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[Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Pour échanger sur les plugins classés en catégorie "Objets connectés"
Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 20 janv. 2018, 16:20

@ Ohlala67
il faut lors de l'appairage avec l'appli mobile prendre la télécommande 8 canaux
il faut lors du choix du périphérique dans le plugin prendre celui avec cette même télécommande.

Si ce n'est pas le cas on va devoir passer en mode debogage
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 14
Inscription : 17 janv. 2018, 13:20

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par Ohlala67 » 20 janv. 2018, 23:10

C'est ce que j'ai fait , ça fonctionne bien avec l' appli mobile et la télécommande.
Avec le plugin les commandes on off ne fonctionnent pas ,la commande saturation allume la lampe et la commande blanc l'éteind par exemple...
Merci à tous

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 21 janv. 2018, 07:01

donc ça marchouille
Peux tu faire un test exhaustif des commandes qui marchent/marchent pas ?
et les commandes qui ont une action mais pas la bonne.
De même, peux tu vérifier si, même si l'action n'est pas la bonne, que le bon canal est adressé par le plugin (si possible un canal supérieur à 4.
Fais quelque chose de clair .
La semaine prochaine il y aura une release importante qui corrigera le bogue
nota : la télécommande 8 boutons n'est pas documentée par limitlessled et il suffit d'une toute petite erreur pour avoir un fonctionnement anormal.
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 587
Inscription : 27 janv. 2015, 21:37

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par minscof » 21 janv. 2018, 11:13

Est-ce que les produits de limitlessled ont ou vont évoluer pour permettre d'avoir un retour d'état et savoir si une ampoule est allumée ou éteinte ou est ce que cette limitation reste présente ?

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 21 janv. 2018, 15:52

J'aurais besoin d'un possesseur de Yeelight RGBW pour faire quelques tests
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

[Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 21 janv. 2018, 16:05

ça ?

[Moderation : pas de lien sponsorisé]

Messages : 14
Inscription : 17 janv. 2018, 13:20

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par Ohlala67 » 21 janv. 2018, 17:28

Bonjour Bcaro,
J'ai vérifié tous les 8 canaux sont fonctionnels.

Commande ON:non fonctionnelle
Commande OFF: non fonctionnelle
Commande blanc: éteind la lampe
Commande éclaire max ,moyen et mini : ok
Commande éclaire nuit : allume la lampe
Commande mode disco temp non fonctionnelle
Commande chaud: fondu arc en ciel
Commande vitesse fonctionnelle
Commande discos non fonctionnelle
Toutes les Couleurs : ok
Merci à tous

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 21 janv. 2018, 18:09

j'ai refait les configuration en utilisant l'espionnage de la télécommande sur l'appli Mi.Light.
Sera intégré dans le prochain release. IL faudra quand même retester.
Dernière édition par bcaro le 21 janv. 2018, 18:16, édité 1 fois.
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 21 janv. 2018, 18:09

ma demande c'est pour un possesseur de Yeelight RGBW pour tester le fonctionnement actuel du plugin.
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 21 janv. 2018, 18:21

Bon à priori j'ai la yeelight comme tu veux, mais tu me casses pas tout !
Yeelight.jpg (17.22 Kio) Consulté 1409 fois

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 21 janv. 2018, 19:14

non c'est juste un test avec ta config.

Afficher les logs wifilight V2 en mode debug.
Toutes les minutes les logs affichent l'état des ampoules, et pour la Yeelight RGBW on doit y trouver (attention dans ces logs la lampe n'est pas connectée et en plus dans ma version l'interrogation est légèrement différente) :

Code : Tout sélectionner

 ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-21 19:08:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-21 19:08:05][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]} 
[2018-01-21 19:08:05][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 19:08:05][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-21 19:08:06][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-21 19:08:06][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-21 19:08:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
Ce qu'il faut faire :

Mettre un rouge pur (en fait la couleur n'a pas d'importance mais par la suite il ne faut pas la changer).

après chaque passage du cron dans les logs :
changer uniquement l'intensité de la couleur et une seule fois
attendre que le cron passe
et recommencer.

faire cela pour, par exemple 10% 50% 80% 100% de l'intensité

M'envoyer les logs.

Avec l'appli Yeelight, peux tu faire pareil en changeant l'intensité de la même façon.

M'envoyer les logs

Si tu as beaucoup de lampes, c'est peut être mieux de toutes les désactiver pour que les logs ne soient pas trop illisibles.

Merci !
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 21 janv. 2018, 21:28

Voici ce que j'ai pu faire, j'ai fait des intensités + (5ou6 je crois) et fini par un Eclairage max

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_rgb","params":[16711680, "smooth", 500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:20][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_rgb","params":[16711680, "smooth", 500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:29][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","10","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:34][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","40","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:39][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:42][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:45][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:48][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:52][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_adjust","params":["increase", "bright"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","1940","16711680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-21 21:25:55][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_bright","params":[100, "smooth", 200]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:00][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","40","6500","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "40"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : White:40
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:05][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-21 21:26:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 21 janv. 2018, 22:30

Est-ce que ces deux télécommandes sont identiques à contrôler? Est-ce juste une différence de look? Merci
Milight RGBWW.jpg
Milight RGBWW.jpg (57.71 Kio) Consulté 1391 fois
Milight B4 4 Zones.jpg
Milight B4 4 Zones.jpg (29.33 Kio) Consulté 1391 fois

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 22 janv. 2018, 07:00

j'ai installé la deuxième. Pas pratique car dans le noir on ne sent pas où est le bouton.
Au final je regrette la première sur son support mural.
merci pour les logs

J'ai encore une question.
Avec l'appli yeelight, peux tu choisir n'importe quelle couleur ? as tu un cercle de couleur ou autre permettant de modifier l'intensité de la couleur sans passer par le curseur d'intensité ?
Enfin, dernier essai : peux tu choisir un rouge à mi intensité puis passer en blanc et modifier l'intensité, avec l'appli yeelight et attendre 1 min à chaque changement pour laisser passer le cron.
Promis c'est fini après.
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 22 janv. 2018, 14:46


Tout d'abord le log:

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","40","6500","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "40"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : White:40
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","50","4605","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(50)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:50
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","51","5350","12199211","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "51"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ba252b"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(76)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : White:51
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:76
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:08][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:29:09][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","40","6500","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "40"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:30:07][DEBUG] : White:40
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","50","4605","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(50)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Kelvin:50
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:09][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","100","5350","12199211","359","100","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(3) "100"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ba252b"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(76)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : White:100
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Kelvin:76
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:30:10][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-22 14:31:05][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-22 14:31:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:05][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:05][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:31:05][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : socket_read() failed: reason: Resource temporarily unavailable
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","40","6500","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "40"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : White:40
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","50","4605","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(50)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Kelvin:50
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:07][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","44","5350","12199211","359","100","2"]}
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "44"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ba252b"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(76)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : White:44
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:76
[2018-01-22 14:31:08][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-22 14:31:09][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:09][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-22 14:31:09][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
Pour le choix des couleurs, oui on peut choisir ce que l'on veut, tout comme la température de couleur du blanc. Quand on se déplace en horizontal on change la couleur et en verticale l'intensité. Dire qu'on ne passe pas par un curseur serait faux car il est intégré sur la même page

Voici 2 captures, une avec MI-Home et l'autre avec Yeelight où j'ai essayé de capturer vite pour faire apparaitre le curseur d'intensité

Screenshot_2018-01-22-14-36-55-336_com.xiaomi.smarthome.png (91.94 Kio) Consulté 1371 fois

Screenshot_2018-01-22-14-38-40-871_com.yeelight.cherry.png (245.18 Kio) Consulté 1371 fois
Si problème de compréhension, n’hésite pas

Et pour le MI-Light, j'achèterai la murale puisqu'elle est prise en charge car elle commandera un éclairage d'appoint, on ne sera pas dans le noir

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 23 janv. 2018, 10:51

Il faut que tu m'aides encore
Peux tu avec l'interface couleur ci-dessus (mi_home je pense) :
- te mettre dans les 4 coins et au centre
à chaque fois attendre 1 min pour laisser passer le cron puis m'envoyer les logs
Désolé mais l'API yeelight est très légère pour la couleur et les Xiaomi PHilips font pareil je pense.
Merci d'avance
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 23 janv. 2018, 17:49

Le code avant de le perdre!

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","60","6000","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "60"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : White:60
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:43:06][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:43:07][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:43:07][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:string(2) "-3"
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","50","3881","16730624","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ff4a00"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(45)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:45
[2018-01-23 17:43:08][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-23 17:43:09][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:09][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:43:09][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","60","6000","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "60"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : White:60
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:44:07][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:string(2) "-3"
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","50","3881","16711743","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ff003f"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(45)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:44:08][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-23 17:44:09][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:09][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:09][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:09][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:09][DEBUG] : Kelvin:45
[2018-01-23 17:44:10][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-23 17:44:10][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:10][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:44:10][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : Commande : fb eb 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f c3 49 b9 0
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : socket_create() OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : try to connect to : 30977
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : try to Send
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : ret=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : ret2=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1, "method":"set_scene", "params":["cf",0,0,"10000,1,6357247,100,10000,1,16711680,100,10000,1,65347,100"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:06][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : Commande : fb eb 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 58 ae 1a 0
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : socket_create() OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to : 30977
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : try to Send
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : ret=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:07][DEBUG] : ret2=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","60","6000","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "60"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : White:60
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:08][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Commande : fb ec d 1 0 0 0 c3 49 b9 0
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : socket_create() OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : try to connect to : 30977
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : try to Send
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : ret=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : ret2=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Commande : fb ec d 1 0 0 0 58 ae 1a 0
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : socket_create() OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : try to connect to : 30977
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : try to Send
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : ret=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : ret2=11
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:45:10][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:45:11][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:45:11][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-23 17:45:11][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-23 17:45:11][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-23 17:45:11][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:string(2) "-3"
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","50","3881","16756680","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ffafc8"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(45)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Kelvin:45
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:45:12][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","60","6000","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "60"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : White:60
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:07][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-23 17:46:08][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:08][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:08][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:08][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:08][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:09][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:46:10][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:46:11][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:46:11][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:string(2) "-3"
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","50","3881","16761776","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#ffc3b0"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(45)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:12][DEBUG] : Kelvin:45
[2018-01-23 17:46:13][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-23 17:46:13][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:13][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:46:13][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] :  ********************************** Start cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightWhite<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","60","6000","","","","2"]}
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "60"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(0)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : White:60
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Kelvin:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : On:0
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Connected:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>mylightRGBWWV6<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:05][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>H801<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   int(-1)   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   int(-1)   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(-1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   int(-1)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   string(29) "No state return for this bulb" }
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : Connected:-6
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightCeiling<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:47:06][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : loop
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Time out
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Get status end
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:string(2) "-3"
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Connected:-3
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : *** Class:>>YeeLightRGBW<<
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode"]}
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : try to connect to :  55443
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Send OK.
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","50","3881","5635583","359","100","1"]}
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Read Json OK
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : Vreturn state:array(12) {   ["Intensity"]=>   int(-1)   ["White"]=>   string(2) "50"   ["White2"]=>   int(-1)   ["Color"]=>   string(7) "#55fdff"   ["Prog"]=>   int(-1)   ["Speed"]=>   int(-1)   ["On"]=>   int(1)   ["Play"]=>   int(-1)   ["Sat"]=>   int(-1)   ["Kelvin"]=>   float(45)   ["Connected"]=>   int(-1)   ["Type"]=>   bool(true) }
[2018-01-23 17:47:07][DEBUG] : White:50
[2018-01-23 17:47:08][DEBUG] : White2:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:08][DEBUG] : prog:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:08][DEBUG] : speed:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:08][DEBUG] : Sat:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:08][DEBUG] : Kelvin:45
[2018-01-23 17:47:09][DEBUG] : On:1
[2018-01-23 17:47:10][DEBUG] : Play:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:10][DEBUG] : Intensity:-1
[2018-01-23 17:47:10][DEBUG] :  ********************************** End cron update WifilightV2 ***************************************
Pas facile d'aller dans les coins, d'ailleurs je n'arrive jamais à faire un vrai rouge avec l'appli comme le rouge de Jeedom
La luminosité était à 50, j'ai commencé en haut à gauche et tourné sens horaire et fini par le centre

J'espère que ça ira

Travaille bien!

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 24 janv. 2018, 07:28

La nouvelle release wifilghtV2 comporte beaucoup de changements. Afin de vous y préparer et afin de ne pas vous précipiter dessus, voici quelques informations :

Changelog wifilightV2

1.16 - 2018-01-25

Amélioration du retour d'état Yeeelight RGBW mais en beta

Ajout Xiaomi Philips : ampoule blanche , Eye care et plafonnier beta (j'attends vos retours)

Ajout du plafonnier Yeelight JIAOYUE 650 beta (jattends vos retours)

Ajout pour toutes les lampes de boutons d'incrémentaion et décrémentation de l'intensité (nécessite de resauvegarder l'équipement)

Mi.Light : mémorisation de l'intensité RGB et Blanc

Mi.Light télécommande 8 boutons : refonte (à tester)

Correction de bogues mineurs

Possibilité de changement de comportement entrainant des modifications des scénarios pour :
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules

Messages : 1036
Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 14:21
Localisation : Hérault

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par AlainM » 24 janv. 2018, 17:23

J'ai installé la version Bêta, pour l'instant je ne trouve pas de différence mais peut-être ta nouvelle version n'est pas encore en ligne?

Messages : 1350
Inscription : 17 nov. 2014, 22:03

Re: [Plugin Tiers][Sujet Principal] wifilightV2: contrôler vos lumières en wifi

Message par bcaro » 24 janv. 2018, 22:37

pas encore en ligne
demain ou vendredi
A lire avant de demander de l'aide sur wifilightV2
Debian DIY Jessie
30 ampoules
Rfxcom : 20 modules
Mysensors : 24 nœuds
Z wave : 15 modules


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