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RFX 433Mhz for USA

Talk about JEEDOM’s boxes and devices as Z-Wave, RFXCOM, EnOcean, and other home automation devices…
Laurent R
Messages : 222
Inscription : 01 août 2016, 03:46
Localisation : Alabama

RFX 433Mhz for USA

Message par Laurent R » 27 août 2016, 16:16

Hi everyone,

I started to have interest in domotic and Jeedom one month ago.

Being french but leaving in the US, I did all my research on the french websites. The result was that the RFXcom module was he cheapest to start with (from my readings on the french websites)

When I finally decided to start to invest, I struggled to find the RFXCom module, and it was only the REC (and not TRX version) that was available in the US because the emission of 433Mhz is not legal in the US.

I still bought the module, but i only found thermometer sensors (oregon) to work with. The offer is much bigger for Z-Wave devices.

My questions are:
  • Do you use 433Mhz in the US? If yes, what kind of sensors do you have?
    Where do you buy your sensors? For me it has been homeseer and amazon?

Messages : 214
Inscription : 05 avr. 2017, 20:42

Re: RFX 433Mhz for USA

Message par Jules13 » 25 avr. 2017, 13:53

The 433mhz is used in the us for the major part of blinds.
But the Time of emission is not the same as in Europe for the venetian blinds
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