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plugin installation error

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
Messages : 2
Inscription : 30 mai 2016, 01:46

plugin installation error

Message par » 30 mai 2016, 02:07

Hi all,

I installed Jeedom successfully using the script on my Pi3. After I first logged in with my browser with root username and pwd, Jeedom automatically upgrade to the lastest version (2.2.6). Then I logged in again with admin username and pwd as per instruction after the upgrade. Everything seemed ok until I installed the first plugin: IFTTT. An erro message saying: "The stream file or "/var/www/html/core/class/../../log/update" could not be ouvert: failed to open stream: Permission denied" (see the screenshot). I tried several times with other plugins as well but the same message kept coming. Please help!!!

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Plugin installation error.png
Screenshot of plugin installation error
Plugin installation error.png (991.22 Kio) Consulté 2529 fois

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Messages : 287
Inscription : 10 mai 2015, 03:21
Localisation : Lyon

Re: plugin installation error

Message par clemsail » 31 mai 2016, 09:02

you can test in ssh
chmod -R 775 /var/www/html
Se tromper est humain, mais pour vraiment mettre le bordel, il faut y ajouter un ordinateur.
Messages : 2
Inscription : 30 mai 2016, 01:46

Re: plugin installation error

Message par » 31 mai 2016, 11:16

Thank you! I tried:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

and it worked.


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