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Plantage inexpliqué

Messages : 61
Inscription : 03 sept. 2017, 17:43

Plantage inexpliqué

Message par fredmons31 » 07 juil. 2019, 17:16

Mon plugin BLEA plante sans raison apparente, depuis que j'ai ajouté une antenne PI Zero W pour un problème de portée.
Aucun changement du côté des capteurs, tous des MiFlora

Messages Logs :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2019-07-07 17:09:50][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {u'devices': {u'C4:7C:8D:6A:50:CB': {'name': u'Flower care', 'source': 'local', 'rawdata': "[(1, 'Flags', u'06'), (2, 'Incomplete 16b Services', u'95fe'), (22, '16b Service Data', u'95fe712098003bcb506a8d7cc40d0910020700'), (9, 'Complete Local Name', u'Flower care')]", 'rssi': -68, 'fertility': 7, 'type': 'miflora', 'id': u'C4:7C:8D:6A:50:CB', 'present': 1}, u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD': {'name': u'Flower care', 'source': 'local', 'rawdata': "[(1, 'Flags', u'06'), (2, 'Incomplete 16b Services', u'95fe'), (22, '16b Service Data', u'95fe3102980041fd3a678d7cc40d'), (9, 'Complete Local Name', u'Flower care')]", 'rssi': -82, 'type': 'miflora', 'id': u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD', 'present': 1}}}
[2019-07-07 17:09:50][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-07-07 17:09:50][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2019-07-07 17:09:50][WARNING] : GLOBAL------Exception on scanner (trying to resolve by myself 6): 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][DEBUG] : SCANNER------This is a miflora device c4:7c:8d:67:3a:fd
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][DEBUG] : Xiaomi Flower Care PARSE data: 95fe3102980041fd3a678d7cc40d
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][WARNING] : GLOBAL------Exception on scanner (trying to resolve by myself 7): 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {u'devices': {u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD': {'name': '', 'source': 'local', 'rawdata': "[(1, 'Flags', u'06'), (2, 'Incomplete 16b Services', u'95fe'), (22, '16b Service Data', u'95fe3102980041fd3a678d7cc40d')]", 'rssi': -80, 'type': 'miflora', 'id': u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD', 'present': 1}}}
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2019-07-07 17:09:51][WARNING] : GLOBAL------Exception on scanner (trying to resolve by myself 8): 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : SCANNER------This is a miflora device c4:7c:8d:67:3a:fd
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : Xiaomi Flower Care PARSE data: 95fe3102980041fd3a678d7cc40d
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : SCANNER------This is a miflora device c4:7c:8d:67:57:b8
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : Xiaomi Flower Care PARSE data: 95fe3102980041b857678d7cc40d
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][ERROR] : GLOBAL------Exception on scanner (didn't resolve there is an issue with bluetooth) : 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][INFO] : GLOBAL------Shutting down due to errors
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom :  {'source': 'local', 'learn_mode': 0}
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {u'devices': {u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD': {'name': '', 'source': 'local', 'rawdata': "[(1, 'Flags', u'06'), (2, 'Incomplete 16b Services', u'95fe'), (22, '16b Service Data', u'95fe3102980041fd3a678d7cc40d')]", 'rssi': -81, 'type': 'miflora', 'id': u'C4:7C:8D:67:3A:FD', 'present': 1}, u'C4:7C:8D:67:57:B8': {'name': u'Flower care', 'source': 'local', 'rawdata': "[(1, 'Flags', u'06'), (2, 'Incomplete 16b Services', u'95fe'), (22, '16b Service Data', u'95fe3102980041b857678d7cc40d'), (9, 'Complete Local Name', u'Flower care')]", 'rssi': -84, 'type': 'miflora', 'id': u'C4:7C:8D:67:57:B8', 'present': 1}}}
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-07-07 17:09:52][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2019-07-07 17:09:54][DEBUG] : GLOBAL------Shutdown
[2019-07-07 17:09:54][DEBUG] : GLOBAL------Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/blea/
[2019-07-07 17:09:54][DEBUG] : GLOBAL------Closing all potential bluetooth connection
[2019-07-07 17:09:54][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2019-07-07 17:09:54][DEBUG] : Exit 0
Le plantage est systématique et répétitif (démon ne marche plus)

Si qqun avait une idée ...

Merci !
Dernière édition par fredmons31 le 07 juil. 2019, 17:23, édité 2 fois.

Messages : 3983
Inscription : 26 mars 2017, 09:57
Contact :

Re: Plantage inexpliqué

Message par benj29 » 07 juil. 2019, 17:20

Attention, clé API dans tes logs.
As tu essayé un démon sur une VM pour test ?
Avec le même os. De préférence. Si tu as une autre pi sous la main aussi

Envoyé de mon JSN-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk

Messages : 61
Inscription : 03 sept. 2017, 17:43

Re: Plantage inexpliqué

Message par fredmons31 » 07 juil. 2019, 17:21

J'ai tout sur RPI : PI3 b+ en principal, Pi Zero en antenne relai


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