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Openzwave plugin Beta - A few problems

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
Messages : 2
Inscription : 24 févr. 2017, 16:45

Openzwave plugin Beta - A few problems

Message par clausdk » 21 mars 2017, 00:35


We have been using Jeedom with great pleasure so far, with the Openzwave plugin. I really like all the features that the "scenarios" have. We do have a few problems tho.

Z-wave device problems:

1) Everspring TSE03 Door Bell is not reacting to On/Off command

2) Danfoss LC-13 Thermostats look like this:

Regarding the temperature slider, I was wondering if a better choice would be something like this jquery script: , instead of just a slider where it is impossible to see what the current value is and what you set it too.

3) The Zipato RFID Keypad seems to work, but the Assistent seems to be broken in the latest version of the openzwave lib?


4) The slider also does not show the current value. Would be nice with the value under it.

Jeedom version: 3.0.8 ~ with the jeedom tmp folder fixed :)
Zwave Plugin version "bb220580c5c4d216064fc2a94bef067968905f51"

Messages : 159
Inscription : 12 mars 2017, 11:54

Re: Openzwave plugin Beta - A few problems

Message par iznobe » 24 mars 2017, 18:55

Hello , do you know that , the beta version of jeedom , must be used only for testing and developping ,.

The documentation says : not support or help for beta version beacause it is only testing . do not use the beta version on a production system , only at your own risk and you must assume it in case of malfunction and others problems .

I cant help you , i dont use zwawe , sorry .

But , if you do not want frequents problems i advise you to reinstall jeedom stable version .


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