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Cannot show history and graph

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
Messages : 2
Inscription : 22 nov. 2015, 20:10

Cannot show history and graph

Message par jeppefugl » 22 nov. 2015, 20:18

I have downloaded the Raspberry Pi image and updated to latest version of Jeedom. I recieve data from mysensor node and weather data.

I cannot get the history module to load any graph. I get the following error javascript error.
“Unable to get property 'chart' of undefined or null reference” in file getJS.php line 151

I can see the data available when exporting to csv.

Can anybody give me a hint to solve this?

Messages : 150
Inscription : 23 juin 2015, 23:11
Localisation : Oslo, Norvège

Re: Cannot show history and graph

Message par didros » 13 janv. 2016, 08:53

Have you solved your issue? I have some similar without the js error.
Mes installations Jeedom : DIY sur micro PC Asrock Beebox (après 2 ans sur Raspberry Pi B+) dans maison en France, DIY sur micro PC Debian à mon domicile à Oslo. OS : Debian sans virtualisation.

Messages : 2
Inscription : 22 nov. 2015, 20:10

Re: Cannot show history and graph

Message par jeppefugl » 25 janv. 2016, 20:10

Not really.

Tried a reinstall and it worked for a few days, but now im stuck again.

I suspect some regional date problems, but I don't have enough knowledge to find the problem.

Messages : 150
Inscription : 23 juin 2015, 23:11
Localisation : Oslo, Norvège

Re: Cannot show history and graph

Message par didros » 26 janv. 2016, 00:27

Do you still get the same javascript error? I don't get Javascript error, but "wheel" is turning for ever.
I just found out now that removing the setup "Display widget statistics" helps for me. If that is active on your installation try to deactivate it and see if it helps.
Mes installations Jeedom : DIY sur micro PC Asrock Beebox (après 2 ans sur Raspberry Pi B+) dans maison en France, DIY sur micro PC Debian à mon domicile à Oslo. OS : Debian sans virtualisation.


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