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Backup z-wave information jeedom smart

Talk about JEEDOM’s boxes and devices as Z-Wave, RFXCOM, EnOcean, and other home automation devices…
Messages : 7
Inscription : 28 mai 2019, 19:47

Backup z-wave information jeedom smart

Message par pericopepe » 19 juin 2019, 01:18

Hi, I'd like to know if I make a backup with jeedom software of the smart box, in case of a failure of this box, I can restore it in another box and get my z-wave network working again without having to include all modules again.

Or is there a way to backup the zwave information separately? Just like you could do with the aeotec usb stick backup tool??


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Messages : 6783
Inscription : 10 mai 2016, 07:54

Re: Backup z-wave information jeedom smart

Message par Bosquetia » 19 juin 2019, 07:13


All zwave information are stored in the zwave controler
So you have a way to migrate from one controler to another or if you have the aeotec the backup tools

Messages : 7
Inscription : 28 mai 2019, 19:47

Re: Backup z-wave information jeedom smart

Message par pericopepe » 19 juin 2019, 08:12

So, with the jeedom smart is not possible to make that backup in case of a box failure??

Messages : 707
Inscription : 08 nov. 2016, 20:56
Localisation : 44

Re: Backup z-wave information jeedom smart

Message par Swr » 26 juin 2019, 07:25

pericopepe a écrit :
19 juin 2019, 08:12
So, with the jeedom smart is not possible to make that backup in case of a box failure??
Z-wave configuration is store in the zwave chipset itself, so in case of failure of the box, you can move the zwave device to the new box.


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