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Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

(anciennement dénommé plugin OpenZwave)
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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 08 déc. 2016, 00:23


Je me demande si mon réseau n'a pas atteint ses limites, j'ai un jeedom sur RPI3 et 58 noeuds, le plugin zwave met environ 30 minutes à démarrer.
J'ai vu qu'il y avait des erreurs de transmissions.

Est-ce que ma config est sous dimensionnée ? Y a-t-il des préconisations ?
Dernière édition par dric le 08 déc. 2016, 20:40, édité 1 fois.

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Inscription : 04 août 2015, 12:33
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Re: Quelle son les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par gomba777 » 08 déc. 2016, 11:52

Bonjour dric,

Je ne connais pas les limites mais pour info mon Jeedom tourne sur un RPI3 avec 99 nœuds dont 45 sur batterie et il fonctionne parfaitement.
La dernière fois qu'il a démarré, il y'a environ 2,5 mois, il a mis 600 secondes soit 10 minutes mais c'était juste après la mise à jour du plugin openzwave car en principe ça tourne plus autour des 350 secondes.
Z-Wave_-_Jeedom.jpg (21.71 Kio) Consulté 2736 fois
J'ai aussi +-10 nœuds mySensors en plus.
Mon RPI est quand à lui allumé depuis le 28 aout sans reboot.

A mon avis ton problème vient d'ailleurs.
Ancien Fibarien (excédé) converti à Jeedom ;-)
Jeedom sur RPI3 + Aeotec Gen 5 (Liste modules)

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Inscription : 24 juin 2014, 20:07
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Re: Quelle son les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par nechry » 08 déc. 2016, 11:54

la limite est de 232 modules au niveau du protocole zwave.
Une option de démarrage avait été appliqué dans la dernière version du plugin qui ralentie le démarrage du réseau elle peut sans autre être désactivé. Cette option sera modifié dans la prochaine version du plugin.

l'option est AssumeAwake qui doit être passé à False.

Code : Tout sélectionner

options.addOptionBool("AssumeAwake", False)
lorsque l'option est à True, le contrôleur attend le timeout des module sur piles pour avancer dans l'interview de démarrage, donc avec 45 c'est très long
As-tu consulté la documentation avant de poser ta question?
Les demandes de support en MP ne seront pas traité mais j'accepte les dons
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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle son les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 08 déc. 2016, 20:28

Merci pour vos retours, effectivement gomba77, nous n'avons pas du tout les même délais, donc c'est solutionnable.
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Google Chrome.jpg
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Google Chrome.jpg (39.38 Kio) Consulté 2694 fois
@nechry, est-ce que l'option que tu sites est aussi responsable d'une certaine latence une fois démarré, il m'arrive parfois de voir dans l'état une queue sortante qui reste assez longtemps non nulle, c'est fréquent, comme là :
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Etat.jpg
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Etat.jpg (9.83 Kio) Consulté 2694 fois

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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 08 déc. 2016, 20:42

J'ai l'impression que j'ai un problème avec mon réseau :
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Santé.jpg
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Santé.jpg (329.18 Kio) Consulté 2686 fois
J'ai énormément de NOK, quel est votre avis ?

Tout est à jour chez moi, jeedom et tous les plugins.

Messages : 10082
Inscription : 09 août 2014, 12:15

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par Anonyme » 08 déc. 2016, 20:43

Contenu supprimé à la demande de son auteur

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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 08 déc. 2016, 20:51

magicgg91 a écrit :Où tu vois plein de NOK ??

Je vois 1 module DEATH, c'est tout
Colonne de droite %OK, j'ai beaucoup de rouge.

Mes stats :
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Statistiques.jpg
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Statistiques.jpg (110.48 Kio) Consulté 2679 fois
De nouveau une queue sortante importante, qui se vide très très très doucement :
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Etat2.jpg
Z-Wave - Jeedom - Etat2.jpg (8.51 Kio) Consulté 2679 fois

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Inscription : 25 janv. 2015, 22:15
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Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par kouaw » 08 déc. 2016, 21:23

je dirait que faut aussi regarde combien de module sont connecte en direct et / ou par un autre module :) sans compte que certains module sont moins bon repeteur que d'autre ;)

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Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 08 déc. 2016, 21:37

kouaw a écrit :je dirait que faut aussi regarde combien de module sont connecte en direct et / ou par un autre module :) sans compte que certains module sont moins bon repeteur que d'autre ;)
J'ai beaucoup de direct avec le contrôleur principal, dont certains ping catastrophiques.
Mais comment privilégier/enpêcher des routes ?

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Inscription : 24 juin 2014, 20:07
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Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par nechry » 09 déc. 2016, 09:01

il faut éviter les dead au-temps que possible. après le démarrage du réseau une fois en topology loaded, je plugin va passer sur chaque module secteur pour force une mise a jour des valeur dynamique, il ne fait pas tout d'un coup mais donc c'est normal sur un gros réseau de voir monter la queue de message par salve et redescendre même si tu ne fais pas d'action sur des modules.

par contre, les temps de communications sont vraiment trop long chez toi, ce que je te conseil, éteindre (proprement) complètement jeedom, puis débrancher le contrôleur 5min, j'ai vue a plusieurs reprise des problème de timeout réglé avec cette astuce.
As-tu consulté la documentation avant de poser ta question?
Les demandes de support en MP ne seront pas traité mais j'accepte les dons
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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 09 déc. 2016, 21:06

Je viens de tester, j'ai désactivé les noeuds morts, arrêté le jeedom 5 min.
Il a redémarré en 1025 secondes, ça reste assez long comparé à gomba777, peut-être le AssumeWake...

C'est pas nickel nickel mais les pings sont plus dans le vert.

Je reviens sur la queue de messages, je trouve qu'elle est lente à redescendre, un message environ toutes les secondes voir 2.
Est-ce que c'est possible qu'un des modules foute la grouille ? Ou une borne wifi trop prêt de la clé zwave ?

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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 01 févr. 2017, 18:22

Cette semaine, sans savoir pourquoi, j'ai des commandes vers des modules qui ne passent pas. J'ai éteins mon jeedom, laissé 5 minutes, il reboote en plus d'une heure et toujours des ratés sur des commandes, jamais les mêmes modules.
Le réseau est pas en bonne santé, des ping en timeout parfois, et des taux d'erreur de l'ordre de 70-80%.
Que faire ? Je n'ai pas compris ce qu'était l'AssumeWake, faut-il changer quelque chose ?

D'avance merci pour votre aide :)

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Messages : 321
Inscription : 08 mars 2015, 19:38

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par sjauquet » 01 févr. 2017, 19:19

Désolé, perso je ne peux pas beaucoup t'aider, je n'ai qu'un très petit réseau z-wave.
As-tu regardé si tu n'a pas un module qui mets beaucoup de temps à répondre, ou qui a un taux de perte de messages élevé ?

Sent from my Note4
Pseudo habituel: sebcbien, mais il était déjà pris.
En cours de test/migration Fibaro/HC2: ... st-jeedom/
Backup Clef Z-Wave: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=19079

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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 01 févr. 2017, 19:50

Merci d'essayer de m'aider en tout cas.
Oui il y en a plusieurs, dès que j'en vois un qui "merdouille", je lance l'action de "Mettre à jour les voisins" et "Mettre à jour la route vers le contrôleur".
Des fois en je constate des pings "rouges" de plus d'une seconde, je ping manuellement et ça passe vert.

C'est curieux, ça s'était mis à refonctionner à peut près bien depuis mi-décembre, j'ai même rajouté d'autres modules, sans que ça gêne les performances, mais là depuis une semaine c'est pas glorieux du tout.

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Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 01 févr. 2017, 20:22

Voilà les dernières stats :

Résumé zwave :
jeedom - résumé.jpg
jeedom - résumé.jpg (34.37 Kio) Consulté 2496 fois
Statistiques z-wave :
jeedom statistiques.jpg
jeedom statistiques.jpg (102.57 Kio) Consulté 2496 fois
Santé du réseau :
jeedom - santé.jpg
jeedom - santé.jpg (265.63 Kio) Consulté 2492 fois

L'interface d'accès au plugin protocope z-wave met beaucoup de temps à répondre.

Voici mes log openzwave, mon analyse dit que ça sent pas bon, mais peut-être que ça parle à certains :

Code : Tout sélectionner

2017-02-01 20:08:51.067 Info, Node018, MultiInstanceAssociation::Remove - Removing instance 0 on node 1 from group 1 of node 18
2017-02-01 20:08:51.068 Info, Node018, Get MultiInstanceAssociation for group 1 of node 18
2017-02-01 20:08:51.103 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.103 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.125 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.125 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.141 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.142 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.181 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.181 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.260 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.261 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.378 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.379 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.401 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.402 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.476 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.484 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.605 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.605 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.618 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.618 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.644 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.644 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.688 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.688 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.717 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.717 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.741 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.742 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.773 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.773 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.901 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.901 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:51.933 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:51.935 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:52.008 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:52.008 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:52.024 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:52.025 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:52.083 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:52.083 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:52.094 Info, Node016, Request RTT 1040 Average Request RTT 1040
2017-02-01 20:08:52.098 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:52.099 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:52.182 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:08:52.185 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:08:54.083 Info, Node033, MultiInstanceAssociation::Remove - Removing instance 0 on node 34 from group 1 of node 33
2017-02-01 20:08:54.084 Info, Node033, Get MultiInstanceAssociation for group 1 of node 33
2017-02-01 20:08:57.091 Info, Node039, MultiInstanceAssociation::Remove - Removing instance 0 on node 1 from group 1 of node 39
2017-02-01 20:08:57.091 Info, Node039, Get MultiInstanceAssociation for group 1 of node 39
2017-02-01 20:09:01.054 Error, Node016, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:01.056 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xd6, Expected Reply=0x13) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Remove (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x04, 0x8e, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x25, 0xd6, 0x88
2017-02-01 20:09:02.057 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:02.061 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xd7, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x03, 0x8e, 0x02, 0x01, 0x25, 0xd7, 0x88
2017-02-01 20:09:03.061 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:03.066 Info, Node033, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xd8, Expected Reply=0x13) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Remove (Node=33): 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x13, 0x21, 0x04, 0x8e, 0x04, 0x01, 0x22, 0x25, 0xd8, 0x96
2017-02-01 20:09:04.067 Error, Node033, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:04.068 Info, Node033, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xd9, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Get (Node=33): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x21, 0x03, 0x8e, 0x02, 0x01, 0x25, 0xd9, 0xb5
2017-02-01 20:09:05.069 Error, Node033, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:05.071 Info, Node039, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xda, Expected Reply=0x13) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Remove (Node=39): 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x13, 0x27, 0x04, 0x8e, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x25, 0xda, 0xb1
2017-02-01 20:09:06.071 Error, Node039, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:06.076 Info, Node039, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xdb, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiInstanceAssociationCmd_Get (Node=39): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x27, 0x03, 0x8e, 0x02, 0x01, 0x25, 0xdb, 0xb1
2017-02-01 20:09:07.076 Error, Node039, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:07.079 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries m_allNodesQueried=0 m_awakeNodesQueried=1
2017-02-01 20:09:07.079 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries all=0, deadFound=1 sleepingOnly=1
2017-02-01 20:09:08.417 Info, mgr,     Manager::WriteConfig completed for driver with home ID of 0xe6ce8f81
2017-02-01 20:09:09.466 Info, Node016, Sending (WakeUp) message (Callback ID=0xdc, Expected Reply=0x13) - WakeUpCmd_NoMoreInformation (Node=16): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x10, 0x02, 0x84, 0x08, 0x25, 0xdc, 0x82
2017-02-01 20:09:10.467 Error, Node016, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:10.469 Info, Node101, Sending (Poll) message (Callback ID=0xc9, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=2): SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=101): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x65, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0xc9, 0x27
2017-02-01 20:09:11.470 Error, Node101, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:13.044 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 3: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:13.045 Info, Node003, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xdd, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=3): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x03, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0xdd, 0x3b
2017-02-01 20:09:13.046 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 17: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:13.046 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 17: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:14.045 Error, Node003, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:14.048 Info, Node017, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xde, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=17): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0xde, 0x2a
2017-02-01 20:09:15.048 Error, Node017, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:15.050 Info, Node017, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xdf, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=17): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xdf, 0x28
2017-02-01 20:09:16.051 Error, Node017, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.078 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.079 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 2 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.079 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 1 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.080 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 4 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.080 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_METER index = 8 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.081 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 11 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.082 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 18: COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:09:43.083 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe0, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xe0, 0x79
2017-02-01 20:09:44.084 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:44.087 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe1, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=2): SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xe1, 0x7b
2017-02-01 20:09:45.088 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:45.091 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe2, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0xe2, 0x6a
2017-02-01 20:09:46.092 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:46.095 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe3, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0xe3, 0x6b
2017-02-01 20:09:47.096 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:47.099 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe4, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): MeterCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x07, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0xe4, 0x68
2017-02-01 20:09:48.100 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:48.103 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe5, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): MeterCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x07, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x32, 0x01, 0x10, 0x25, 0xe5, 0x79
2017-02-01 20:09:49.104 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:49.108 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe6, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xe6, 0x39
2017-02-01 20:09:50.108 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:50.112 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe7, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x25, 0xe7, 0x34
2017-02-01 20:09:51.112 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:51.116 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe8, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x09, 0x01, 0x25, 0xe8, 0x3a
2017-02-01 20:09:52.116 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:09:52.118 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xe9, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xe9, 0x36
2017-02-01 20:10:08.675 Info, Node073, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 73, endpoint 2 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER
2017-02-01 20:10:08.675 Info, Node073, Received Meter report from node 73: Current=0.675A
2017-02-01 20:10:08.693 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Attempt 2, Callback ID=0xec, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xec, 0x33
2017-02-01 20:10:08.694 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Attempt 3, Callback ID=0xed, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xed, 0x32
2017-02-01 20:10:08.694 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Attempt 4, Callback ID=0xee, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xee, 0x31
2017-02-01 20:10:08.695 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Attempt 5, Callback ID=0xef, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xef, 0x30
2017-02-01 20:10:08.695 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Attempt 6, Callback ID=0xf0, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x25, 0xf0, 0x2f
2017-02-01 20:10:08.695 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 6 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.696 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.697 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.698 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.699 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.700 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.702 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.704 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.704 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.706 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.709 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Ultraviolet: value=0
2017-02-01 20:10:08.728 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.728 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.728 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.728 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.729 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.729 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.734 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.735 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.736 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:10:08.737 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.738 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.738 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:10:08.738 Always,
2017-02-01 20:10:08.738 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xea, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x01, 0x25, 0xea, 0x39
2017-02-01 20:10:08.752 Info, Node070, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 70, instance 1, Luminance: value=4lux
2017-02-01 20:10:08.809 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Relative Humidity: value=50%
2017-02-01 20:10:08.838 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Ultraviolet: value=0
2017-02-01 20:10:08.858 Info, Node070, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 70, instance 1, Luminance: value=4lux
2017-02-01 20:10:08.928 Info, Node018, Request RTT 189 Average Request RTT 6678
2017-02-01 20:10:08.999 Info, Node018, Response RTT 260 Average Response RTT 260
2017-02-01 20:10:08.999 Info, Node018, Received a MultiChannelEncap from node 18, endpoint 1 for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_ALARM
2017-02-01 20:10:08.999 Info, Node018, Received Alarm report: type=0, level=0, sensorSrcID=0, type:Power Management event:254, status=255
2017-02-01 20:10:09.097 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Ultraviolet: value=0
2017-02-01 20:10:09.101 Info, Node018, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xeb, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=1): AlarmCmd_Get (Node=18): 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x09, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x71, 0x04, 0x00, 0x09, 0x01, 0x25, 0xeb, 0x39
2017-02-01 20:10:09.105 Error, Node018, ERROR: ZW_SEND_DATA could not be delivered to Z-Wave stack
2017-02-01 20:10:09.157 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Relative Humidity: value=50%
2017-02-01 20:10:13.088 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 23: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:13.088 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 23: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:13.089 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 23: COMMAND_CLASS_METER index = 8 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:13.089 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 23: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 4 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:19.101 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:19.106 Info, Node023, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf1, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0xf1, 0x03
2017-02-01 20:10:20.106 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:20.109 Info, Node023, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf2, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xf2, 0x03
2017-02-01 20:10:21.109 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:21.112 Info, Node023, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf3, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=23): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0xf3, 0x17
2017-02-01 20:10:22.113 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:22.114 Info, Node023, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf4, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=23): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x10, 0x25, 0xf4, 0x00
2017-02-01 20:10:23.114 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:23.116 Info, Node023, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf5, Expected Reply=0x04) - SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0xf5, 0x15
2017-02-01 20:10:24.116 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:43.116 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 24: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:43.117 Info, Node024, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf6, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=24): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x18, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0xf6, 0x0b
2017-02-01 20:10:43.117 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 24: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:43.118 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 24: COMMAND_CLASS_METER index = 8 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:43.119 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 24: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 4 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:10:44.117 Error, Node024, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:44.120 Info, Node024, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf7, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=24): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x18, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xf7, 0x09
2017-02-01 20:10:45.121 Error, Node024, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:45.425 Info, Node024, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf8, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=24): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x18, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0xf8, 0x13
2017-02-01 20:10:45.947 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:45.948 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:45.948 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:46.425 Error, Node024, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:46.695 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0xfb, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0xfb, 0x2e
2017-02-01 20:10:47.699 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:47.704 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0xfc, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0xfc, 0x29
2017-02-01 20:10:48.705 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:48.707 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0xfd, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0xfd, 0x28
2017-02-01 20:10:49.708 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:49.721 Info, Node024, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xf9, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=24): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x18, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x10, 0x25, 0xf9, 0x02
2017-02-01 20:10:50.357 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:50.357 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:50.357 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:50.721 Error, Node024, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:50.750 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0xfe, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0xfe, 0x2b
2017-02-01 20:10:51.751 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:51.769 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0xff, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0xff, 0x2a
2017-02-01 20:10:52.769 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:52.772 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0a, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0a, 0xdf
2017-02-01 20:10:53.772 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:53.844 Info, Node024, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xfa, Expected Reply=0x04) - SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=24): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x18, 0x02, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0xfa, 0x15
2017-02-01 20:10:54.844 Error, Node024, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:56.891 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:56.892 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:56.892 Info, Node023, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:56.892 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0b, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0b, 0xde
2017-02-01 20:10:57.892 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:57.936 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0c, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0c, 0xd9
2017-02-01 20:10:58.936 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:58.938 Info, Node023, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0d, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=23): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0d, 0xd8
2017-02-01 20:10:59.925 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:59.926 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:59.926 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:10:59.938 Error, Node023, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:10:59.941 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0e, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0e, 0xde
2017-02-01 20:11:00.941 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:00.978 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x0f, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x0f, 0xdf
2017-02-01 20:11:01.979 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:01.983 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x10, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x10, 0xc0
2017-02-01 20:11:17.797 Info, Node090, Received SensorMultiLevel report from node 90, instance 1, Relative Humidity: value=50%
2017-02-01 20:11:18.026 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 25: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.027 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 25: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.027 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 25: COMMAND_CLASS_METER index = 8 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.028 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 25: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 1 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.028 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 25: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 4 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.698 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Attempt 2, Callback ID=0x17, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x17, 0xc7
2017-02-01 20:11:18.698 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Attempt 3, Callback ID=0x18, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x18, 0xc8
2017-02-01 20:11:18.699 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Attempt 4, Callback ID=0x19, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x19, 0xc9
2017-02-01 20:11:18.699 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Attempt 5, Callback ID=0x1a, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1a, 0xca
2017-02-01 20:11:18.699 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Attempt 6, Callback ID=0x1b, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1b, 0xcb
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 6 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.700 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.701 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.702 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.703 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.704 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.705 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.706 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.707 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.708 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.709 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.710 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.711 Warning, m_currentMsg was NULL when trying to set MaxSendAttempts
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always, Dumping queued log messages
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always, End of queued log message dump
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Always,
2017-02-01 20:11:18.712 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x11, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0x11, 0xed
2017-02-01 20:11:18.887 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:18.887 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:18.887 Info, Node018, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:19.713 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:19.929 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x1c, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1c, 0xcc
2017-02-01 20:11:20.929 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:20.997 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x1d, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1d, 0xcd
2017-02-01 20:11:21.997 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:22.002 Info, Node018, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x1e, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=18): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1e, 0xce
2017-02-01 20:11:23.002 Error, Node018, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:23.053 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x12, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x12, 0xed
2017-02-01 20:11:24.054 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:24.193 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x13, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0x13, 0xf9
2017-02-01 20:11:25.193 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:25.384 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x14, Expected Reply=0x04) - MeterCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x03, 0x32, 0x01, 0x10, 0x25, 0x14, 0xee
2017-02-01 20:11:26.385 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:26.388 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x15, Expected Reply=0x04) - SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x02, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0x15, 0xfb
2017-02-01 20:11:27.388 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:27.399 Info, Node025, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x16, Expected Reply=0x04) - SensorMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=25): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x02, 0x31, 0x04, 0x25, 0x16, 0xf8
2017-02-01 20:11:28.400 Error, Node025, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:33.798 Info, Node017, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:33.798 Info, Node017, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:33.798 Info, Node017, NoOperation::Set - Routing=true
2017-02-01 20:11:33.799 Info, Node017, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x1f, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=17): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x1f, 0xcc
2017-02-01 20:11:34.799 Error, Node017, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:34.810 Info, Node017, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x20, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=17): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x20, 0xf3
2017-02-01 20:11:35.811 Error, Node017, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:35.832 Info, Node017, Sending (NoOp) message (Callback ID=0x21, Expected Reply=0x13) - NoOperation_Set (Node=17): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x11, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x21, 0xf2
2017-02-01 20:11:36.833 Error, Node017, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:41.474 Info, Node101, Sending (Poll) message (Callback ID=0x22, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=2): MeterCmd_Get (Node=101): 0x01, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x13, 0x65, 0x07, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x32, 0x01, 0x00, 0x25, 0x22, 0xda
2017-02-01 20:11:42.475 Error, Node101, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:42.477 Info, Node101, Sending (Poll) message (Callback ID=0x23, Expected Reply=0x04) - MultiChannel Encapsulated (instance=2): MeterCmd_Get (Node=101): 0x01, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x13, 0x65, 0x07, 0x60, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x32, 0x01, 0x10, 0x25, 0x23, 0xcb
2017-02-01 20:11:43.477 Error, Node101, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:48.062 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 26: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:48.063 Info, Node026, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x24, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchBinaryCmd_Get (Node=26): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x02, 0x25, 0x02, 0x25, 0x24, 0xdb
2017-02-01 20:11:48.063 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 26: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL index = 0 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:48.064 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 26: COMMAND_CLASS_METER index = 8 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:48.065 Info, mgr,     Refreshing node 26: COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL index = 4 instance = 1 (to confirm a reported change)
2017-02-01 20:11:49.063 Error, Node026, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:49.066 Info, Node026, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x25, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=26): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x25, 0xd9
2017-02-01 20:11:50.067 Error, Node026, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s)
2017-02-01 20:11:50.070 Info, Requesting Neighbor Update for node 17
2017-02-01 20:11:50.072 Info, Node017, Sending (Command) message (Callback ID=0x29, Expected Reply=0x48) - ControllerCommand_RequestNodeNeighborUpdate (Node=17): 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x48, 0x11, 0x29, 0x8a

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 01 févr. 2017, 20:33

Est-ce que ça peut venir de la carte microsd qui commence à lâcher ?

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 321
Inscription : 08 mars 2015, 19:38

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par sjauquet » 01 févr. 2017, 20:38

ton /temp n'est pas plein ?
tu n'a pas rajouté un appareil chez toi récemment, qui pourrait perturber les ondes radio ?
Pseudo habituel: sebcbien, mais il était déjà pris.
En cours de test/migration Fibaro/HC2: ... st-jeedom/
Backup Clef Z-Wave: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=19079

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Messages : 9644
Inscription : 24 juin 2014, 20:07
Localisation : Suisse
Contact :

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par nechry » 01 févr. 2017, 21:51

Pratiquement tout les voisins sont en NOK, il faut remédier a la situation. Soigner le Réseau n'a pas fonctionné ? Retiré encore le dongle?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
As-tu consulté la documentation avant de poser ta question?
Les demandes de support en MP ne seront pas traité mais j'accepte les dons
Visiter mon blog

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 66
Inscription : 04 août 2015, 12:33
Contact :

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par gomba777 » 01 févr. 2017, 22:22

Comme dit nechry retirer le dongle pendant 5 minutes à déjà réglé le problème chez moi. J'ai eu à peu près la même situation que toi au milieu du mois de décembre. Mon réseau était hyper stable depuis le mois d’août avec des ping quasiment tous en dessous de 80ms et tout d'un coup le gros plantage, plus rien ne répondait, il fallait entre 1 et 5 secondes pour que les ordres passent. Sur ma page santé j'ai remarque que ma greenwave avait échangé un nombre impressionnant de paquets comparé aux autres devices. Je l'ai débranchée, éteint le RPI, retiré la clé gen5 pendant 5 minutes et puis comme par miracle tout à redémarré parfaitement! depuis lors il est de nouveau tip top stable et mes pings sont de nouveau nickel.
Cursor_and_Z-Wave_-_Jeedom.jpg (603.58 Kio) Consulté 2458 fois
Par contre après le redémarrage bizarrement certains modules n'étaient pas en lien direct avec la clé gen5 et il passait tous par mon aeon consommation électrique. Pour ces noeuds là j'ai du faire une mise à jour des voisins. Comme si au moment du démarrage ils n'avaient pas vu la gateway.
Ancien Fibarien (excédé) converti à Jeedom ;-)
Jeedom sur RPI3 + Aeotec Gen 5 (Liste modules)

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 188
Inscription : 12 juil. 2016, 15:53

Re: Quelle sont les limites zwave de jeedom ?

Message par dric » 02 févr. 2017, 08:27

Bonjour gomba777, ton réseau est paraît ! Je n'ai jamais eu de 100% OK partout :(

J'ai fait la manipe encore une fois, débrancher le dongle, mais démarrage toujours au dessus des 4000 s.
Ce qui a changé à présent c'est que la colonne voisins était à KO sur la plupart des noeuds, je les soigne un à un, et au bout de 15 le contrôleur s'est mis en vrac.... ça redémarre.

@sjauquet, comment voir si le temp est plein ? Jusqu'à présent je suis resté dans l'interface web, comment aller voir "en dessous" ?


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