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[Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

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Messages : 6514
Inscription : 23 avr. 2017, 01:37
Localisation : Belgique

[Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Nebz » 02 nov. 2017, 14:14

Pour information, IKEA TRÅDFRI est maintenant compatible nativement avec Homekit (et Alexa)


Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
Dev plugin Homebridge

- Fournissez les logs, la capture de vos commandes et vos types génériques svp
- Constructif et bonne humeur, on est pas là pour se lancer des périfs z-wave à la figure :-)

Un petit don ça fait toujours plaisir :)

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par kiwihc16 » 02 nov. 2017, 15:16

Je viens de mettre en place le plugin et il manque mon type d'ampoule. Pouvez vous ajouter tradfri_bulb_e27_opal_1000l.
J'ai fait une copie du modele tradfri_bulb_e27_ws_opal_980lm en modifiant. Tout semble fonctionner.
J'ai laissé l'option couleur des blancs même si je ne crois pas que cette ampoule le gère.
Peut être pourrier vous mettre dans ikealight.class.php un log qui indique que le modele n'est pas connu en loggant son nom. Probablement dans le trairement de la fonction: devicesParameters(). Il existe: log::add('ikealight', 'debug', 'Impossible d\'ajouter l\'équipement : ' . print_r($_def, true)); Peut être être plus explicite en disant, modele de lampe pas reconnu.

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 02 nov. 2017, 18:21

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 04 nov. 2017, 22:16

magicgg91 a écrit :
02 nov. 2017, 18:21
Tu peux supprimer le fichier que tu as créé, et nous fournir les logs en debug stp ?
Cela permettra d'intégrer l’ampoule dans le plugin

J'ai trois types d'ampoule : couleur, blanc chaud et spectre blanc et deux télécommandes.

Je vois seulement un type d'ampoule qui remonte dans l'interface, les spectres blanc (TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm).
Mais pas les deux autres :
* couleur : TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm
* blanc chaud : TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm

Voici tous mes logs, je ne sais pas quoi envoyé spécifiquement...

Code : Tout sélectionner

Error: importing module from jeedom folderNo module named 'pyudev'
[2017-11-04 21:50:34][ERROR] : Impossible de lancer le démon ikealightd, vérifiez le log
Error: importing module from jeedom folderNo module named 'pyudev'
[2017-11-04 21:51:40][ERROR] : Impossible de lancer le démon ikealightd, vérifiez le log
[2017-11-04 21:51:55][INFO] : Lancement démon ikealight : sudo /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/ --loglevel debug --socketport 55025 --callback --apikey sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi --cycle 0.1 --pid /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/ --gatewayip --gatewaycode iHgWqckSUB7c6gT5
Error: importing module from jeedom folderNo module named 'pyudev'
[2017-11-04 21:52:25][ERROR] : Impossible de lancer le démon ikealightd, vérifiez le log
[2017-11-04 22:00:05][INFO] : Lancement démon ikealight : sudo /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/ --loglevel debug --socketport 55025 --callback --apikey sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi --cycle 0.1 --pid /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/ --gatewayip --gatewaycode iHgWqckSUB7c6gT5
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Start ikeatradfrid
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Socket port : 55025
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Socket host :
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Apikey : sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Callback :
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Cycle : 0.1
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Gateway Ip :
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Gateway Code : **********
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Writing PID 30727 to /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.4.3
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Format Invalide
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Executing get ['status']
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Received:
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Socket interface started
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][INFO] : Start listening...
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Listening on: []
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Read Socket Thread Launched
[2017-11-04 22:00:06][DEBUG] : Thread_follower Thread Launched
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"scanikea"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : scanikea
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received Scan Action
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Discovering
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001']
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: [65536,65544,65537,65538,65539,65542,65541,65543]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65536]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755422,"9001":"TRADFRI remote control","9020":1509828940,"9003":65536,"9054":0,"5750":0,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI remote control","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.214","6":3,"9":60},"15009":[{"9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65544]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1509811829,"9001":"TV Couleur","9020":76,"9003":65544,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.3.002","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5707":1490,"5851":104,"5708":61206,"5709":40632,"5710":22282,"5706":"da5d41","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65537]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65538]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65539]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65542]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1509797297,"9001":"Blanc chaud 2","9020":82,"9003":65542,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.214","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":127,"9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65541]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1509797293,"9001":"Blanc chaud 1","9020":79,"9003":65541,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.214","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":127,"9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', 65543]
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1509811482,"9001":"TRADFRI remote control 2","9020":1509814248,"9003":65543,"9054":0,"5750":0,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI remote control","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.214","6":3,"9":74},"15009":[{"9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found TV Couleur
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found TV spectre blanc
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found Canapé spectre blanc
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found Entree spectre blanc
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found Blanc chaud 2
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Found Blanc chaud 1
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'65544': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'TV Couleur', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm', 'firm': '1.3.002', 'id': '65544'}, '65541': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'Blanc chaud 1', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm', 'firm': '1.2.214', 'id': '65541'}, '65542': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'Blanc chaud 2', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm', 'firm': '1.2.214', 'id': '65542'}, '65538': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'Canapé spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65538'}, '65539': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'Entree spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65539'}, '65537': {'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'name': 'TV spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65537'}}}
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Impossible d'ajouter l'équipement : Array (     [power] => Internal Battery     [serial] =>      [name] => TV Couleur     [model] => TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS opal 600lm     [firm] => 1.3.002     [id] => 65544 )
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Aucun équipement trouvé pour :
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Impossible d'ajouter l'équipement : Array (     [power] => Internal Battery     [serial] =>      [name] => Blanc chaud 1     [model] => TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm     [firm] => 1.2.214     [id] => 65541 )
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Aucun équipement trouvé pour :
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Impossible d'ajouter l'équipement : Array (     [power] => Internal Battery     [serial] =>      [name] => Blanc chaud 2     [model] => TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm     [firm] => 1.2.214     [id] => 65542 )
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Aucun équipement trouvé pour :
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65538","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Add device : 65538
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-04 22:01:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Sleeping to start observation task
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: Canapé spectre blanc, state: on, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65538","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Add device : 65538
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-04 22:01:30][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65539","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Add device : 65539
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65539']
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Sleeping to start observation task
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:34][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: Entree spectre blanc, state: on, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65539","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Add device : 65539
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65539']
[2017-11-04 22:01:35][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65537","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Add device : 65537
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Sleeping to start observation task
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: on, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65537","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:01:39][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:01:40][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:01:40][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:01:40][DEBUG] : Add device : 65537
[2017-11-04 22:01:40][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:01:40][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:01:44][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:01:44][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'65539': {'state': 'True', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'Entree spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65539', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}, '65538': {'state': 'True', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'Canapé spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65538', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}, '65537': {'state': 'True', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'TV spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65537', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}}}
[2017-11-04 22:01:44][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:01:44][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65537","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Add device : 65537
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:02:54][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"send","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm","id":"65537","action":"on","option":""}'
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Executing action on : tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm with id 65537
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Executing
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : On
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Executing put ['15001', 65537]: {'3311': [{'5850': 1}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:03][DEBUG] : Received:
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"send","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm","id":"65537","action":"off","option":""}'
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Executing action on : tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm with id 65537
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Executing
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Off
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Executing put ['15001', 65537]: {'3311': [{'5850': 0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: off, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received:
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: off, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Observing stopped for ['15001', 65537] after 91.3s
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Observing stopped.
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'65537': {'state': 'False', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'TV spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65537', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}}}
[2017-11-04 22:03:10][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Thread for 65537 doesn't exists anymore relaunching
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Sleeping to start observation task
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: off, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'65537': {'state': 'False', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'TV spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65537', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}}}
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:03:11][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"send","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm","id":"65537","action":"on","option":""}'
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Executing action on : tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm with id 65537
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Executing
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : On
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Executing put ['15001', 65537]: {'3311': [{'5850': 1}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received:
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: on, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Received message for: <Light #0 - name: TV spectre blanc, state: on, dimmer: 177, hex_color: f1e0b5, xy_color: (29813, 26768)>
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'65537': {'state': 'True', 'power': 'Internal Battery', 'serial': '', 'kelvinInfo': '2752', 'dimInfo': '177', 'name': 'TV spectre blanc', 'model': 'TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm', 'firm': '1.2.217', 'id': '65537', 'colorInfo': 'f1e0b5'}}}
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-04 22:03:15][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65539","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Add device : 65539
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65539']
[2017-11-04 22:03:37][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:03:56][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:03:56][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65538","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:03:56][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:03:57][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:03:57][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:03:57][DEBUG] : Add device : 65538
[2017-11-04 22:03:57][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-04 22:03:57][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65539","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Add device : 65539
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65539']
[2017-11-04 22:04:08][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1508772124,"9001":"Entree spectre blanc","9020":460,"9003":65539,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:04:21][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:04:21][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65537","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:04:21][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:04:22][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:04:22][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:04:22][DEBUG] : Add device : 65537
[2017-11-04 22:04:22][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:04:22][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65538","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"add","id":"65537","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm"}'
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Add device : 65538
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Add device : 65537
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65537']
[2017-11-04 22:04:51][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755481,"9001":"TV spectre blanc","9020":121,"9003":65537,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":177,"5711":366,"5709":29813,"5710":26768,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 10:38


J'ai aussi un problème de retour d'état / status.
Quand je fais On/Off, sur certaine lampe, j'ai bien le status qui change et pour d'autres non, alors que c'est exactement le même type de lampe...

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"send","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm","id":"65538","action":"on","option":""}'
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Executing action on : tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm with id 65538
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Executing
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":0,"5851":157,"5711":367,"5709":30015,"5710":26870,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : On
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Executing put ['15001', 65538]: {'3311': [{'5850': 1}]}
[2017-11-05 10:36:29][DEBUG] : Received:
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"sViPdqny4gtNU4uhK0iSer0cesUGmlyi","cmd":"send","model":"tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm","id":"65538","action":"off","option":""}'
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Executing action on : tradfri_bulb_e14_ws_opal_400lm with id 65538
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Executing
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Executing get ['15001', '65538']
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Received: {"9002":1503755533,"9001":"Canapé spectre blanc","9020":566,"9003":65538,"9054":0,"5750":2,"9019":1,"3":{"1":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm","0":"IKEA of Sweden","2":"","3":"1.2.217","6":1},"3311":[{"5850":1,"5851":157,"5711":367,"5709":30015,"5710":26870,"5706":"f1e0b5","9003":0}]}
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Off
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Executing put ['15001', 65538]: {'3311': [{'5850': 0}]}
[2017-11-05 10:36:35][DEBUG] : Received:
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 218
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 11:33

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Boboss » 05 nov. 2017, 11:28

Est ce qu il faut attendre la version stable pour avoir une chance que le plugin marche.
Parce que jusqu à maintenant après avoir supprimé plusieurs fois le plugin, vérifié l IP la clé rien

J obtiens dans les log fatal error. Pourtant les dépendances se sont installées correctement le Cron démarre et au bout de quelques secondes il s arrête.
Je ne sais plus quoi faire. Si quelqu un peut me donner un petit coup de pouce, c est bien volontiers .

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 05 nov. 2017, 11:33

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 218
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 11:33

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Boboss » 05 nov. 2017, 11:53

Merci pour votre aide.

Je me doute qu'il fonctionne mais pas chez moi pourtant je cherche.
Voilà les log :
[2017-11-05 09:49:58][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 09:50:40][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 09:51:08][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 09:51:48][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:16:23][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:17:05][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:18:42][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:19:04][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:20:31][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:25:35][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:30:48][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:35:37][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:38:03][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 11:40:21][INFO] : Lancement démon ikealight : sudo /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/ --loglevel debug --socketport 55025 --callback ... alight.php --apikey KGD5eYx8UHx4tHyhZWEVepe9KKXhZK5j --cycle 0.1 --pid /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/ --gatewayip --gatewaycode MzI4DsnSCYJLWAsD
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Start ikeatradfrid
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Socket port : 55025
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Socket host :
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Apikey : KGD5....
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Callback : ... alight.php
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Cycle : 0.1
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Gateway Ip : 192.168.1...
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Gateway Code : .....
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][DEBUG] : Writing PID 24914 to /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.4.3
[2017-11-05 10:40:27][INFO] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2017-11-05 11:40:28][DEBUG] : Format Invalide
[2017-11-05 10:40:28][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/ikealight/core/php/jeeIkealight.php?apikey=KGD5........ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2017-11-05 10:40:28][DEBUG] : Executing 192.168.1... get ['status']
[2017-11-05 10:40:38][ERROR] : Fatal error :
[2017-11-05 10:40:38][DEBUG] : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/", line 234, in <module>
globals.api = api_factory(globals.gatewayip, globals.gatewaycode)
File "/var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/pytradfri/api/", line 131, in api_factory
request(Command('get', ['status']))
File "/var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/pytradfri/api/", line 78, in request
return _execute(api_commands[0])
File "/var/www/html/plugins/ikealight/resources/ikealightd/pytradfri/api/", line 67, in _execute
raise RequestTimeout() from None

[2017-11-05 10:40:38][DEBUG] : Shutdown
[2017-11-05 10:40:38][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/ikealight/
[2017-11-05 10:40:38][DEBUG] : Exit 0
Est ce qu'il faut les log de l'installation des dépendances ?
Au début je n'avais que Fatal Error et puis quelques lignes sont venues s'ajouter.
Merci de votre aide

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 05 nov. 2017, 12:07

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 12:18


J'ai mis l'IP de ma Gateway en IP Fixe dans ma configuration de router (Freebox) grâce à son adresse mac pour éviter ce genre de problème.
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 05 nov. 2017, 12:20

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 218
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 11:33

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Boboss » 05 nov. 2017, 12:24

Moi aussi j'ai mis en IP Fixe. Donc l'IP est bonne
Le problème viendrait donc de la clé API.
J'ai vu dans le menu configuration les clé API.
J'en ai demandé une nouvelle mis en localhost, je cherche toujours le même problème.
Est ce qu'il relancer l'installation des dépendances ? avec la nouvelle clé API ?
Je suis un peu perdu...

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 14:52

La clef est celle sous ton Hub Ikea je pense
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 218
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 11:33

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Boboss » 05 nov. 2017, 18:57

Donc la clé du Gateway dans la config du plugin est la même que la clé api à mettre dans la configuration ?
Qu en pensez vous ?

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 19:33

Moi je n'ai que deux champs à remplir dans la configuration du plugin Ikea Light :
* Adresse IP de la Gateway <- IP Fixe de mon Hub Ikea
* Clé de la Gateway <- Security Code, qui se trouve sous le hub

Je ne vois pas de clé API dans la configuration a renseigner... Celle dans Configuration API > Clef API Ikea Light est générée toute seule, tu y touches pas. En tout cas, moi j'ai rien eu à faire.

On parle bien du bon plugin et bien de la configuration de celui-ci, pas d'autre chose ?
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 218
Inscription : 31 déc. 2014, 11:33

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Boboss » 05 nov. 2017, 19:53

Merci de ta réponse

Pour la config du plugin j'ai cela

On voit bien que les deux clés sont différentes et dans les logs du plugin il y a des lignes où la clé API apparait.
Pièces jointes
Capture_config_API3.JPG (21.35 Kio) Consulté 5225 fois
Capture_config_API2.JPG (92.25 Kio) Consulté 5225 fois
Capture_config_API1.JPG (34.47 Kio) Consulté 5225 fois

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 05 nov. 2017, 19:56

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 20:15

Hello magicgg91,

Penses-tu qu'il y aura bientôt une mise à jour du plugin pour prendre en compte les nouveaux types de lampes ?
Faut-il plus / d'autres log pour que les nouveaux json soient disponible ?
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par Anonyme » 05 nov. 2017, 20:25

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

Messages : 34
Inscription : 20 nov. 2016, 11:26

Re: [Plugin Officiel][Sujet Principal] Ikea Light

Message par hrenaud » 05 nov. 2017, 20:51

magicgg91 a écrit :
05 nov. 2017, 20:25

On est le week-end :) je donnerais le lien vers ton post à sarakha demain, sur ses horaires de travail.
Punaise, pardon.
J'ai tellement l'habitude que vous soyez tout le temps dispo, que j'en oublie toute mesure, désolé :?
Raspberry Pi3 / Contrôleur Z-Wave Plus Z-Stick GEN5 - Aeon Labs / Qubino / Apple TV + iPhone / Google Home / Lampes Ikea Trådfri


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