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Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

De l'installation à l'utilisation venez discuter de JEEDOM au quotidien
Messages : 145
Inscription : 26 janv. 2016, 07:47
Localisation : Montpellier
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Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par olivier42 » 12 févr. 2018, 15:55


pure-ftpd j'en ai besoin sur la machine de jeedom pour différents scripts (je fais de l'alerte mouvement dans Jeedom (via un script & inotify) dès qu'une caméra upload une image).
apache consomme moins de ram que nginx ?

Sinon, je peux transférer JEedom dans une VM de mon NAS, je pense qu'il y sera + à l'aise.

Faut que je trouve un tuto pour ca (j'aimerai ne pas avoir à ré appairer mes objets zwave (clef usb Aeonlabs)).

Messages : 6783
Inscription : 10 mai 2016, 07:54

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par Bosquetia » 12 févr. 2018, 15:57

En zwave les modules sont liés au controleur zwave pas à jeedom.
il suffit donc de restaurer un backup et c'est tout...

Messages : 3983
Inscription : 26 mars 2017, 09:57
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Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par benj29 » 13 févr. 2018, 21:02

Salut Olivier,

Si cela peut t'aider.

Et plus particulièrement (je retrouve plus le post où j'avais mis tout ça avec des explications), une compilation des commandes pour installer tout ça proprement. Ici après installation de l'iso de ta debian8 (9 j'ai eu trop d'instabilité, cf post dédié) et création d'un compte super utilisateur boss.

C'est du rapide, mais c'est pour aider.

Le reste pour le tuto, j'avais mis des liens sur mon topic.
en root :

apt-get install sudo
adduser boss sudo

ensuite décommentez la ligne %


ensuite sous boss
sudo apt-get install -y vim fail2ban net-tools dos2unix

pour avoir un beau shell :
rm -rf /home/boss/.bashrc
wget ... all/bashrc -O /home/boss/.bashrc
dos2unix /home/boss/.bashrc

montage qnap :
sudo apt-get install -y cifs-utils
créer .smbcredentials dans home/boss

sudo mkdir /mnt/QNAP-BACKUP
sudo mkdir /mnt/QNAP-VRAC
sudo nano /etc/fstab

// /mnt/QNAP-VRAC cifs credentials=/home/boss/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
// /mnt/QNAP-BACKUP cifs credentials=/home/boss/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
// /mnt/QNAP-STOCKAGE cifs credentials=/home/boss/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777

tmpfs /tmp/jeedom tmpfs defaults,size=128M 0 0

sudo mount -a

dans le cas de mon nuc (pas nas) : sudo dpkg -i firmware-realtek_20161130-3_all.deb

pour gérer le bluetooth :
sudo apt-get install bluetooth

si modification à faire pour la partie réseau, exemple plus bas :
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
#allow-hotplug enp1s0
#iface enp1s0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug ens3
iface ens3 inet static

ATTENTION à adapter si VM ou PC DEDIE si 2 ethernet, à modifier comme bon te semble...
Sur PC dédié (faire un dhcp ou un static) LAN1 = 2.23 / l'autre DHCP
# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
# Secondary network interface (static)# For direct SSH between Host and VM
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

/etc/init.d/networking restart

installation jeedom :

wget ...
chmod +x
sudo ./

step_11_jeedom_check success
/!\ IMPORTANT /!\ Root MySql password is A RECUPERER
Installation completed, a system reboot should be performed

bon bein sudo reboot...

ensuite après sauvegarde et configuration :

sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

si souci sur xiaomi ou autre :
sudo pip install requests
si problème sur pip pour xiaomi ou autre :
apt-get remove python-pip
easy_install pip

ne pas oublier pour plugin ping :

sudo apt-get install arp-scan
sudo visudo -s
ajoutez :
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/ping
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/arp-scan

remettre les droits après sauvegarde :
puis donnez les droits :
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /tmp/jeedom
sudo chmod -R 775 /tmp/jeedom/
et terminez avec :
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

installation et paramétrage https

ouvrir le port 443 vers l'ip de destination et mettre en place le ddns sur la box

sudo apt-get install -y git
cd /opt
sudo git clone
cd letsencrypt
sudo ./letsencrypt-auto --help

puis côté serveur apache
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl.conf
sudo service apache2 restart

sudo /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --apache --email tonemail -d
répondre Agree + Yes après et choix 2 (redirect)

crontab -e
0 4 * * 0 /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --apache --renew-by-default -d

et pour travailler sur la db si besoin :
cd /var/www/html/
sudo mkdir adminer
cd adminer
sudo wget <lien de telechargement du fichier php (bouton droit/copier le lien sur le fichier php>
Ici :
Actuellement : ... -4.3.1.php
sudo mv adminer-4.3.1.php adminer.php
sudo service apache2 restart
cat /var/www/html/core/config/common.config.php
jeedom + à récupérer comme code

Messages : 22
Inscription : 02 sept. 2015, 11:00

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par salaun29 » 15 févr. 2018, 13:20


Perso j'ai du ajouter ça à la fin de /etc/sysctl.conf afin que les processus consommateurs ne soit pas killé par le kernel (Mode standard d'un linux) :

vm.oom-kill = 0
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 100

Depuis plus de bug :)


Messages : 3983
Inscription : 26 mars 2017, 09:57
Contact :

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par benj29 » 15 févr. 2018, 14:25

Euh tu peux expliquer ? Comment identifies-tu ça ? J'ai jamais eu de souci particulier (enfin je ne l'ai pas vu !).

Messages : 406
Inscription : 20 juil. 2014, 22:07

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par G4seb » 02 mars 2018, 09:40

Perso j'ai purgé les historiques, puis c'est reparti depuis...Mais je crains que cela ne ce reproduise...
Aeotec Zwave - Enocean
Zibase en passerelle - Gateway Xiaomi
Modules Fibaro - Enocean - Aeon Labs - Chacon - Delta Dore - Visonic - Next - Xiaomi
Caméra Axis - Withings Home - Xiaomi 1080P

Messages : 145
Inscription : 26 janv. 2016, 07:47
Localisation : Montpellier
Contact :

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par olivier42 » 02 mars 2018, 10:59

J'ai tout transféré sur une VM dans mon DS918+

Tout fonctionne bien, et Jeedom est bien plus rapide /réactif maintenant.

Messages : 3983
Inscription : 26 mars 2017, 09:57
Contact :

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par benj29 » 13 mars 2018, 22:37


j'avais déjà posté côté BLEA, mais je reviens ici après avoir fait quelques recherches sans bobologie profonde.

J'ai toujours ce souci malgré l'update récente et surtout je vois bien ce qui ne va pas dans mes logs qui me conduit à ce post.

Que se passe t'il ?

Au bout d'un certain temps, des fois quelques jours, d'autre 1 à 2 semaines, dans BLEA, je n'ai aucune vue "locale" de RSSI de mes nuts. Mon installation côté BLEA : 2 RPI en BLEA stable et une clé SENA sur un NUC en Debian8. Problème certaines clés ne sont pas à côté de mon antenne locale, voir même les antennes RPI peuvent sauter (quelques minutes tous les X jours). Un nut pouvant être vu par une ou deux antennes, cela conduit dans le cas d'une antenne à une absence qui n'en ai pas une (pour les clés de voiture).

Plusieurs soucis :
la clé en HCI0 sur BLEA n'est plus dispo ou des fois elle l'est encore mais aucune information de RSSI sur la vue "santé", sauf les RSSI vu des RPI.
le log côté DMESG

Je le résouds comment... avec un reboot de Jeedom. Tout rentre dans l'ordre jusqu'au coup suivant !

Code : Tout sélectionner

[ 3902.520738] perf interrupt took too long (2521 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000
[ 8357.815620] perf interrupt took too long (5809 > 5000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 25000
[42258.729891] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[125710.579430] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200c tx timeout
[128824.170432] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128824.482057] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128824.804679] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.122327] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.184421] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.396848] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.498035] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.700423] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128825.825133] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.141282] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.200400] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.410899] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.535058] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.715427] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128826.842655] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128827.161329] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128827.430909] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[128827.731915] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143252.595029] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143252.912649] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143253.191188] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143253.512809] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143253.647079] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143253.799374] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143253.927628] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.122998] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.221198] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.527800] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.673073] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.825366] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143254.945610] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143255.162024] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143255.234180] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143255.558810] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143255.843369] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[143256.202067] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144997.800990] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144998.096578] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144998.418186] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144998.749848] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144998.863061] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.003318] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.119046] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.327954] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.444181] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.770831] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[144999.898067] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145000.032327] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145000.157571] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145000.372991] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145000.484209] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145000.790817] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145001.053317] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[145001.427056] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157680.490573] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157680.787148] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157681.080724] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157681.412377] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157681.520590] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157681.700938] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157681.828214] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.019555] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.146803] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.432352] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.560611] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.743980] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157682.859183] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157683.058588] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157683.217906] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157683.494432] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157683.774980] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[157684.071561] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[158812.365861] perf interrupt took too long (11364 > 10000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 12500
[172109.682657] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172109.979229] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172110.283829] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172110.604491] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172110.708657] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172110.896030] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.007248] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.213666] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.301815] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.630458] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.730655] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172111.937053] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172112.039259] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172112.237640] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172112.315792] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172112.646455] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172112.955083] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[172113.252615] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186536.872833] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186537.166403] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186537.490045] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186537.813668] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186537.902839] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.102224] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.209434] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.411829] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.503010] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.846682] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186538.916825] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186539.117202] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186539.229429] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186539.432874] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186539.526005] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186539.867667] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186540.137192] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[186540.462826] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200965.594002] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200965.897577] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200966.212196] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200966.517795] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200966.627015] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200966.824402] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200966.932599] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.155051] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.240214] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.534799] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.665124] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.861423] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200967.972652] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200968.185045] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200968.292272] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200968.589831] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200968.899431] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[200969.199023] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215394.278085] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215394.587692] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215394.900297] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.196488] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.319118] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.520510] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.610684] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.829134] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215395.926309] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.213869] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.358139] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.564562] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.642705] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.850102] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215396.947286] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215397.229828] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215397.580520] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[215397.869079] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229821.796900] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229822.101504] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229822.404119] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229822.730716] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229822.822902] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.041328] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.127499] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.311867] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.418071] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.759734] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229823.836889] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229824.054518] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229824.141537] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229824.324902] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229824.432145] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229824.775740] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229825.070994] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[229825.341467] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244250.055173] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244250.349746] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244250.697413] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244250.974968] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.079161] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.302598] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.435875] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.599177] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.727420] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244251.992942] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244252.131209] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244252.347642] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244252.475894] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244252.646221] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244252.769454] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244253.005920] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244253.398694] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[244253.688250] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258679.180108] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258679.476696] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258679.814347] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.084880] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.214124] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.381458] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.500686] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.691070] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258680.850373] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.103874] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.243144] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.413475] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.526698] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.709059] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258681.864361] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258682.117844] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258682.425447] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[258682.732036] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273105.931444] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273106.246054] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273106.563677] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273106.839225] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273106.983485] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.141794] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.266049] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.465427] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.600693] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.865978] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273107.996457] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273108.155791] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273108.284025] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273108.488415] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273108.629692] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273108.878175] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273109.174760] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[273109.503404] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287533.937209] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287534.221767] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287534.552415] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287534.871042] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287534.987267] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287535.151584] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287535.244754] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287535.470186] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287535.579427] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287535.883998] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.040299] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.174574] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.277375] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.510217] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.604396] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287536.918021] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287537.188536] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[287537.533212] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301961.909989] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301962.216497] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301962.517085] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301962.819668] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301962.923888] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.141306] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.231475] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.439890] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.537071] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.833807] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301963.937928] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301964.156311] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301964.257823] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301964.454868] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301964.553260] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301964.849947] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301965.172325] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[301965.470890] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316389.146168] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316389.476835] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316389.803457] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.055953] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.164162] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.377606] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.499816] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.673152] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316390.818428] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.100986] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.188156] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.393603] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.515860] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.690241] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316391.834503] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316392.116018] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316392.409598] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[316392.704158] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330819.264054] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330819.569651] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330819.891272] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.186855] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.384246] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.490445] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.586640] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.785030] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330820.937318] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.200852] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.412243] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.512434] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.602613] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.827056] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330821.959310] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330822.222826] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330822.546459] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[330822.843030] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345247.734729] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345248.032334] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345248.320877] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345248.635484] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345248.747705] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345248.923098] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.047294] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.224727] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.334857] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.649533] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.761918] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345249.937024] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345250.063329] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345250.238607] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345250.347817] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345250.664513] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345250.953007] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[345251.251673] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359674.358867] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359674.669450] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359674.981020] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.275591] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.374032] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.571169] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.685496] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.875079] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359675.995999] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359676.290609] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359676.388827] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359676.588311] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359676.700374] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359676.892175] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359677.012976] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359677.307900] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359677.604201] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[359677.907178] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374102.257351] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374102.550995] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374102.878597] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.170138] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.286367] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.456698] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.573928] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.782354] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374103.911602] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.185183] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.300414] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.469682] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.594977] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.795423] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374104.925557] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374105.200148] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374105.484727] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[374105.810303] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[532814.246612] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[532814.281522] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[561671.458471] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[695650.084264] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200c tx timeout
[705948.511186] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705948.811001] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705949.116336] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705949.413939] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705949.534167] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705949.716572] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705949.825766] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.022142] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.132373] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.430953] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.551498] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.732496] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705950.843755] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705951.040147] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705951.149320] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705951.447320] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705951.749534] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[705952.057066] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720376.848575] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720377.152172] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720377.454742] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720377.761353] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720377.863633] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.063009] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.169203] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.363519] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.470855] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.778333] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720378.879582] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720379.078908] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720379.183169] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720379.379547] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720379.493787] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720379.795377] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720380.093994] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[720380.394529] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734804.897500] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734805.198224] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734805.529646] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734805.803181] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734805.911489] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.103768] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.213988] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.408429] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.545632] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.819165] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734806.925450] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734807.119815] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734807.229971] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734807.423341] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734807.560663] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734807.835154] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734808.135815] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[734808.438497] Bluetooth: HCI request failed to create LE connection: status 0x0c
[756126.446417] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200c tx timeout
[763662.468839] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200c tx timeout
[763664.477057] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200d tx timeout
[763702.691613] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[763743.855445] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[778132.705310] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[778173.869492] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[792560.042366] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[792601.206436] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[806987.877602] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[807029.045522] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[821415.724400] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[821456.892256] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[835843.309928] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[835884.482117] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[850272.049714] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[850313.222025] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[864701.297737] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[864742.462144] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[879129.256598] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[879170.428766] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[893556.072162] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[893558.080250] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x0429 tx timeout
[893597.236320] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[907984.546658] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[922412.638190] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[936841.499363] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[951279.463800] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[965698.715371] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[980126.554272] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[994554.388070] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[1008983.248094] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
[1023410.314156] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x200e tx timeout
Sur une remarque plus haut de Loic, je commence à me poser la question de séparer FTPD ou BLEA de ma machine domotique principale. Un intérêt ? Est-ce plus un souci matériel que je rencontre ?

Messages : 33
Inscription : 02 oct. 2018, 16:12

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par Rejo007 » 29 janv. 2019, 20:11

J'ai le meme soucis, pourriez vous me dire la marche a suivre pour purger les historiques?

Messages : 6
Inscription : 13 déc. 2016, 16:31

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par Ravaillac » 03 mai 2019, 16:57

Meme pb pour moi.
Si quelqu'un a une idée ...

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 14862
Inscription : 01 févr. 2014, 16:21

Re: Pb SQL - Jeedom instable dpuis 2 jours

Message par loic » 07 mai 2019, 15:04

C'est pas que mysql consomme c'est que les process des plugins (souvent) consomme trop et mysql étant le process unique avec le plus de mémoire ben il meurt mais en vrai ca se trouve il n'est que a 20 ou 40% de la mémoire total.
Aide nous à t'aider : mets des logs, détaille ton soucis... Vous n'aurez aucune réponse de ma part si votre demande n'est pas détaillée (log, capture d'écran lisible...) ou si vous ne postez pas dans la bonne section


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