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Script Plugin: a script does not automatically run

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
Messages : 4
Inscription : 09 oct. 2014, 12:31

Script Plugin: a script does not automatically run

Message par GL29 » 30 janv. 2015, 20:06

I have installed and activated the Script plugin without any issue.
I have added a script which does run ok when clicking on the "Test" button.
The issue is that it does not run automatically despite the fact the "Auto-actualisation (cron)" has the following value: "* * * * * *" .
I have tried other values like "* /2 * * * *" but it makes no difference.

Please check the attached screen dump for more details.

Can someone tell me what's going wrong ?

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script01.tiff (214.32 Kio) Consulté 2346 fois

Messages : 4
Inscription : 09 oct. 2014, 12:31

Re: Script Plugin: a script does not automatically run

Message par GL29 » 30 janv. 2015, 20:26


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