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[TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Réservé à l'utilisation et la programmation de scripts dans JEEDOM
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Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

[TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 18 nov. 2016, 13:56


N’étant pas satisfait du plugin orvibo qui ne fonctionne pas correctement pour tout le monde pour les prises Orvibo S20
En promo à 9€ grâce a rosty il y a pas longtemps :)
J'a trouvé sur le net un script python qui permet entre autres de piloter les prises, j'ai apporté une petite modification et mis sur le market

Très simple il permet de créer un objet pour piloter ses prises :
0. Le plugin Orvibo All In One doit etre desactivé, celui-ci verouille le port nécéssaire pour piloter les prises
1. Suivre le tuto orvibo pour rajouter la prise a son réseau wifi
2. Donner au prise une IP fixe sur le DHCPd du routeur ou box ou ce qui vous sert a figer les IP's
3. Trouver et noter les IP's de vos prises
4. Créé un objet de type script par prises (vous devez avoir le plugin script !!)
5. Télécharger le script sur le market : Orvibo S20
6. Créer les commandes suivantes dans l'objet :

status = /usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/ getstate <IP_OrviboS20> <MAC_OrviboS20>
off = /usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/ poweroff <IP_OrviboS20> <MAC_OrviboS20>
on = /usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/ poweron <IP_OrviboS20> <MAC_OrviboS20>
1.PNG (54 Kio) Consulté 4965 fois
* Adresse MAC au bon format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
7. Associer un type générique par commandes en fonction de vos envies
Pour moi une lumière
2.PNG (2.46 Kio) Consulté 4965 fois

PS : il n'est pas nécessaire de répéter les actions, et l’état est correctement rafraîchi
PS2 : source du plugin :
PS3 : Evolution future : détection auto
Dernière édition par cocapic le 20 nov. 2016, 18:17, édité 3 fois.
9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 18 nov. 2016, 13:56

9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

Messages : 281
Inscription : 25 juin 2015, 23:14
Localisation : Région bordelaise

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par Patator33 » 18 nov. 2016, 15:18

Merci pour ce partage.
Bien que j'adore les plugins de Lunarok, je reconnais que la duplication des commandes n'est pas toujours fiable (il m'est arrivé que des lumières restent allumées toute la journée alors que je répète 3 fois la commande). Du coup, je vais tester ce script.

Messages : 281
Inscription : 25 juin 2015, 23:14
Localisation : Région bordelaise

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par Patator33 » 18 nov. 2016, 15:30

Je ne trouve pas le script (Orvibo S20) dans le market des scripts.
J'ai raté un détail ?

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 18 nov. 2016, 16:39

Patator33 a écrit :Merci pour ce partage.
Bien que j'adore les plugins de Lunarok, je reconnais que la duplication des commandes n'est pas toujours fiable (il m'est arrivé que des lumières restent allumées toute la journée alors que je répète 3 fois la commande). Du coup, je vais tester ce script.
Pareil, certains plugins de lunarok me sont indispensables, mais le coup de la lumière allumé toute la journée, c'est du vécu aussi ...

J'avais oublié de passer le plugin en stable, c'est fait desormais

9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

Messages : 115
Inscription : 07 déc. 2015, 08:58

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par pbo100 » 18 nov. 2016, 18:06

merci pour le partage mais...j'ai ça comme erreur :
"Error on shell exec, return value : 1. Details : Array ( [0] => Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/", line 346, in control.poweron ( ip, mac ) File "/usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/", line 264, in poweron self._subscribeifneeded ( ip, mac ) File "/usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/", line 257, in _subscribeifneeded macasbin = ''.join ( [ struct.pack ( 'B', int(x,16) ) for x in mac.split ( ':' ) ] ) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: 'OC' )"
Du chinois pour moi, une idée ou ce situe mon erreur ????

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 18 nov. 2016, 19:30

Tu peux nous envoyé la commande en question

J'oubliais le plugin orvibo doit être désactivé :)
9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

Messages : 52
Inscription : 02 sept. 2016, 08:57

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par daytoju » 20 nov. 2016, 10:00

Merci pour le partage, je cherchais justement un moyen de gérer les lumières, mon prochain chantier :-)

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Messages : 3
Inscription : 02 févr. 2017, 23:30

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par homecineseb » 05 févr. 2017, 13:07

Je ne trouve pas le script (Orvibo S20) dans le market des scripts? est ce normal?
j'ai donc installé le script "" mais quand j'utilise la ligne de commande "getstate": j'ai le message d'erreur suivant "Error on shell exec, return value : 1. Details : Array ( [0] => )"
Merci pour votre aide

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Messages : 91
Inscription : 05 sept. 2014, 06:47

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par wipeout85800 » 05 févr. 2017, 14:20

J'aime les pommes,pas toi?

Messages : 3
Inscription : 02 févr. 2017, 23:30

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par homecineseb » 05 févr. 2017, 19:44

@ wipeout85800 Merci beaucoup,

Voici le message que j'ai quand je clique sur "installer stable" ou "supprimer":
"Echec de l'installation. Impossible de trouver le script "

Une idée pour dépanner


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Messages : 91
Inscription : 05 sept. 2014, 06:47

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par wipeout85800 » 06 févr. 2017, 06:19

Le code du script qui devrai etre présent sur le market .....

Code : Tout sélectionner

# Copyright (C) 2016  Glen Pitt-Pladdy
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See

# For original reverse engineering work see:

import sys
import socket
import struct
import time

import pprint

# get args
def usage():
	sys.stderr.write ( "Usage:\n" )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s connect <addr (fast blue broadcast> <wlan ssid>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t\t[ requires rapid flahsing blue / solid red (unconnected/connected) mode ]\n" )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s discover <broadcast addr> <MAC>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s globaldiscover <broadcast addr>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s _subscribe <addr> <MAC>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s gestate <addr> <MAC>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s poweron <addr> <MAC>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s poweroff <addr> <MAC>\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.stderr.write ( "\t%s listen\n" % (sys.argv[0]) )
	sys.exit ( 1 )

if len ( sys.argv ) >= 2:
	command = sys.argv[1]
	if command == 'connect':
		if len ( sys.argv ) != 4: usage()
		ip = sys.argv[2]	# barodcast address to use
		wlan = sys.argv[3]
	elif command in [ 'discover', '_subscribe', 'getstate', 'poweron', 'poweroff' ]:
		if len ( sys.argv ) != 4: usage()
		ip = sys.argv[2]	# barodcast address to use
		mac = sys.argv[3]
	elif command == 'globaldiscover':
		if len ( sys.argv ) != 3: usage()
		ip = sys.argv[2]	# barodcast address to use
	elif command == 'listen':
		if len ( sys.argv ) != 2: usage()

# main class for Orvibo S20

class orviboS20:
	port = 10000
	class UnknownPacket(Exception):
		def __init__ (self,value):
			self.value = value
		def __str__ (self):
			return repr(self.value)

	def __init__ ( self ):
		self.subscribed = None
		self.exitontimeout = False
		# TODO get a lock (file lock?) for port 10000 TODO
		# get a connection sorted
		self.sock = socket.socket (
				socket.AF_INET,	# Internet
				socket.SOCK_DGRAM	# UDP
		self.sock.setsockopt ( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1 )	#
		self.sock.bind ( ('',self.port) )

	def _settimeout ( self, timeout = None ):
		self.sock.settimeout ( timeout )	# seconds - in reality << 1 is needed, None = blocking (wait forever)

	# takes payload excluding first 4 (magic, size) bytes
	def _sendpacket ( self, payload, ip ):
		data = [ 0x68, 0x64, 0x00, len(payload)+4 ]
		data.extend ( payload )
#		print data
		self.sock.sendto ( ''.join([ struct.pack ( 'B', x ) for x in data ]), ( ip, 10000 ) )

	def _listendiscover ( self ):
		status = {
				'exit': True,
				'timeout': False,
				'detail': {},
		if self.exitontimeout: status['exit'] = False	# we should wait for timeout, not just exit
		# we need to run and catch timeouts
			data,addr = self.sock.recvfrom ( 1024 )
			# check magic for a valid packet
			if data[0:2] != 'hd':
				return None
			# decode
			status['address'],status['port'] = addr
			status['detail']['length'] = struct.unpack ( '>H', data[2:4] )[0]
			status['detail']['commandid'] = struct.unpack ( '>H', data[4:6] )[0]
#			print "Length: %d" % status['detail']['length']
#			print "commandid: 0x%04x" % status['detail']['commandid']
			# then based on the lenth / command we can expect different stuff
			if status['detail']['length'] == 6 and status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x7161:
				# already got everything
				# global discovery - we probably sent this
#				print "command: Global Discovery"
				status['command'] = 'Global Discovery'
				status['exit'] = False	# expect more after this
			elif status['detail']['length'] == 18 and status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x7167:
				# discovery - we probably sent this
#				print "command: Discovery"
				status['command'] = 'Discovery'
				status['exit'] = False	# expect more after this
				# get remaining stuff
				status['detail']['dstmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[6:12] )
				status['detail']['srcmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[12:18] )
#				print "mac: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['dstmac']  ] )
#				print "padding: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['srcmac'] ] )
			elif status['detail']['length'] == 42 and ( status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x7161 or status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x7167 ):
				# returned discovery
#				print "command: Discovery (response)"
				status['command'] = 'Discovery (response)'
				# get remaining stuff
				zero = struct.unpack ( '>B', data[6:7] )[0]
				if zero != 0: sys.stderr.write ( "WARNING: [0] zero = 0x%02x\n" % zero )
				status['detail']['dstmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[7:13] )
				status['detail']['srcmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[13:19] )
				dstmacr = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[19:25] )
				srcmacr = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[25:31] )
#				print "mac: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['dstmac']  ] )
#				print "padding: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['srcmac'] ] )
				status['detail']['soc'] = data[31:37]
#				print "soc: %s" % status['detail']['soc']
				status['detail']['timer'] = struct.unpack ( 'I', data[37:41] )[0]
#				print "1900+sec: %d" % status['detail']['timer']
				status['state'] = struct.unpack ( 'B', data[41] )[0]
#				print "state: %d" % status['state']
			elif status['detail']['length'] == 24 and status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x636c:
				# returned subscription TODO separate this - we should only be looking for subscription related stuff after and not tricked by other (discovery) stuff
				status['detail']['dstmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[6:12] )
				status['detail']['srcmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[12:18] )
#				print "mac: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['dstmac']  ] )
#				print "padding: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['srcmac'] ] )
				zero = struct.unpack ( '>5B', data[18:23] )
				for i in range(5):
					if zero[i] != 0: sys.stderr.write ( "WARNING: [1] zero[%d] = 0x%02x\n" % (i,zero) )
				status['state'] = struct.unpack ( 'B', data[23] )[0]
#				print "state: %d" % status['state']
			elif status['detail']['length'] == 23 and status['detail']['commandid'] == 0x6463:
				# returned power on/off TODO separate this - we should only be looking for subscription related stuff after and not tricked by other (discovery) stuff
				status['detail']['dstmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[6:12] )
				status['detail']['srcmac'] = struct.unpack ( '6B', data[12:18] )
#				print "mac: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['dstmac']  ] )
#				print "padding: %s" % ':'.join( [ '%02x' % c for c in status['detail']['srcmac'] ] )
				status['detail']['peercount'] = struct.unpack ( 'B', data[18] )	# number of peers on the network
				zero = struct.unpack ( '>4B', data[19:23] )
				for i in range(4):
					if zero[i] != 0: sys.stderr.write ( "WARNING: [2] zero[%d] = 0x%02x\n" % (i,zero[i]) )
				# previous info said 4 bytes zero, 5th state, but on my S20 this is always zero, so assume as above 5 bytes zero, no state
				raise UnknownPacket
		except socket.timeout:
			# if we are doing timeouts then just catch it - it's probably for a reason
			status['timeout'] = True
			if self.exitontimeout: status['exit'] = True
		except UnknownPacket, e:	# TODO this should be more specific to avoid trapping syntax errors
			sys.stderr.write ( "Error: %s:\n" % e )
			sys.stderr.write ( "Unknown packet:\n" )
			for c in struct.unpack ( '%dB' % len(data), data ):
				sys.stderr.write ( "* %02x \"%s\"\n" % (c,chr(c)) )

		return status

	def listen ( self ):
		self._settimeout ( None )	# set blocking
		self.exitontimeout = False
		return self._listendiscover ()
	def discover ( self, ip, mac ):
		self._settimeout ( 2 )
		self.exitontimeout = True
#		macasbin = ''.join ( [ struct.pack ( 'B', int(x,16) ) for x in mac.split ( ':' ) ] )
#		self.sock.sendto ( 'hd\x00\x12\x71\x67'+macasbin+'      ' , ( ip, 10000 ) )
		data = [ 0x71, 0x67 ]
		data.extend ( [ int(x,16) for x in mac.split ( ':' ) ] )
		data.extend ( [ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 ] )
		self._sendpacket ( data, ip )
		data = []
		while True:
			resp = self._listendiscover ()
			data.append ( resp )
			if resp['exit']: break
		return data
	def globaldiscover ( self, ip ):
		self._settimeout ( 2 )
		self.exitontimeout = True
#		self.sock.sendto ( 'hd\x00\x06\x71\x61' , ( ip, 10000 ) )
		self._sendpacket ( [ 0x71, 0x61 ], ip )
		data = []
		while True:
			resp = self._listendiscover ()
			data.append ( resp )
			if resp['exit']: break
		return data
	def subscribe ( self, ip, mac ):
		self._settimeout ( 2 )
		self.exitontimeout = True
		data = [ 0x63, 0x6c ]
		data.extend ( [ int(x,16) for x in mac.split ( ':' ) ] )
		data.extend ( [ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 ] )
		data.extend ( [ int(x,16) for x in reversed ( mac.split ( ':' ) ) ] )
		data.extend ( [ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 ] )
		self._sendpacket ( data, ip )
		resp = self._listendiscover ()
		self.subscribed = [
				''.join ( [ struct.pack ( 'B', x ) for x in resp['detail']['dstmac'] ] ),
#				':'.join ( [ "%02x" % x for x in resp['detail']['dstmac'] ] )
				[ x for x in resp['detail']['dstmac'] ]
		time.sleep ( 0.01 )	# need a delay >6ms to be reliable - comands before that may be ignored
		return resp

	def _subscribeifneeded ( self, ip, mac ):
		if mac == None and self.subscribed != None:
			# already subscribed
		elif ip != None and mac != None:
			# subscribe or check existing subscription
			macasbin = ''.join ( [ struct.pack ( 'B', int(x,16) ) for x in mac.split ( ':' ) ] )
			if self.subscribed == None or self.subscribed[1] != macasbin:
				# new subscription / re-subscription
				self.subscribe ( ip, mac )
				if self.subscribed == None or self.subscribed[1] != macasbin:
					raise	# something failed
	def poweron ( self, ip = None, mac = None ):
		self._subscribeifneeded ( ip, mac )
		# we should now be subscribed - go ahead with the power command
		data = [ 0x64, 0x63 ]
		data.extend ( self.subscribed[2] )
		data.extend ( [ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 ] )
		self._sendpacket ( data, self.subscribed[0] )
		resp = self._listendiscover ()
#		pprint.pprint ( resp )
		return resp

	def poweroff ( self, ip = None, mac = None ):
		self._subscribeifneeded ( ip, mac )
		# we should now be subscribed - go ahead with the power command
		data = [ 0x64, 0x63 ]
		data.extend ( self.subscribed[2] )
		data.extend ( [ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ] )
		self._sendpacket ( data, self.subscribed[0] )
		resp = self._listendiscover ()
#		pprint.pprint ( resp )
		return resp

if command == 'connect':
	sock = socket.socket (
			socket.AF_INET,	# Internet
			socket.SOCK_DGRAM	# UDP
	sock.setsockopt ( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1 )	#
	sock.settimeout ( 2 )	# seconds - in reality << 1 is needed

	# connect to network
	sock.sendto ( 'HF-A11ASSISTHREAD' , (ip,48899) )
	data,addr = sock.recvfrom ( 1024 )
	socketip,socketmac,sockethost = data.split ( ',' )
	print socketip,socketmac,sockethost
	sock.sendto ( '+ok' , (ip,48899) )	# ack
	sock.sendto ( "AT+WSSSID=%s\r" % wlan, (ip,48899) )
	data,addr = sock.recvfrom ( 1024 )
	if data.rstrip() != '+ok':
		sys.exit ( "FATAL - got \"%s\" in response to set SSID\n" % data.rstrip() )
	key = raw_input (  "Enter WIFI key for \"%s\": " % wlan )
	sock.sendto ( "AT+WSKEY=WPA2PSK,AES,%s\r" % key, (ip,48899) )
	data,addr = sock.recvfrom ( 1024 )
	if data.rstrip() != '+ok':
		sys.exit ( "FATAL - got \"%s\" in response to set KEY\n" % data.rstrip() )
	sock.sendto ( "AT+WMODE=STA\r" , (ip,48899) )
	data,addr = sock.recvfrom ( 1024 )
	if data.rstrip() != '+ok':
		sys.exit ( "FATAL - got \"%s\" in response to set MODE\n" % data.rstrip() )
	sock.sendto ( "AT+Z\r" , (ip,48899) )	# no return
	print "connect complete to \"%s\"" % wlan
elif command == 'listen':	# listen for stuff sent round
	print "listen"
	control = orviboS20 ()
	while True:
		resp = control.listen ()
		pprint.pprint ( resp )
		if resp['exit']: break
elif command == 'discover':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	resp = ( ip, mac )
	pprint.pprint ( resp )
elif command == 'globaldiscover':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	resp = control.globaldiscover ( ip )
	pprint.pprint ( resp )
elif command == '_subscribe':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	resp = control.subscribe ( ip, mac )
	pprint.pprint ( resp )
elif command == 'getstate':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	resp = control.subscribe ( ip, mac )
	pprint.pprint ( resp['state'] ) 
elif command == 'poweron':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	control.poweron ( ip, mac )
elif command == 'poweroff':
	control = orviboS20 ()
	control.poweroff ( ip, mac )
# TODO Timing DATA
J'aime les pommes,pas toi?

Messages : 3
Inscription : 02 févr. 2017, 23:30

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par homecineseb » 06 févr. 2017, 22:09

@ wipeout85800 merci

ça marche nickel maintenant ;) ;)

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 07 févr. 2017, 08:49


j'avais apporté une modif sur les retours (code sortie) du script, je sais pas si la version que tu donnes wipeout85800 est ma version ou celle de l'auteur originel ?

@homecineseb, l'installation devrais marcher, je regarderais ca

9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

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Messages : 91
Inscription : 05 sept. 2014, 06:47

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par wipeout85800 » 08 févr. 2017, 07:23

@Cocapic, c'est la version que tu avais partagée via le market à la date de création de ton post.
Bonne journée
J'aime les pommes,pas toi?

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 08 févr. 2017, 10:11

oui donc c'est bon :)
9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
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Messages : 14
Inscription : 24 févr. 2017, 19:29

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par yohannshome » 03 mars 2017, 01:14

Bonjour Copapic,

J'ai modifié le plugin Orvibo pour avoir la même fiabilité que par ton script Python.

Ca a l'avantage de donner l'accès au Orbivo Allone, mais aussi de laisser faire le script pour l'association automatique ;)

Je vais voir avec Lunarok s'il peut intégrer mes modifications

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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 03 mars 2017, 08:16

Good job ;), no prob j'y suis pas pour grand chose moi ...

Et le résultat devrait être le top

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash

Messages : 755
Inscription : 03 mars 2015, 10:29
Localisation : 67 proche de Strasbourg

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par gpga » 04 mars 2017, 20:32


installé le script, j'essaye de créer un script pour ma première prise 20 et j'ai ce message d'erreur sur la ligne status (le plugin orvibo est desactivé)

Error on shell exec, return value : 2. Details : Array ( [0] => python: can't open file '/usr/share/nginx/www/jeedom/plugins/script/core/ressources/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory )

Comment corriger
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Messages : 935
Inscription : 18 déc. 2015, 16:27

Re: [TUTO] [Prise Orvibo S20] script simple et efficace

Message par cocapic » 06 mars 2017, 11:00

Tu as verifier que le fichier est bien à l'emplacement donné ?
9xDanfoss LC13 & 7xFGRM222 VR
7xFGK101 & 1xPSP01
1xSiren Gen5 2xFGBS001 3xFGS222 3x Philips Hue
4x tag BLE 3x Cam IP 5x Amazon Dash


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