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[Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Pour échanger sur les plugins classés en catégorie "Monitoring"
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Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 18 avr. 2019, 10:19

J'ai rapidement ajouté le listage a la beta.
J'espere que tous vas bien ce passé car j'avais commencer une restructuration du plugin
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 31
Inscription : 06 déc. 2017, 10:19

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par pastaguas » 18 avr. 2019, 10:35

Y aurai possibilité de faire fonctionner le stable et le beta en parallèle ?

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Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 18 avr. 2019, 11:08

A part avoir 2 jeedom non
Par contre tu peux installer la beta pour des test et revenir sur la stable.
Il n'y a pas de changement dans les dépendance donc ça ne pause aucun problème
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 31
Inscription : 06 déc. 2017, 10:19

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par pastaguas » 21 avr. 2019, 10:36

Bon le premier test sur la version beta :
  • L'équipement home est bien créer
  • Il liste bien les Adaptateurs
  • Le statut de chaque adaptateur sont à zero ==> que veux dire cette valeur ?? (sachant que les 4 type de réseau sont Actif dans ma configuration).
Bon c'est un premier jet, mais pour le moment à par valider (ou pas) la possibilité de fonctionnement avec l'API pour le moment ça n'apporte que de l'information. As tu la delta chez toi ou dois-je te préparer un mod opératoire pour que tu comprenne l'organisation de la partie HOME de la freebox sur lequel je serai limité à la partie IOHOME pour le moment.

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Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 23 avr. 2019, 08:58

non je n'ai pas la delta donc j'ai besoin que vous validier pour moi.

Oui c'est un premier jet que j'ai fait rapidement car je suis toujours en maraton, j'ai trop de chose a faire.
Est possible d'isole les log sur les requet de Home et Tile
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


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Messages : 90
Inscription : 17 déc. 2014, 19:39

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par koleos » 27 avr. 2019, 11:23

idem ça liste bien les différents réseau, reste maintenant à voir les équipements qui y sont associés

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Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 28 avr. 2019, 05:52

deja tout remonte c'est une bonne avancé.
Qu'est ce qu'il y a en valeur? j'ai peut etre pas choisi le bon parametre?
Dans les log DEBUG est ce que vous retrouvé les trame avec les valeur correcte ou elle ne sont simplement pas interrogé?
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 90
Inscription : 17 déc. 2014, 19:39

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par koleos » 28 avr. 2019, 11:47

Voici le log debug:

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : opening session
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s)
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) active
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) en attente
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) en erreur
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) en extraction
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) en réparation
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) en vérification
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) stoppée(s)
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre de tâche(s) terminée(s)
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Téléchargement en cours
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Vitesse émission
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Vitesse réception
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"throttling_rate":{"rx_rate":0,"tx_rate":0},"nb_tasks_stopped":0,"dht_stats":{"enabled":false,"node_count_ipv6":0,"enabled_ipv6":false,"node_count":0},"nb_tasks_checking":0,"nb_tasks_queued":0,"blocklist_hits":0,"blocklist_entries":0,"nb_tasks_extracting":0,"nb_tasks_done":0,"nb_tasks_stopping":0,"nzb_config_status":{"status":"error","error":"connection_refused"},"conn_ready":true,"nb_peer":0,"throttling_mode":"normal","nb_tasks_active":0,"nb_tasks_seeding":0,"nb_tasks_error":0,"tx_rate":0,"nb_tasks_repairing":0,"nb_tasks":0,"nb_rss":0,"nb_tasks_downloading":0,"nb_rss_items_unread":0,"rx_rate":0,"throttling_is_scheduled":false}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox bandwidth down
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox bandwidth up
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox media
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox rate down
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox rate up
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox state
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"type":"ethernet","rate_down":475,"bytes_up":1897884045,"ipv4_port_range":[0,65535],"rate_up":621,"bandwidth_up":600000000,"ipv6":"2a01:e0a:1e6:18e0::1","bandwidth_down":10000000000,"media":"ftth","state":"up","bytes_down":35381847634,"ipv4":""}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {"msg":"Impossible de récupérer l'état de la connexion: Ce service n'est pas disponible actuellement","success":false,"error_code":"service_down"}
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : success KO
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : error_code exists
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Gestionnaire de caméra
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/adapter_cam.png",       "id" : 1,       "label" : "Gestionnaire de caméra",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::cam"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau DomusRf
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/adapter_dm.png",       "id" : 5,       "label" : "Réseau DomusRf",       "props" : {           "Network ID" : 3264         },       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::domus"         }     },   "success" : true }
[b][2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau IOHomeControl
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/io_logo.png",       "id" : 3,       "label" : "Réseau IOHomeControl",       "props" : {           "Addr" : 160,           "SomfyId" : 998053853         },       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::ios"         }     },   "success" : true }[/b]
[b][2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau Rts
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/rts_logo.png",       "id" : 2,       "label" : "Réseau Rts",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::rts"         }     },   "success" : true }[/b]
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau Sigfox
[2019-04-28 11:33:12][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/adapter_sigfox.png",       "id" : 4,       "label" : "Réseau Sigfox",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::sigfox"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour SRR60
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"l2ident":{"id":"B0:39:56:8D:24:CC","type":"mac_address"},"active":true,"id":"ether-b0:39:56:8d:24:cc","last_time_reachable":1556443976,"persistent":true,"names":[{"name":"SRR60","source":"dhcp"}],"vendor_name":"Netgear","host_type":"workstation","primary_name":"SRR60","l3connectivities":[{"addr":"","active":true,"reachable":true,"last_activity":1556443976,"af":"ipv4","last_time_reachable":1556443976},{"addr":"","active":false,"reachable":false,"last_activity":1550478350,"af":"ipv4","last_time_reachable":1550478350},{"addr":"fe80::b239:56ff:fe8d:24cc","active":true,"reachable":true,"last_activity":1556443938,"af":"ipv6","last_time_reachable":1556443933}],"reachable":true,"last_activity":1556443976,"primary_name_manual":false,"interface":"pub"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Allumée depuis
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour board name
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Freebox firmware version
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Mac
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour serial
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Status du wifi
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"enabled":false,"mac_filter_state":"disabled"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : L'état du wifi est 0
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour temp cpub
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour temp cpum
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour temp sw
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Vitesse ventilateur
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":{"temp_hdd0":36,"temp_sw":35,"user_main_storage":"Freebox","temp_cpu_cp_slave":67,"mac":"34:27:92:63:35:90","temp_cpu_cp_master":67,"box_flavor":"light","fan_rpm":1362,"temp_cpu_ap":56,"temp_cpum":37,"disk_status":"active","temp_cpub":39,"uptime":"10 jours 21 heures 58 minutes 39 secondes","uptime_val":943119,"board_name":"fbxgw7r","box_authenticated":true,"serial":"957602J184901844","firmware_version":"4.0.5"}}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Liste Appels Manqués
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Liste Appels Passés
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Liste Appels Reçus
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre Appels Manqués
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre Appels Passés
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Nombre Appels Reçus
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : {"success":true,"result":[{"number":"0746269015","type":"missed","id":8,"duration":25,"datetime":1554128420,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746269015","new":true},{"number":"0746437804","type":"missed","id":7,"duration":25,"datetime":1554114658,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746437804","new":true},{"number":"0746670739","type":"missed","id":6,"duration":25,"datetime":1554108761,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0746670739","new":true},{"number":"0985700381","type":"missed","id":5,"duration":35,"datetime":1553772585,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0985700381","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":4,"duration":20,"datetime":1551793258,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0139155857","type":"missed","id":3,"duration":25,"datetime":1551711628,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0139155857","new":true},{"number":"0148551647","type":"missed","id":2,"duration":28,"datetime":1551349145,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0148551647","new":true},{"number":"0130867272","type":"missed","id":1,"duration":35,"datetime":1550767053,"contact_id":0,"line_id":0,"name":"0130867272","new":true}]}
[2019-04-28 11:33:13][DEBUG] : closing session
Je t'ai tout mis, même si chez moi je n'ai des éléments que sur IO et RTS. quand je test les commandes, cela retourne 0 pour toutes.

Messages : 31
Inscription : 06 déc. 2017, 10:19

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par pastaguas » 28 avr. 2019, 14:30


Pour commencer merci du temps que tu prends.
Actuellement tu es à la première étapes de lister les services radio disponible sur la freebox delta ainsi que leur état.
Pour savoir si ils sont OK, c'est la balise status à prendre en compte :

Extrait :

Code : Tout sélectionner

answer = {
	"result": [{
			"icon_url": "/resources/images/home/pictos/adapter_cam.png",
			"id": 1,
			"label": "Gestionnaire de caméra",
			"status": "active",
			"type": {
				"abstract": false,
				"generic": false,
				"inherit": "adapter",
				"name": "adapter::cam"
		}, {
			"icon_url": "/resources/images/home/rts_logo.png",
			"id": 2,
			"label": "Réseau Rts",
			"status": "active",
			"type": {
				"abstract": false,
				"generic": false,
				"inherit": "adapter",
				"name": "adapter::rts"
Si le service n'est pas lancé : Balise à l'état disabled
Si le module n'existe pas : Balise à l'état unplugged

Pour gérer l'arret d'un service ou son démarrage :
Methode PUT /api/v6/home/adapters/{id}

Code : Tout sélectionner

 "status": "disabled" ou enabled
Ensuite tu peux lancer à partir de l'api les appareillage (mais je ne pense pas que ce soit la priorité pour le moment car on peut toujours immaginer le faire via l'application freebox sur les premières version)

A mon sens la priorité est ici :

Lister l'ensemble des équipements de tout prototocol radio (j'ai mis un unique vollet sous iohome:
get /home/tileset/all

Code : Tout sélectionner

answer = {
	"result": [{
			"action": "store_slider",
			"data": [{
					"ep_id": 3,
					"label": "Consigne d'ouverture",
					"name": "position",
					"refresh": 2000,
					"signal_id": 4,
					"slot_id": 3,
					"ui": {
						"access": "rw",
						"display": "icon",
						"icon_range": [0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 95],
						"icon_url": "/resources/images/home/pictos/volet_%.png",
						"unit": "%"
					"value": 100,
					"value_type": "int"
				}, {
					"ep_id": 1,
					"label": "Stop",
					"name": "stop",
					"slot_id": 1,
					"ui": {
						"access": "w",
						"display": "button"
					"value": null,
					"value_type": "void"
			"group": {
				"icon_url": "",
				"label": "Couloir"
			"label": "Vollet Gauche",
			"node_id": 6,
			"type": "info"
	"success": true
ep_id est l'identifiant technique unique au niveau de la freebox
slot_id ==> c'est l'id technique du réseau (pour moi c'est iohome)
la partie group est pas à prendre en compte pour jeedom il me semble, c'est la configuration directement dasn la freebox
value_type ==> comme son nom l'indique
value 100 ==> le vollet est fermé

Si tu commence à remonter l'ensemble des tile alors on commencera à avoir une visibilité de l'état de la domotique freebox (attention c'est 1 equipement jeedom par tile à mon avis)

Cependant, d'après ce que je comprend, c'est pas à travers les tiles que tu va pouvoir piloter mais à travers les nodes. Je te propose donc de tenter les lister l'ensemble des nodes et leur état pour permettre par la suite de les piloter
get / home / nodes

Code : Tout sélectionner

	answer = {
	"result": [{
			"adapter": 3,
			"category": "shutter",
			"group": {
				"label": "Couloir"
			"id": 6,
			"label": "Vollet Gauche",
			"name": "node_6",
			"props": {
				"Address": 204801,
				"ArcId": 0
			"show_endpoints": [{
					"category": "",
					"ep_type": "slot",
					"id": 0,
					"label": "Consigne d'ouverture",
					"name": "position_set",
					"ui": {
						"access": "w",
						"display": "slider",
						"icon_url": "/resources/images/home/pictos/volet_3.png",
						"range": [0, 100],
						"unit": "%"
					"value": 0,
					"value_type": "int",
					"visibility": "normal"
				}, {
					"category": "",
					"ep_type": "slot",
					"id": 1,
					"label": "Stop",
					"name": "stop",
					"ui": {
						"access": "w",
						"display": "button"
					"value": null,
					"value_type": "void",
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					"id": 2,
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					"name": "toggle",
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					"value": null,
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					"id": 4,
					"label": "Consigne d'ouverture",
					"name": "position_set",
					"refresh": 2000,
					"ui": {
						"access": "r",
						"display": "slider",
						"icon_url": "/resources/images/home/pictos/volet_3.png",
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						"unit": "%"
					"value": 100,
					"value_type": "int",
					"visibility": "normal"
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					"category": "",
					"ep_type": "signal",
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					"label": "État",
					"name": "state",
					"refresh": 2000,
					"ui": {
						"access": "r",
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					"value": "CLEEEEFFFFFF",
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						"visiblity": "normal"
					}, {
						"ep_type": "slot",
						"label": "Consigne d'ouverture",
						"name": "position",
						"value_type": "int",
						"visiblity": "normal"
					}, {
						"ep_type": "signal",
						"label": "Consigne d'ouverture",
						"name": "position_set",
						"param_type": "void",
						"value_type": "int",
						"visiblity": "normal"
					}, {
						"ep_type": "signal",
						"label": "État",
						"name": "state",
						"param_type": "void",
						"value_type": "string",
						"visiblity": "normal"
				"generic": false,
				"icon": "/resources/images/home/pictos/volet_3.png",
				"inherit": "node::ios",
				"label": "Volet roulant",
				"name": "node::ios::2",
				"params": {},
				"physical": true
	"success": true
Et à partir des nodes tu va pouvoir faire de la méthode PUT /api/v6/home/enpoints/{node_id}/{endpoint_id}

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 29 avr. 2019, 14:25


Je viens de poussé une correction,
Effectivement dans la mise a jours je ne sélectionnais pas de paramètre ce qui devais poser quelques problème au plugin.

Pour le tileset, le type et sous_type de chaque commande ne doit pas etre le bon faut que je complete avec le parametre value_type
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 31
Inscription : 06 déc. 2017, 10:19

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par pastaguas » 29 avr. 2019, 17:21

Pour les logs Réseau :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Gestionnaire de caméra
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse X.X.X.X/api/v6/home/adapters/1([])
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/adapter_cam.png",       "id" : 1,       "label" : "Gestionnaire de caméra",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::cam"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau DomusRf
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse X.X.X.X/api/v6/home/adapters/5([])
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/adapter_dm.png",       "id" : 5,       "label" : "Réseau DomusRf",       "props" : {           "Network ID" : 5670         },       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::domus"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau IOHomeControl
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse X.X.X.X/api/v6/home/adapters/3([])
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/io_logo.png",       "id" : 3,       "label" : "Réseau IOHomeControl",       "props" : {           "Addr" : 160,           "SomfyId" : XXXXXX},       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::ios"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau Rts
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse X.X.X.X/api/v6/home/adapters/2([])
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/rts_logo.png",       "id" : 2,       "label" : "Réseau Rts",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::rts"         }     },   "success" : true }
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion sur la freebox pour Réseau Sigfox
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse X.X.X.X/api/v6/home/adapters/4([])
[2019-04-29 17:17:58][DEBUG] : {   "result" : {       "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/adapter_sigfox.png",       "id" : 4,       "label" : "Réseau Sigfox",       "status" : "active",       "type" : {           "abstract" : false,           "generic" : false,           "inherit" : "adapter",           "name" : "adapter::sigfox"         }     },   "success" : true }

Pour les logs tiles j'ai plus rien

Messages : 85
Inscription : 26 juil. 2014, 17:13

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par karad0 » 29 avr. 2019, 17:26

Il faut prendre la stable, il me semble.

Messages : 31
Inscription : 06 déc. 2017, 10:19

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par pastaguas » 29 avr. 2019, 22:26

Heu j'ai un doute ... j'ai quand même suivi ton idée mais je ne vois rien du tout apparaitre pour le coup ...
Bref je suis revenu en BETA et j'ai un nouveau msg d'erreur :

Erreur sur Freebox_OS::RefreshInformation() : Call to undefined method FreeboxAPI::AddEqLogic()

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 30 avr. 2019, 08:57

karad0 a écrit :
29 avr. 2019, 17:26
Il faut prendre la stable, il me semble.
Ha non la stable n'a pas les modification pour la delta
pastaguas a écrit :
29 avr. 2019, 22:26
Heu j'ai un doute ... j'ai quand même suivi ton idée mais je ne vois rien du tout apparaitre pour le coup ...
Bref je suis revenu en BETA et j'ai un nouveau msg d'erreur :

Erreur sur Freebox_OS::RefreshInformation() : Call to undefined method FreeboxAPI::AddEqLogic()
Je vais regarder car effectivement la fonction AddEqLogic n'est pas dans la class FreeboxAPI


J'ai poussé la correction sur le market
A tu refais l'appairage aussi car c'est un bug lier a mon changmenent de structure et je ne sais pas si j'ai bien tout migré
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 85
Inscription : 26 juil. 2014, 17:13

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par karad0 » 30 avr. 2019, 09:55

Il doit y avoir un soucis avec la beta.
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 09.54.39.png
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 09.54.39.png (59.3 Kio) Consulté 883 fois

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 30 avr. 2019, 10:01

Ha oui j'ai du faire un betise
Je regarde ca


Ca doit etre corrigé dans la dernière beta
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 85
Inscription : 26 juil. 2014, 17:13

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par karad0 » 30 avr. 2019, 10:53

Le plugin ne va plus rien chercher pour moi
[2019-04-30 10:52:39][DEBUG] : opening session
[2019-04-30 10:52:39][DEBUG] : closing session

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 30 avr. 2019, 11:08

Est ce que l'appairage c'est bien fait?
Sinon installe la stable pour faire l'appairage puis repasse en beta pour le spécificité de la delta
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté


Messages : 85
Inscription : 26 juil. 2014, 17:13

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par karad0 » 30 avr. 2019, 11:32

Effectivement c'est revenu sauf que Adapters et Tile sont vides.
Voici les captures et les log lorsque je fait recherche dans l'équipement tile
[2019-04-30 11:28:38][DEBUG] : Connexion GET sur la l'adresse[])
[2019-04-30 11:28:38][DEBUG] : { "result" : [ { "data" : [ { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 11, "label" : "État de l'alarme", "name" : "state", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 11, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "text", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/sirene.png" }, "value" : "idle", "value_type" : "string" }, { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 1, "label" : "Alarme principale", "name" : "alarm1", "slot_id" : 1, "ui" : { "access" : "w", "display" : "button", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/alarm_1.png" }, "value" : null, "value_type" : "void" }, { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 2, "label" : "Alarme secondaire", "name" : "alarm2", "slot_id" : 2, "ui" : { "access" : "w", "display" : "button", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/alarm_2.png" }, "value" : null, "value_type" : "void" }, { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 4, "label" : "Désactiver l'alarme", "name" : "off", "slot_id" : 4, "ui" : { "access" : "w", "display" : "button", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/alarm_off.png" }, "value" : null, "value_type" : "void" }, { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 3, "label" : "Passer le délai", "name" : "skip", "slot_id" : 3, "ui" : { "access" : "w", "display" : "button", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/zone_temporisee.png" }, "value" : null, "value_type" : "void" }, { "ep_id" : 5, "label" : "Code PIN", "name" : "pin", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 12, "slot_id" : 5, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "text" }, "value" : "3698", "value_type" : "string" }, { "category" : "alarm", "ep_id" : 13, "label" : "Erreur", "name" : "error", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 13, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "text", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/warning.png" }, "value" : "", "value_type" : "string" } ], "ep_type" : "slot", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "Bureau" }, "node_id" : 6, "type" : "alarm_control" }, { "action" : "color_picker", "data" : [ { "ep_id" : 0, "label" : "Enclenché", "name" : "switch_state", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 4, "slot_id" : 0, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "icon", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/lumiere_%.png", "value_type" : "bool" }, "value" : false, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 2, "label" : "Couleur", "name" : "hs", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 6, "slot_id" : 2, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "color", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/lumiere_color.png" }, "value" : 16777215, "value_type" : "int" }, { "ep_id" : 3, "label" : "Luminosité", "name" : "v", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 7, "slot_id" : 3, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "slider", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/lumiere_luminosity.png" }, "value" : 0, "value_type" : "int" } ], "ep_type" : "slot", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "" }, "label" : "Meuble tv", "node_id" : 8, "type" : "light" }, { "action" : "intensity_picker", "data" : [ { "ep_id" : 0, "label" : "Enclenché", "name" : "switch_state", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 3, "slot_id" : 0, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "icon", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/lumiere_%.png", "value_type" : "bool" }, "value" : false, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 2, "label" : "Luminosité", "name" : "v", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 5, "slot_id" : 2, "ui" : { "access" : "rw", "display" : "slider", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/lumiere_luminosity.png", "value_type" : "int" }, "value" : 0, "value_type" : "int" } ], "ep_type" : "slot", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "" }, "label" : "Lustre", "node_id" : 9, "type" : "light" }, { "data" : [ ], "ep_type" : "slot", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "" }, "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/telecommande.png", "label" : "Charly", "node_id" : 10, "type" : "alarm_remote" }, { "data" : [ { "ep_id" : 0, "label" : "Caméra", "name" : "cam", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 0, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "cam", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/camera.png" }, "value" : "img/stream.m3u8", "value_type" : "string" } ], "ep_type" : "signal", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "Salle à manger" }, "label" : "Caméra du salon", "node_id" : 16, "type" : "camera" }, { "data" : [ { "ep_id" : 6, "history" : [ { "timestamp" : 1556605511, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556605652, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556605763, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556605843, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556605844, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606072, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606189, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606311, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606598, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606854, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607296, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607466, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607613, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607810, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607875, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607935, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556608757, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556608875, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556609090, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556609187, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610165, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610506, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610590, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610740, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610746, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556610867, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556611875, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556611949, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556611997, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556612174, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556612303, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613060, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613067, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613297, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613331, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613827, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613835, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556613982, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614041, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614179, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614264, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614367, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614372, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614486, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614533, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614604, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556615016, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556615087, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556616066, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556616180, "value" : "1" } ], "label" : "Détection", "name" : "trigger", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 6, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "text", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/mouvement.png", "status_text_range" : [ "Mouvement détecté", "Aucun mouvement" ] }, "value" : true, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 7, "history" : [ { "timestamp" : 1545375303, "value" : "0" } ], "label" : "Couvercle", "name" : "cover", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 7, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "warning", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/warning.png", "status_text_range" : [ "Couvercle fermé", "Couvercle ouvert" ], "unit" : "" }, "value" : false, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 9, "label" : "Batterie faible", "name" : "battery_warning", "signal_id" : 9, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "warning", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/batt_0.png", "range" : [ 0, 10 ], "unit" : "%" }, "value" : null, "value_type" : "int" } ], "ep_type" : "signal", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "Salon" }, "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/detecteur_mouvement.png", "label" : "Détecteur du salon", "node_id" : 17, "type" : "alarm_sensor" }, { "data" : [ { "ep_id" : 6, "history" : [ { "timestamp" : 1556518064, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556518067, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556520384, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556520402, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556520960, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556520965, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556531904, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556531906, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556534633, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556534674, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556547795, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556547800, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556549457, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556549479, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556552002, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556552007, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556552638, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556552670, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556552760, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556553036, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556553139, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556553156, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554046, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554062, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554097, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554109, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554111, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556554113, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556555063, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556555068, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556555469, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556555474, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556556983, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556556989, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556558416, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556558423, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556602255, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556602257, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556604119, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556604125, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606776, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556606797, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607294, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556607299, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556611990, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556611994, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614118, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614128, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614262, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1556614266, "value" : "1" } ], "label" : "Ouverture", "name" : "trigger", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 6, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "icon", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/porte_%.png", "status_text_range" : [ "Ouvert", "Fermé" ] }, "value" : true, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 7, "history" : [ { "timestamp" : 1545375576, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1545662137, "value" : "0" }, { "timestamp" : 1545662137, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1545662138, "value" : "1" }, { "timestamp" : 1545662142, "value" : "0" } ], "label" : "Couvercle", "name" : "cover", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 7, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "warning", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/warning.png", "status_text_range" : [ "Couvercle fermé", "Couvercle ouvert" ] }, "value" : false, "value_type" : "bool" }, { "ep_id" : 9, "label" : "Batterie faible", "name" : "battery_warning", "refresh" : 2000, "signal_id" : 9, "ui" : { "access" : "r", "display" : "warning", "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/batt_0.png", "range" : [ 0, 10 ], "unit" : "%" }, "value" : 100, "value_type" : "int" } ], "ep_type" : "signal", "group" : { "icon_url" : "", "label" : "Entrée" }, "icon_url" : "/resources/images/home/pictos/detecteur_ouverture.png", "label" : "Porte d'entrée", "node_id" : 19, "type" : "alarm_sensor" } ], "success" : true }
[2019-04-30 11:28:38][DEBUG] : closing session
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 11.29.26.png
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 11.29.26.png (48.54 Kio) Consulté 859 fois
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 11.29.37.png
Capture d’écran 2019-04-30 à 11.29.37.png (48.36 Kio) Consulté 859 fois

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 7995
Inscription : 05 août 2014, 08:58
Localisation : Dreux - France

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] Freebox_Os

Message par mika-nt28 » 30 avr. 2019, 19:34

y avais effectivement un bug que j'ai corrigé dans la derniere beta
Pour faciliter la compréhension de votre problème, n’oubliez pas de poster
- Des Screenshots de votre configuration
- Le Log au moment du problème constaté



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