNamemobile":"0","forceReturnLineBefore":"0","forceReturnLineAfter":"0","parameters":[]}',    'html' => '{"enable":"0","dashboard":"","dview":"","dplan":"","mobile":"","mview":""}',    'value' => '',    'isVisible' => '1',    'alert' => NULL,    '_collectDate' => '',    '_valueDate' => '',    '_eqLogic' =>    cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(      'id' => '160',      'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',      'logicalId' => '',      'generic_type' => NULL,      'object_id' => '1',      'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',      'eqReal_id' => NULL,      'isVisible' => '0',      'isEnable' => '1',      'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-01-31 19:08:41","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"1"}',      'timeout' => NULL,      'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',      'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',      'order' => '6',      'comment' => NULL,      '_debug' => false,      '_object' =>      object::__set_state(array(        'id' => '1',        'name' => 'Maison',        'father_id' => NULL,        'isVisible' => '1',        'position' => NULL,        'configuration' => '{"parentNumber":0,"summary::global::security":"0","summary::global::motion":"0","summary::global::door":"1","summary::global::windows":"1","summary::global::shutter":"1","summary::global::light":"0","summary::global::outlet":"0","summary::global::temperature":"0","summary::global::humidity":"0","summary::global::luminosity":"0","summary::global::power":"0","summary::hide::desktop::security":"0","summary::hide::desktop::motion":"0","summary::hide::desktop::door":"0","summary::hide::desktop::windows":"0","summary::hide::desktop::shutter":"0","summary::hide::desktop::light":"0","summary::hide::desktop::outlet":"0","summary::hide::desktop::temperature":"0","summary::hide::desktop::humidity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::power":"0","summary::hide::mobile::security":"0","summary::hide::mobile::motion":"0","summary::hide::mobile::door":"0","summary::hide::mobile::windows":"0","summary::hide::mobile::shutter":"0","summary::hide::mobile::light":"0","summary::hide::mobile::outlet":"0","summary::hide::mobile::temperature":"0","summary::hide::mobile::humidity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::power":"0","summary":{"security":[{"cmd":"#399#","invert":"0"}],"motion":[{"cmd":"#274#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#53#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#505#","invert":"0"}],"door":[{"cmd":"#550#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#67#","invert":"0"}],"windows":[{"cmd":"#83#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#71#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#601#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#1#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#11#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#520#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#36#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#75#","invert":"0"}],"shutter":[],"light":[],"outlet":[],"temperature":[],"humidity":[],"luminosity":[],"power":[]},"summary_virtual_id":"124","tagColor":"#000000","tagTextColor":"#FFFFFF","desktop::summaryTextColor":"","mobile::summaryTextColor":""}',        'display' => '{"icon":"<i class=\"icon maison-house112\"><\/i>","tagColor":"#80ff80","tagTextColor":"#000000","sendToApp":"1"}',     )),      '_needRefreshWidget' => false,      '_timeoutUpdated' => false,      '_batteryUpdated' => false,      '_cmds' =>      array (     ),      '_templateArray' =>      array (     ),   )),    '_needRefreshWidget' => NULL,    '_needRefreshAlert' => NULL,    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-01 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:array (   'source' => '/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/',   'destination' => '/Jeedom/',   'command' => 'copy',   'include' => '',   'exclude' => '',   'minage' => '',   'maxage' => '',   'timeline::enable' => '0',   'interact::auto::disable' => '0',   'actionConfirm' => '0',   'actionCodeAccess' => '',   'actionCheckCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPreExecCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPostExecCmd' =>    array (   ), )
[2019-02-01 03:30:03][ALERT] : Starting task (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-01 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: pid:'25731' rclone:'/var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/3rparty/rclone-v1.41-linux-arm/rclone -v --log-file /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/cloudsyncpro.#884 --config /var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/core/config/rclone.conf copy \'/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/\' 160:\'/Jeedom/\''
[2019-02-01 03:30:23][DEBUG] : execute:: statistics:array (   'Errors' => NULL,   'Checks' => NULL,   'Transferred' => NULL,   'Elapsed time' => NULL,   'Bytes Loaded (Speed)' => NULL, )
[2019-02-01 03:30:23][ERROR] : Erreur exécution de la commande [Maison][Sauvegarde MyClould][Backup] : Task finished on Error (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-01 20:29:03][DEBUG] : execute:: options:NULL
[2019-02-01 20:29:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:cloudsyncproCmd::__set_state(array(    'id' => '884',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => '',    'eqType' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'name' => 'Backup',    'order' => '0',    'type' => 'action',    'subType' => 'other',    'eqLogic_id' => '160',    'isHistorized' => '1',    'unite' => '',    'configuration' => '{"source":"\/var\/www\/html\/core\/php\/..\/..\/backup\/","destination":"\/Jeedom\/","command":"copy","include":"","exclude":"","minage":"","maxage":"","timeline::enable":"0","interact::auto::disable":"0","actionConfirm":"0","actionCodeAccess":"","actionCheckCmd":[],"jeedomPreExecCmd":[],"jeedomPostExecCmd":[]}',    'template' => '{"dashboard":"default","mobile":"default"}',    'display' => '{"icon":"","invertBinary":"0","showOndashboard":"1","showOnplan":"1","showOnview":"1","showOnmobile":"1","showNameOndashboard":"1","showNameOnplan":"1","showNameOnview":"1","showNameOnmobile":"1","showIconAndNamedashboard":"0","showIconAndNameplan":"0","showIconAndNameview":"0","showIconAndNamemobile":"0","forceReturnLineBefore":"0","forceReturnLineAfter":"0","parameters":[]}',    'html' => '{"enable":"0","dashboard":"","dview":"","dplan":"","mobile":"","mview":""}',    'value' => '',    'isVisible' => '1',    'alert' => NULL,    '_collectDate' => '',    '_valueDate' => '',    '_eqLogic' =>    cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(      'id' => '160',      'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',      'logicalId' => '',      'generic_type' => NULL,      'object_id' => '1',      'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',      'eqReal_id' => NULL,      'isVisible' => '0',      'isEnable' => '1',      'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-01-31 19:08:41","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"1"}',      'timeout' => NULL,      'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',      'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',      'order' => '6',      'comment' => NULL,      '_debug' => false,      '_object' =>      object::__set_state(array(        'id' => '1',        'name' => 'Maison',        'father_id' => NULL,        'isVisible' => '1',        'position' => NULL,        'configuration' => '{"parentNumber":0,"summary::global::security":"0","summary::global::motion":"0","summary::global::door":"1","summary::global::windows":"1","summary::global::shutter":"1","summary::global::light":"0","summary::global::outlet":"0","summary::global::temperature":"0","summary::global::humidity":"0","summary::global::luminosity":"0","summary::global::power":"0","summary::hide::desktop::security":"0","summary::hide::desktop::motion":"0","summary::hide::desktop::door":"0","summary::hide::desktop::windows":"0","summary::hide::desktop::shutter":"0","summary::hide::desktop::light":"0","summary::hide::desktop::outlet":"0","summary::hide::desktop::temperature":"0","summary::hide::desktop::humidity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::power":"0","summary::hide::mobile::security":"0","summary::hide::mobile::motion":"0","summary::hide::mobile::door":"0","summary::hide::mobile::windows":"0","summary::hide::mobile::shutter":"0","summary::hide::mobile::light":"0","summary::hide::mobile::outlet":"0","summary::hide::mobile::temperature":"0","summary::hide::mobile::humidity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::power":"0","summary":{"security":[{"cmd":"#399#","invert":"0"}],"motion":[{"cmd":"#274#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#53#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#505#","invert":"0"}],"door":[{"cmd":"#550#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#67#","invert":"0"}],"windows":[{"cmd":"#83#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#71#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#601#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#1#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#11#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#520#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#36#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#75#","invert":"0"}],"shutter":[],"light":[],"outlet":[],"temperature":[],"humidity":[],"luminosity":[],"power":[]},"summary_virtual_id":"124","tagColor":"#000000","tagTextColor":"#FFFFFF","desktop::summaryTextColor":"","mobile::summaryTextColor":""}',        'display' => '{"icon":"<i class=\"icon maison-house112\"><\/i>","tagColor":"#80ff80","tagTextColor":"#000000","sendToApp":"1"}',     )),      '_needRefreshWidget' => false,      '_timeoutUpdated' => false,      '_batteryUpdated' => false,      '_cmds' =>      array (     ),      '_templateArray' =>      array (     ),   )),    '_needRefreshWidget' => NULL,    '_needRefreshAlert' => NULL,    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-01 20:29:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:array (   'source' => '/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/',   'destination' => '/Jeedom/',   'command' => 'copy',   'include' => '',   'exclude' => '',   'minage' => '',   'maxage' => '',   'timeline::enable' => '0',   'interact::auto::disable' => '0',   'actionConfirm' => '0',   'actionCodeAccess' => '',   'actionCheckCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPreExecCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPostExecCmd' =>    array (   ), )
[2019-02-01 20:29:03][ALERT] : Starting task (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-01 20:29:03][DEBUG] : execute:: pid:'18162' rclone:'/var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/3rparty/rclone-v1.41-linux-arm/rclone -v --log-file /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/cloudsyncpro.#884 --config /var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/core/config/rclone.conf copy \'/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/\' 160:\'/Jeedom/\''
[2019-02-01 20:29:14][DEBUG] : execute:: statistics:array (   'Errors' => NULL,   'Checks' => NULL,   'Transferred' => NULL,   'Elapsed time' => NULL,   'Bytes Loaded (Speed)' => NULL, )
[2019-02-01 20:29:14][ERROR] : Erreur exécution de la commande [Maison][Sauvegarde MyClould][Backup] : Task finished on Error (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-02 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: options:array (   'background' => '0', )
[2019-02-02 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:cloudsyncproCmd::__set_state(array(    'id' => '884',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => '',    'eqType' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'name' => 'Backup',    'order' => '0',    'type' => 'action',    'subType' => 'other',    'eqLogic_id' => '160',    'isHistorized' => '1',    'unite' => '',    'configuration' => '{"source":"\/var\/www\/html\/core\/php\/..\/..\/backup\/","destination":"\/Jeedom\/","command":"copy","include":"","exclude":"","minage":"","maxage":"","timeline::enable":"0","interact::auto::disable":"0","actionConfirm":"0","actionCodeAccess":"","actionCheckCmd":[],"jeedomPreExecCmd":[],"jeedomPostExecCmd":[]}',    'template' => '{"dashboard":"default","mobile":"default"}',    'display' => '{"icon":"","invertBinary":"0","showOndashboard":"1","showOnplan":"1","showOnview":"1","showOnmobile":"1","showNameOndashboard":"1","showNameOnplan":"1","showNameOnview":"1","showNameOnmobile":"1","showIconAndNamedashboard":"0","showIconAndNameplan":"0","showIconAndNameview":"0","showIconAndNamemobile":"0","forceReturnLineBefore":"0","forceReturnLineAfter":"0","parameters":[]}',    'html' => '{"enable":"0","dashboard":"","dview":"","dplan":"","mobile":"","mview":""}',    'value' => '',    'isVisible' => '1',    'alert' => NULL,    '_collectDate' => '',    '_valueDate' => '',    '_eqLogic' =>    cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(      'id' => '160',      'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',      'logicalId' => '',      'generic_type' => NULL,      'object_id' => '1',      'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',      'eqReal_id' => NULL,      'isVisible' => '0',      'isEnable' => '1',      'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-01-31 19:08:41","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"1"}',      'timeout' => NULL,      'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',      'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',      'order' => '6',      'comment' => NULL,      '_debug' => false,      '_object' =>      object::__set_state(array(        'id' => '1',        'name' => 'Maison',        'father_id' => NULL,        'isVisible' => '1',        'position' => NULL,        'configuration' => '{"parentNumber":0,"summary::global::security":"0","summary::global::motion":"0","summary::global::door":"1","summary::global::windows":"1","summary::global::shutter":"1","summary::global::light":"0","summary::global::outlet":"0","summary::global::temperature":"0","summary::global::humidity":"0","summary::global::luminosity":"0","summary::global::power":"0","summary::hide::desktop::security":"0","summary::hide::desktop::motion":"0","summary::hide::desktop::door":"0","summary::hide::desktop::windows":"0","summary::hide::desktop::shutter":"0","summary::hide::desktop::light":"0","summary::hide::desktop::outlet":"0","summary::hide::desktop::temperature":"0","summary::hide::desktop::humidity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::power":"0","summary::hide::mobile::security":"0","summary::hide::mobile::motion":"0","summary::hide::mobile::door":"0","summary::hide::mobile::windows":"0","summary::hide::mobile::shutter":"0","summary::hide::mobile::light":"0","summary::hide::mobile::outlet":"0","summary::hide::mobile::temperature":"0","summary::hide::mobile::humidity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::power":"0","summary":{"security":[{"cmd":"#399#","invert":"0"}],"motion":[{"cmd":"#274#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#53#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#505#","invert":"0"}],"door":[{"cmd":"#550#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#67#","invert":"0"}],"windows":[{"cmd":"#83#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#71#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#601#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#1#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#11#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#520#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#36#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#75#","invert":"0"}],"shutter":[],"light":[],"outlet":[],"temperature":[],"humidity":[],"luminosity":[],"power":[]},"summary_virtual_id":"124","tagColor":"#000000","tagTextColor":"#FFFFFF","desktop::summaryTextColor":"","mobile::summaryTextColor":""}',        'display' => '{"icon":"<i class=\"icon maison-house112\"><\/i>","tagColor":"#80ff80","tagTextColor":"#000000","sendToApp":"1"}',     )),      '_needRefreshWidget' => false,      '_timeoutUpdated' => false,      '_batteryUpdated' => false,      '_cmds' =>      array (     ),      '_templateArray' =>      array (     ),   )),    '_needRefreshWidget' => NULL,    '_needRefreshAlert' => NULL,    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: this:array (   'source' => '/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/',   'destination' => '/Jeedom/',   'command' => 'copy',   'include' => '',   'exclude' => '',   'minage' => '',   'maxage' => '',   'timeline::enable' => '0',   'interact::auto::disable' => '0',   'actionConfirm' => '0',   'actionCodeAccess' => '',   'actionCheckCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPreExecCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPostExecCmd' =>    array (   ), )
[2019-02-02 03:30:03][ALERT] : Starting task (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-02 03:30:03][DEBUG] : execute:: pid:'31020' rclone:'/var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/3rparty/rclone-v1.41-linux-arm/rclone -v --log-file /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/cloudsyncpro.#884 --config /var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/core/config/rclone.conf copy \'/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/\' 160:\'/Jeedom/\''
[2019-02-02 03:30:28][DEBUG] : execute:: statistics:array (   'Errors' => NULL,   'Checks' => NULL,   'Transferred' => NULL,   'Elapsed time' => NULL,   'Bytes Loaded (Speed)' => NULL, )
[2019-02-02 03:30:28][ERROR] : Erreur exécution de la commande [Maison][Sauvegarde MyClould][Backup] : Task finished on Error (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-02 09:13:55][DEBUG] : postSave:: this:cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(    'id' => '160',    'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'object_id' => '1',    'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'eqReal_id' => NULL,    'isVisible' => '0',    'isEnable' => '1',    'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:13:55","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"1"}',    'timeout' => NULL,    'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',    'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',    'order' => '6',    'comment' => NULL,    '_debug' => false,    '_object' => NULL,    '_needRefreshWidget' => false,    '_timeoutUpdated' => false,    '_batteryUpdated' => false,    '_cmds' =>    array (   ),    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:13:55][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile::
[2019-02-02 09:13:55][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile:: rclone.conf:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'm0H-du1NgObiuQTdilK19ntSOWDrXHhk',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:13:55][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: array:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:13:55][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: content:'[158] type = dropbox app_key =  app_secret =  token = {"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}  [160] type = ftp host = user = romuald port = 21 pass = rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY  '
[2019-02-02 09:13:58][DEBUG] : execute:: options:NULL
[2019-02-02 09:13:58][DEBUG] : execute:: this:cloudsyncproCmd::__set_state(array(    'id' => '884',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => '',    'eqType' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'name' => 'Backup',    'order' => '0',    'type' => 'action',    'subType' => 'other',    'eqLogic_id' => '160',    'isHistorized' => '1',    'unite' => '',    'configuration' => '{"source":"\/var\/www\/html\/core\/php\/..\/..\/backup\/","destination":"\/Jeedom\/","command":"copy","include":"","exclude":"","minage":"","maxage":"","timeline::enable":"0","interact::auto::disable":"0","actionConfirm":"0","actionCodeAccess":"","actionCheckCmd":[],"jeedomPreExecCmd":[],"jeedomPostExecCmd":[]}',    'template' => '{"dashboard":"default","mobile":"default"}',    'display' => '{"icon":"","invertBinary":"0","showOndashboard":"1","showOnplan":"1","showOnview":"1","showOnmobile":"1","showNameOndashboard":"1","showNameOnplan":"1","showNameOnview":"1","showNameOnmobile":"1","showIconAndNamedashboard":"0","showIconAndNameplan":"0","showIconAndNameview":"0","showIconAndNamemobile":"0","forceReturnLineBefore":"0","forceReturnLineAfter":"0","parameters":[]}',    'html' => '{"enable":"0","dashboard":"","dview":"","dplan":"","mobile":"","mview":""}',    'value' => '',    'isVisible' => '1',    'alert' => NULL,    '_collectDate' => '',    '_valueDate' => '',    '_eqLogic' =>    cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(      'id' => '160',      'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',      'logicalId' => '',      'generic_type' => NULL,      'object_id' => '1',      'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',      'eqReal_id' => NULL,      'isVisible' => '0',      'isEnable' => '1',      'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:13:55","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"1"}',      'timeout' => NULL,      'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',      'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',      'order' => '6',      'comment' => NULL,      '_debug' => false,      '_object' =>      object::__set_state(array(        'id' => '1',        'name' => 'Maison',        'father_id' => NULL,        'isVisible' => '1',        'position' => NULL,        'configuration' => '{"parentNumber":0,"summary::global::security":"0","summary::global::motion":"0","summary::global::door":"1","summary::global::windows":"1","summary::global::shutter":"1","summary::global::light":"0","summary::global::outlet":"0","summary::global::temperature":"0","summary::global::humidity":"0","summary::global::luminosity":"0","summary::global::power":"0","summary::hide::desktop::security":"0","summary::hide::desktop::motion":"0","summary::hide::desktop::door":"0","summary::hide::desktop::windows":"0","summary::hide::desktop::shutter":"0","summary::hide::desktop::light":"0","summary::hide::desktop::outlet":"0","summary::hide::desktop::temperature":"0","summary::hide::desktop::humidity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::power":"0","summary::hide::mobile::security":"0","summary::hide::mobile::motion":"0","summary::hide::mobile::door":"0","summary::hide::mobile::windows":"0","summary::hide::mobile::shutter":"0","summary::hide::mobile::light":"0","summary::hide::mobile::outlet":"0","summary::hide::mobile::temperature":"0","summary::hide::mobile::humidity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::power":"0","summary":{"security":[{"cmd":"#399#","invert":"0"}],"motion":[{"cmd":"#274#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#53#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#505#","invert":"0"}],"door":[{"cmd":"#550#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#67#","invert":"0"}],"windows":[{"cmd":"#83#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#71#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#601#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#1#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#11#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#520#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#36#","invert":"0"},{"cmd":"#75#","invert":"0"}],"shutter":[],"light":[],"outlet":[],"temperature":[],"humidity":[],"luminosity":[],"power":[]},"summary_virtual_id":"124","tagColor":"#000000","tagTextColor":"#FFFFFF","desktop::summaryTextColor":"","mobile::summaryTextColor":""}',        'display' => '{"icon":"<i class=\"icon maison-house112\"><\/i>","tagColor":"#80ff80","tagTextColor":"#000000","sendToApp":"1"}',     )),      '_needRefreshWidget' => false,      '_timeoutUpdated' => false,      '_batteryUpdated' => false,      '_cmds' =>      array (     ),      '_templateArray' =>      array (     ),   )),    '_needRefreshWidget' => NULL,    '_needRefreshAlert' => NULL,    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:13:58][DEBUG] : execute:: this:array (   'source' => '/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/',   'destination' => '/Jeedom/',   'command' => 'copy',   'include' => '',   'exclude' => '',   'minage' => '',   'maxage' => '',   'timeline::enable' => '0',   'interact::auto::disable' => '0',   'actionConfirm' => '0',   'actionCodeAccess' => '',   'actionCheckCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPreExecCmd' =>    array (   ),   'jeedomPostExecCmd' =>    array (   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:13:58][ALERT] : Starting task (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-02 09:13:58][DEBUG] : execute:: pid:'7106' rclone:'/var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/3rparty/rclone-v1.41-linux-arm/rclone -v --log-file /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/cloudsyncpro.#884 --config /var/www/html/plugins/cloudsyncpro/core/config/rclone.conf copy \'/var/www/html/core/php/../../backup/\' 160:\'/Jeedom/\''
[2019-02-02 09:14:18][DEBUG] : execute:: statistics:array (   'Errors' => NULL,   'Checks' => NULL,   'Transferred' => NULL,   'Elapsed time' => NULL,   'Bytes Loaded (Speed)' => NULL, )
[2019-02-02 09:14:18][ERROR] : Erreur exécution de la commande [Maison][Sauvegarde MyClould][Backup] : Task finished on Error (Sauvegarde MyClould/Backup #884)
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : postSave:: this:cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(    'id' => '158',    'name' => 'Sauvegarde Dropbox',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'object_id' => '1',    'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'eqReal_id' => NULL,    'isVisible' => 0,    'isEnable' => 0,    'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 08:42:25","comment":"","type":"dropbox","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:20:21","param1":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","previousIsEnable":"0","previousIsVisible":"0"}',    'timeout' => NULL,    'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"1","default":"0"}',    'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::883::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::883::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::883::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::883::column":1}',    'order' => '23',    'comment' => NULL,    '_debug' => false,    '_object' => NULL,    '_needRefreshWidget' => false,    '_timeoutUpdated' => false,    '_batteryUpdated' => false,    '_cmds' =>    array (   ),    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile::
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile:: rclone.conf:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: array:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: content:'[158] type = dropbox app_key =  app_secret =  token = {"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}  [160] type = ftp host = user = romuald port = 21 pass = rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY  '
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : postSave:: this:cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(    'id' => '160',    'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'object_id' => '1',    'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'eqReal_id' => NULL,    'isVisible' => 0,    'isEnable' => 0,    'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:20:21","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"0"}',    'timeout' => NULL,    'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',    'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',    'order' => '6',    'comment' => NULL,    '_debug' => false,    '_object' => NULL,    '_needRefreshWidget' => false,    '_timeoutUpdated' => false,    '_batteryUpdated' => false,    '_cmds' =>    array (   ),    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile::
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile:: rclone.conf:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'rjuX2I3nM_FPhqAEeFquthBjnKKL4SzY',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: array:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: content:'[158] type = dropbox app_key =  app_secret =  token = {"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}  [160] type = ftp host = user = romuald port = 21 pass = Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o  '
[2019-02-02 09:20:21][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php  plugin_id=cloudsyncpro function=remove callInstallFunction=1
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : preRemove:: this:cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(    'id' => '158',    'name' => 'Sauvegarde Dropbox',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'object_id' => '1',    'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'eqReal_id' => NULL,    'isVisible' => '0',    'isEnable' => '0',    'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 08:42:25","comment":"","type":"dropbox","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:20:21","param1":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","previousIsEnable":"0","previousIsVisible":"0"}',    'timeout' => NULL,    'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"1","default":"0"}',    'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::883::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::883::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::883::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::883::column":1}',    'order' => '23',    'comment' => NULL,    '_debug' => false,    '_object' => NULL,    '_needRefreshWidget' => false,    '_timeoutUpdated' => false,    '_batteryUpdated' => false,    '_cmds' =>    array (   ),    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile::
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile:: rclone.conf:array (   158 =>    array (     'type' => 'dropbox',     'app_key' => '',     'app_secret' => '',     'token' => '{"access_token":"bl24PvkSr6AAAAAAAAAe9j_k2ldddgJf9kuOjWng-UV2QyKFlG4p_cNj0HBPPPir","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}',   ),   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: array:array (   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: content:'[160] type = ftp host = user = romuald port = 21 pass = Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o  '
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : preRemove:: this:cloudsyncpro::__set_state(array(    'id' => '160',    'name' => 'Sauvegarde MyClould',    'logicalId' => '',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'object_id' => '1',    'eqType_name' => 'cloudsyncpro',    'eqReal_id' => NULL,    'isVisible' => '0',    'isEnable' => '0',    'configuration' => '{"createtime":"2017-10-04 20:34:59","comment":"","type":"ftp","param1":"","param2":"21","param3":"romuald","param4":"gtCM9Ypz","updatetime":"2019-02-02 09:20:21","previousIsEnable":"1","previousIsVisible":"0"}',    'timeout' => NULL,    'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"0","energy":"0","light":"0","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',    'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"90px","width":"120px","layout::dashboard::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::mobile::table::parameters":{"center":1,"styletd":"padding:3px;"},"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::dashboard::table::cmd::884::column":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::line":1,"layout::mobile::table::cmd::884::column":1}',    'order' => '6',    'comment' => NULL,    '_debug' => false,    '_object' => NULL,    '_needRefreshWidget' => false,    '_timeoutUpdated' => false,    '_batteryUpdated' => false,    '_cmds' =>    array (   ),    '_templateArray' =>    array (   ), ))
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile::
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : loadConfigFile:: rclone.conf:array (   160 =>    array (     'type' => 'ftp',     'host' => '',     'user' => 'romuald',     'port' => '21',     'pass' => 'Mzv3smOnnCy5n8stmS60Vq-CXQdhGZ2o',   ), )
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: array:array ( )
[2019-02-02 09:20:22][DEBUG] : saveConfigFile:: content:''
[2019-02-02 09:21:02][INFO] : Début d'activation du plugin
[2019-02-02 09:21:03][INFO] : Info sur le démon : Array (     [launchable_message] =>      [launchable] => nok     [state] => nok     [log] => nok     [auto] => 0 )
[2019-02-02 09:21:03][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php  plugin_id=cloudsyncpro function=install callInstallFunction=1
[2019-02-02 09:21:04][DEBUG] : dependancy_info::
[2019-02-02 09:21:04][DEBUG] : dependancy_info:: posix_uname:array (   'sysname' => 'Linux',   'nodename' => 'raspberrypi',   'release' => '4.9.41-v7+',   'version' => '#1023 SMP Tue Aug 8 16:00:15 BST 2017',   'machine' => 'armv7l',   'domainname' => '(none)', )
[2019-02-02 09:21:04][DEBUG] : dependancy_info:: version:''
[2019-02-02 09:27:14][ALERT] : Starting task (WDMyCloud/backup #1330)
[2019-02-02 09:27:24][ALERT] : Task finished (WDMyCloud/backup #1330) : Errors (1), Checks (0), Transferred (0), Elapsed time (900ms), Bytes Loaded (Speed) (0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)),
[2019-02-03 03:30:02][ALERT] : Starting task (WDMyCloud/backup #1330)
[2019-02-03 03:30:13][ALERT] : Task finished (WDMyCloud/backup #1330) : Errors (1), Checks (0), Transferred (0), Elapsed time (1.9s), Bytes Loaded (Speed) (0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)),
[2019-02-04 03:30:03][ALERT] : Starting task (WDMyCloud/backup #1330)
[2019-02-04 03:30:13][ALERT] : Task finished (WDMyCloud/backup #1330) : Errors (1), Checks (0), Transferred (0), Elapsed time (2.6s), Bytes Loaded (Speed) (0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)),
Sachant que mon ancienne commande #884 s'appelle maintenant #1330
Raspberry Pi3/Razberry+Rfxcom/3 Fibaro Sensor/10 Détecteurs Zipato 3en1/5 Fibaro Smoke Sensor/Karotz/2 Wallplug+1 Smart Switch+1 Prise Foxx+1 répéteur Foxx/1 Quibino ZMNHJD1 Fil Pilote/6 Volets SOMFY RTS/Camera Ext FOSCAM/3 Xiaoyi/Orvibo

Messages : 39
Inscription : 01 avr. 2018, 21:44

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par vvortexx » 10 févr. 2019, 20:32

Bonjour ,

Je suis un Rpi et je n'ai toujours pas réussi a faire fonctionner le plugin sur déclencheur,

est ce que #end_Backup# fonctionne.?


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Messages : 443
Inscription : 12 févr. 2016, 22:40
Localisation : LA

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par batna44 » 11 févr. 2019, 08:41

Bon du coup je n'arrive plus a configurer le plugin..... je ne comprends pas !!!
J'ai réinstallé le plugin "data transfert"... j'ai remis exactement la meme configuration que sur CloudSync Pro... et ca a fonctionné direct !!!
Raspberry Pi3/Razberry+Rfxcom/3 Fibaro Sensor/10 Détecteurs Zipato 3en1/5 Fibaro Smoke Sensor/Karotz/2 Wallplug+1 Smart Switch+1 Prise Foxx+1 répéteur Foxx/1 Quibino ZMNHJD1 Fil Pilote/6 Volets SOMFY RTS/Camera Ext FOSCAM/3 Xiaoyi/Orvibo

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 11 févr. 2019, 10:06


Vu qu'il s'agit du déclencher d'un scénario, ta question est hors contexte car externe au plugin.
Pour info, je pense qu'il faut utiliser le mot clé '#end_backup#' et non '#end_Backup#'
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 11 févr. 2019, 10:08


Peux-tu me fournir une sauvegarde que je regarde la configuration du plugin ?
Pour ma part, je n'ai aucun soucis pour accéder à un serveur FTP pour transférer des fichiers.
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 39
Inscription : 01 avr. 2018, 21:44

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par vvortexx » 11 févr. 2019, 10:53

Bonjour Thanaus,

je suis conscient du boulot, mais un jour il va falloir une doc quand même.
le déclenchement est le petit bout de mon problème, Je fais une sauvegarde vers Google Drive.

De mon coté les purges ne semblent rien faire et la sauvegarde ne démarre pas sur #end_Backup# avec B majuscule.
si je lance à la main la sauvegarde au mieux il me recopie la totalité de backup présente. uniquement si je supprime Ancienneté max et Min (2d 3d) dans tous les autres cas il ne fait rien mais sans erreur dans les logs, qui ne sont toujours pas accessible depuis le plugin.
Je n'ai bizarrement pas les droits de télécharger cloudsyncpro.#859.

Je ne doute pas que cela soit un problème de conf, mais c'est frustrant de tâtonner sans que les résultat soit logique.
est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me faire un exemple de conf qui marche avec Google Drive?

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 11 févr. 2019, 11:20


Comme indiqué dans mon précédent post, le déclencheur est '#end_backup#' avec un b minuscule.
En effet, les logs ne sont pas directement accessible depuis le plugin à cause du caractère '#' qui est mal pris en compte par Jeedom dans cette fenêtre. Par contre, ils sont tout à fait accessibles depuis le menu 'Analyse/Logs'.
La commande 'Purge' permet de vider la corbeille de ton compte 'Google Drive' et j'ai du mal à comprendre ce que tu veux faire en indiquant à la fois une ancienneté max et une ancienneté min.
Voici un lien pour comprendre les filtres :
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 39
Inscription : 01 avr. 2018, 21:44

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par vvortexx » 11 févr. 2019, 13:14


J'ai ré ecris b minuscule, en attendant ce soir.
je voulais avoir juste la copie de la dernière backup et rien d'autre. Mais sans résultat j'ai essayé toutes sortes de combinaison pour voir.
J'ai changé purge par suppression, ça ça marche :-)
et je me suis aussi aperçu que mes backups ne se font plus à 23h50 (le 09 pour le 10) mais à 6h (soit le 11 pour le 11)
ce qui est troublant avec les logs qui ont une heure de retard. (cloudsyncpro.#853 et cloudsyncpro.#859)
Bref je me suis bien énervé sur le sujets, mais cela va finir par marcher...j'espère.
merci de tes réponses, même hors contexte.

Messages : 5
Inscription : 24 janv. 2019, 06:45

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par ADC26120 » 19 févr. 2019, 15:05


Je voudrais faire une sauvegarde sur un wdmycloud mais je n’y arrive pas.quelquun pourrais l’aiguilleur?

Messages : 1106
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 13:06

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par thanaus » 19 févr. 2019, 16:30

ADC26120 a écrit :
19 févr. 2019, 15:05

Je voudrais faire une sauvegarde sur un wdmycloud mais je n’y arrive pas.quelquun pourrais l’aiguilleur?
Tu souhaites faire tes sauvegardes par le biais de quel protocole ?
Netatmo Pro | CloudSync Pro
On gagne sa vie avec ce que l'on reçoit, mais on la bâtit avec ce que l'on donne.
Winston Churchill
Lien Paypal

Messages : 5
Inscription : 24 janv. 2019, 06:45

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] CloudSync Pro

Message par ADC26120 » 20 févr. 2019, 07:59

Ftp ou samba ?


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