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Graphical interpretation of Photovoltaic

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
Messages : 21
Inscription : 09 janv. 2017, 06:42

Graphical interpretation of Photovoltaic

Message par denisj » 08 févr. 2017, 14:22

Hi there all,
i have a data of a photovoltaic system using SFFspot in order
to receive data from SMA Sunny Boy Inverter.

Now I need, if possible to make a plugin representation of data ... a graphical plugin
that can receive my photovoltaic data.

Is there some plugin that can help me please ?

Thanks all

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Messages : 314
Inscription : 28 juil. 2014, 09:53

Re: Graphical interpretation of Photovoltaic

Message par edualc » 09 févr. 2017, 22:04

Hi Denis,
If I understand well, your data is available on your pi where you have jeedom installed ?
Jeedom has built-in features for graphic representation of data, the think is that the data has to be accessible through an equipment with the historization feature enabled. Maybe with a script it would be possible to access your data. Is there an API with SFFspot available ?
mini RPI 2 en DIY + mySensors - Plugins Rosée, Baro, Température

Messages : 21
Inscription : 09 janv. 2017, 06:42

Re: Graphical interpretation of Photovoltaic

Message par denisj » 10 févr. 2017, 14:26

I don't know exactly if there is an API
But I know that I have all historical data on mysql db of every 5 min/day/mount production.

The SBFspot (sorry... it's SBFFspot and not SFFspot ) use the Bluetooth interface of raspberry,
connect to the SMA inverter BT interface and collect all data.
This is work for all SMA SunnyBoy inverters that have BT interfaces.

Do you have maybe a sample of api that request a data for the graphical plugin ?

Thanks again


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