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[Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Pour échanger sur les plugins classés en catégorie "Protocoles domotiques"
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Messages : 252
Inscription : 12 févr. 2018, 22:38
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Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par lionelb » 23 mars 2018, 16:58

doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 07:52
ioull a écrit :
lionelb a écrit :
Là !
Il n'y en a jamais eu ici il me semble !

Envoyé de mon Nexus 6P en utilisant Tapatalk
Non effectivement il n'y en a jamais eu
Désolé, je fatigue, j'ai du confondre avec un autre plugin ou on galère bien plus ! (RFPlayer)
Pi3 / RFPlayer / Zigate / Visonic / Oregon / Chacon / Tuya / X2D / Xiaomi / Unifi / VMWare ESXi / Kodi / Emby / HD HomeRun & more...

Messages : 63
Inscription : 18 févr. 2017, 12:11

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par Jeff92 » 23 mars 2018, 17:35

doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 13:04
Jeff92 a écrit :
20 mars 2018, 19:07
Bonsoir à tous

Je me débats avec mes ampoules ikea pour les inclure dans le plugin Zigate mais en vain !! malgré le reset factory préconisé par ikéa.
Une des personnes qui ont réussi cette inclusion peut elle indiquer la procédure à suivre ?
Cela aiderait beaucoup de monde je pense et moi en premier bien sûr.
Un grand merci d'avance
Pour l'appairage des ampoules IKEA, il serait intéressant d'essayer la nouvelle fonction TouchLink, c'est ce qu'utilise la télécommande IKEA

J'ai pu inclure mes ampoules IKEA en utilisant la procédure d'Akila ("Faire soi-même")
- Placer l'ampoule à proximité de la Zigate (50 cm)
- Faire un reset usine ( 6 fois arrêt / marche )
- Sur la 6ème fois allumée, l'ampoule scintille légèrement pour confirmer le reset ( mais c'est presque imperceptible ).
- Éteindre l'ampoule
- Appuyer sur inclusion dans le plugin
- Allumer l'ampoule
L'ampoule apparaît alors dans le plugin. Pour avoir toutes les cdes et la vignette il faut atteindre un moment.

Pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm j'ai bien la vignette mais pas pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm !!
est-ce normal ?

Pour la télécommande, j'ai pu l'inclure dans le plugin en appuyant sur Inclusion et en appairant une ampoule près de la Zigate.
Par contre pas de vignette ni de commandes... Ce qui doit être normal car le type est à blanc.

Pour le TouchLink, je l'ai utilisé mais rien ne se passe. Je réessayerai... peut-être un pb de reset usine de l'ampoule mal effectué.

Messages : 236
Inscription : 04 janv. 2016, 13:41

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par doudz » 23 mars 2018, 18:20

Jeff92 a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 17:35
doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 13:04
Jeff92 a écrit :
20 mars 2018, 19:07
Bonsoir à tous

Je me débats avec mes ampoules ikea pour les inclure dans le plugin Zigate mais en vain !! malgré le reset factory préconisé par ikéa.
Une des personnes qui ont réussi cette inclusion peut elle indiquer la procédure à suivre ?
Cela aiderait beaucoup de monde je pense et moi en premier bien sûr.
Un grand merci d'avance
Pour l'appairage des ampoules IKEA, il serait intéressant d'essayer la nouvelle fonction TouchLink, c'est ce qu'utilise la télécommande IKEA

J'ai pu inclure mes ampoules IKEA en utilisant la procédure d'Akila ("Faire soi-même")
- Placer l'ampoule à proximité de la Zigate (50 cm)
- Faire un reset usine ( 6 fois arrêt / marche )
- Sur la 6ème fois allumée, l'ampoule scintille légèrement pour confirmer le reset ( mais c'est presque imperceptible ).
- Éteindre l'ampoule
- Appuyer sur inclusion dans le plugin
- Allumer l'ampoule
L'ampoule apparaît alors dans le plugin. Pour avoir toutes les cdes et la vignette il faut atteindre un moment.

Pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm j'ai bien la vignette mais pas pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm !!
est-ce normal ?

Pour la télécommande, j'ai pu l'inclure dans le plugin en appuyant sur Inclusion et en appairant une ampoule près de la Zigate.
Par contre pas de vignette ni de commandes... Ce qui doit être normal car le type est à blanc.

Pour le TouchLink, je l'ai utilisé mais rien ne se passe. Je réessayerai... peut-être un pb de reset usine de l'ampoule mal effectué.
Super nouvelle !
Merci d'avoir détaillée la procédure d'appairage

Messages : 63
Inscription : 18 févr. 2017, 12:11

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par Jeff92 » 23 mars 2018, 21:41

doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 18:20
Jeff92 a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 17:35
doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 13:04

Pour l'appairage des ampoules IKEA, il serait intéressant d'essayer la nouvelle fonction TouchLink, c'est ce qu'utilise la télécommande IKEA

J'ai pu inclure mes ampoules IKEA en utilisant la procédure d'Akila ("Faire soi-même")
- Placer l'ampoule à proximité de la Zigate (50 cm)
- Faire un reset usine ( 6 fois arrêt / marche )
- Sur la 6ème fois allumée, l'ampoule scintille légèrement pour confirmer le reset ( mais c'est presque imperceptible ).
- Éteindre l'ampoule
- Appuyer sur inclusion dans le plugin
- Allumer l'ampoule
L'ampoule apparaît alors dans le plugin. Pour avoir toutes les cdes et la vignette il faut atteindre un moment.

Pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm j'ai bien la vignette mais pas pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm !!
est-ce normal ?

Pour la télécommande, j'ai pu l'inclure dans le plugin en appuyant sur Inclusion et en appairant une ampoule près de la Zigate.
Par contre pas de vignette ni de commandes... Ce qui doit être normal car le type est à blanc.

Pour le TouchLink, je l'ai utilisé mais rien ne se passe. Je réessayerai... peut-être un pb de reset usine de l'ampoule mal effectué.
Super nouvelle !
Merci d'avoir détaillée la procédure d'appairage
Petite question :

Lorsque je supprime un objet dans le plugin, est-ce qu'il est supprimé définitivement dans la zigate ?
J'ai fait l'essai et lorsque je fais synchroniser, les objets supprimés réapparaissent dans le plugin.
Ou alors je fais une fausse manip !
Pour info, le "TouchLink" fonctionne aussi !!
Le point le plus important est de faire un reset factory !!

Messages : 9
Inscription : 19 mars 2018, 22:39

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par tasurel » 23 mars 2018, 22:40

Jeff92 a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 17:35
doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 13:04
Jeff92 a écrit :
20 mars 2018, 19:07
Bonsoir à tous

Je me débats avec mes ampoules ikea pour les inclure dans le plugin Zigate mais en vain !! malgré le reset factory préconisé par ikéa.
Une des personnes qui ont réussi cette inclusion peut elle indiquer la procédure à suivre ?
Cela aiderait beaucoup de monde je pense et moi en premier bien sûr.
Un grand merci d'avance
Pour l'appairage des ampoules IKEA, il serait intéressant d'essayer la nouvelle fonction TouchLink, c'est ce qu'utilise la télécommande IKEA

J'ai pu inclure mes ampoules IKEA en utilisant la procédure d'Akila ("Faire soi-même")
- Placer l'ampoule à proximité de la Zigate (50 cm)
- Faire un reset usine ( 6 fois arrêt / marche )
- Sur la 6ème fois allumée, l'ampoule scintille légèrement pour confirmer le reset ( mais c'est presque imperceptible ).
- Éteindre l'ampoule
- Appuyer sur inclusion dans le plugin
- Allumer l'ampoule
L'ampoule apparaît alors dans le plugin. Pour avoir toutes les cdes et la vignette il faut atteindre un moment.

Pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm j'ai bien la vignette mais pas pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm !!
est-ce normal ?

Pour la télécommande, j'ai pu l'inclure dans le plugin en appuyant sur Inclusion et en appairant une ampoule près de la Zigate.
Par contre pas de vignette ni de commandes... Ce qui doit être normal car le type est à blanc.

Pour le TouchLink, je l'ai utilisé mais rien ne se passe. Je réessayerai... peut-être un pb de reset usine de l'ampoule mal effectué.
De mon coté quand je veux ajouter une télécommande ça rend les commandes zigate créée précédemment inutilisable, tu as bien utilisé le bouton touchlink de la télécommande avec la zigate en mode inclusion?

Messages : 63
Inscription : 18 févr. 2017, 12:11

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par Jeff92 » 24 mars 2018, 16:39

tasurel a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 22:40
Jeff92 a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 17:35
doudz a écrit :
23 mars 2018, 13:04

Pour l'appairage des ampoules IKEA, il serait intéressant d'essayer la nouvelle fonction TouchLink, c'est ce qu'utilise la télécommande IKEA

J'ai pu inclure mes ampoules IKEA en utilisant la procédure d'Akila ("Faire soi-même")
- Placer l'ampoule à proximité de la Zigate (50 cm)
- Faire un reset usine ( 6 fois arrêt / marche )
- Sur la 6ème fois allumée, l'ampoule scintille légèrement pour confirmer le reset ( mais c'est presque imperceptible ).
- Éteindre l'ampoule
- Appuyer sur inclusion dans le plugin
- Allumer l'ampoule
L'ampoule apparaît alors dans le plugin. Pour avoir toutes les cdes et la vignette il faut atteindre un moment.

Pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm j'ai bien la vignette mais pas pour les ampoules TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm !!
est-ce normal ?

Pour la télécommande, j'ai pu l'inclure dans le plugin en appuyant sur Inclusion et en appairant une ampoule près de la Zigate.
Par contre pas de vignette ni de commandes... Ce qui doit être normal car le type est à blanc.

Pour le TouchLink, je l'ai utilisé mais rien ne se passe. Je réessayerai... peut-être un pb de reset usine de l'ampoule mal effectué.
De mon coté quand je veux ajouter une télécommande ça rend les commandes zigate créée précédemment inutilisable, tu as bien utilisé le bouton touchlink de la télécommande avec la zigate en mode inclusion?
Oui j'ai utilisé le bouton TouchLink de la télécommande. Mais j'ai le même pb. Je n'avais pas revérifier les cdes Zigate après appairage avec la télécommande !!

Messages : 63
Inscription : 18 févr. 2017, 12:11

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par Jeff92 » 24 mars 2018, 16:52

Bonjour à tous

J'ai constaté un pb de remontée de l'état des ampoules ikea à la suite d'un arrêt et rallumage électrique ( interrupteur) de l'ampoule. On peut toujours la commander dans Jeedom mais plus d'état.

Je joins les logs ci-dessous
[2018-03-24 15:52:09] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:10] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 0 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:13] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:14] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 1 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:17] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:21] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []

Après investigations je me suis aperçu qu' il fallait faire un rafraîchissement des données de l'équipement pour remonter de nouveau l'état.
Est-il possible de prévoir un rafraîchissement automatiquement dans le plugin pour ces cas particuliers.
J'ai refait plusieurs fois l'essai, le pb est systématique.

Autre point : Lorsque je supprime un capteur dans le plugin, il réapparaît
- si je l'inclus de nouveau. On en a alors 2.
- ou en faisant une synchronisation
Y-a-t-il une autre chose à faire pour avoir une suppression définitive ou est-ce un bug ?

Messages : 236
Inscription : 04 janv. 2016, 13:41

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par doudz » 24 mars 2018, 17:03

Jeff92 a écrit :Bonjour à tous

J'ai constaté un pb de remontée de l'état des ampoules ikea à la suite d'un arrêt et rallumage électrique ( interrupteur) de l'ampoule. On peut toujours la commander dans Jeedom mais plus d'état.

Je joins les logs ci-dessous
[2018-03-24 15:52:09] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:10] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 0 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:13] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:14] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 1 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:17] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:21] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []

Après investigations je me suis aperçu qu' il fallait faire un rafraîchissement des données de l'équipement pour remonter de nouveau l'état.
Est-il possible de prévoir un rafraîchissement automatiquement dans le plugin pour ces cas particuliers.
J'ai refait plusieurs fois l'essai, le pb est systématique.

Autre point : Lorsque je supprime un capteur dans le plugin, il réapparaît
- si je l'inclus de nouveau. On en a alors 2.
- ou en faisant une synchronisation
Y-a-t-il une autre chose à faire pour avoir une suppression définitive ou est-ce un bug ?
Actuellement il semble y avoir un bug au niveau de la zigate , la commande remove ne fonctionne pas , j'attend un retour d'akila sur le sujet

Messages : 63
Inscription : 18 févr. 2017, 12:11

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par Jeff92 » 24 mars 2018, 18:46

doudz a écrit :
24 mars 2018, 17:03
Jeff92 a écrit :Bonjour à tous

J'ai constaté un pb de remontée de l'état des ampoules ikea à la suite d'un arrêt et rallumage électrique ( interrupteur) de l'ampoule. On peut toujours la commander dans Jeedom mais plus d'état.

Je joins les logs ci-dessous
[2018-03-24 15:52:09] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:10] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 0 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:13] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:14] event.INFO: Evènement sur la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][onoff] valeur : 1 [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:17] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][off] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []
[2018-03-24 15:52:21] event.INFO: Exécution de la commande [Salon][Device xxxx][on] avec les paramètres ([utid] = xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [] []

Après investigations je me suis aperçu qu' il fallait faire un rafraîchissement des données de l'équipement pour remonter de nouveau l'état.
Est-il possible de prévoir un rafraîchissement automatiquement dans le plugin pour ces cas particuliers.
J'ai refait plusieurs fois l'essai, le pb est systématique.

Autre point : Lorsque je supprime un capteur dans le plugin, il réapparaît
- si je l'inclus de nouveau. On en a alors 2.
- ou en faisant une synchronisation
Y-a-t-il une autre chose à faire pour avoir une suppression définitive ou est-ce un bug ?
Actuellement il semble y avoir un bug au niveau de la zigate , la commande remove ne fonctionne pas , j'attend un retour d'akila sur le sujet

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 25 mars 2018, 16:34

Hello, je n'arrive pas à inclure mon interrupteur Xiaomi (Wall Switch 1 bouton à pile).
Faut-il appliquer la même procédure d'inclusion qu'avec la gateway ?
J'ai aussi des soucis de stabilité du demon.
Quelle est la bonne procedure d'installation du plugin ? juste l'installation via le market ?

Messages : 9
Inscription : 19 mars 2018, 22:39

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par tasurel » 26 mars 2018, 09:20

guims78 a écrit :
25 mars 2018, 16:34
Hello, je n'arrive pas à inclure mon interrupteur Xiaomi (Wall Switch 1 bouton à pile).
Faut-il appliquer la même procédure d'inclusion qu'avec la gateway ?
J'ai aussi des soucis de stabilité du demon.
Quelle est la bonne procedure d'installation du plugin ? juste l'installation via le market ?
Tu as bien le firmware 3.0d sur la zigate?
Pour délier ton interrupteur de la gateway il faut maintenir le bouton pendant quelques secondes (la gateway te dit alors un truc en chinois) puis en mode inclusion sur zigate tu refais la meme chose

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 26 mars 2018, 21:16

Oui, j'ai bien le dernier firmware.
Et en plus, je n'arrive pas non plus à inclure de sonde de température.
Et dans la page config, je lance le démon, mais au bout de quelques secondes, il s'arrête.

Messages : 236
Inscription : 04 janv. 2016, 13:41

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par doudz » 26 mars 2018, 22:43

guims78 a écrit :Oui, j'ai bien le dernier firmware.
Et en plus, je n'arrive pas non plus à inclure de sonde de température.
Et dans la page config, je lance le démon, mais au bout de quelques secondes, il s'arrête.
Il me faudrait les logs pour voir ce qu'il se passe , si le démon s'arrête c'est pour ça que rien ne marche.
Est ce qu'il y a d'autres périphériques USB connecté à jeedom ? Il y a déjà eu un cas où la jeedom smart ne fournissait pas assez de courant pour alimenter l'ensemble et provoque des déconnexions de la zigate

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 27 mars 2018, 09:09

J'ai un Stick Zwave et la Zigate de connecté.
Je tourne sur RPi3 avec Jeedom.

Voici le Log après réinstallation des dépendances

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-27 09:09:32][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 8203 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:36][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:09:38][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:38][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:09:41][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
Et le Log d'installation :

Code : Tout sélectionner

Installation des dépendances
Hit:1 stretch InRelease
Hit:2 stretch InRelease
Hit:3 stretch InRelease
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3 is already the newest version (3.5.3-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-serial is already the newest version (3.2.1-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pyudev is already the newest version (0.21.0-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pip is already the newest version (9.0.1-2+rpt2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-requests is already the newest version (2.12.4-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pydispatch is already the newest version (2.0.5-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: zigate==0.12.* in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: pyserial in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Requirement already up-to-date: pydispatcher in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Requirement already up-to-date: pyudev in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Installation des dépendances terminé !

Messages : 236
Inscription : 04 janv. 2016, 13:41

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par doudz » 27 mars 2018, 09:37

guims78 a écrit :J'ai un Stick Zwave et la Zigate de connecté.
Je tourne sur RPi3 avec Jeedom.

Voici le Log après réinstallation des dépendances

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-27 09:09:32][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 8203 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:09:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:36][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:09:38][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:09:38][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:09:41][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
Et le Log d'installation :

Code : Tout sélectionner

Installation des dépendances
Hit:1 stretch InRelease
Hit:2 stretch InRelease
Hit:3 stretch InRelease
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3 is already the newest version (3.5.3-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-serial is already the newest version (3.2.1-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pyudev is already the newest version (0.21.0-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pip is already the newest version (9.0.1-2+rpt2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-requests is already the newest version (2.12.4-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
python3-pydispatch is already the newest version (2.0.5-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: zigate==0.12.* in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages
Requirement already up-to-date: pyserial in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Requirement already up-to-date: pydispatcher in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Requirement already up-to-date: pyudev in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from zigate==0.12.*)
Installation des dépendances terminé !
C'est un pb de communication avec la clé.
Je vois que tu as sélectionné le port /dev/ttyUSB0 , es tu certain que c'est bien le port de la zigate ?
Il doit s'appeler Prolific......
Tu peux aussi essayer de sélectionner auto

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 27 mars 2018, 09:49

Oui, c'est bien Prolific qui est selectionné, sur /dev/ttyUSB0.
C'est bizarre, aprés plusieurs dizaine de minute, le demon semble OK.
Capture_zigate.PNG (20.43 Kio) Consulté 2407 fois
Et voici le Log :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-27 09:10:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 9443 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:10:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:10:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:15:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 19182 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:10][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:15:12][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:12][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:15:15][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:20:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 28828 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:20:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:20:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:25:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 6154 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 154 != 26
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0010:0
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:25:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:25:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:30:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 15946 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 26 != 154
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0010:0
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:30:10][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:30:12][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:35:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 25617 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:35:10][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:10][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:35:13][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:40:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 3033 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 21 != 149
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:1, installer:30d, rssi:0, version:3.0d
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Stop waiting, got message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][INFO][root] : Firmware ZiGate : 3.0d
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Try loading persistent file
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : No file to load
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0021 b'\x03\x18\xc8\x00'
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'00210004f60318c800'
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0021
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0021
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0023 b'\x00'
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'002300012200'
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0023
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 38 != 166
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0023
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Check network state
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0024000024'
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:35, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0009000009'
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:23][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:23][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8009
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8009
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][ERROR][zigate] : Failed to get network state
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Network is down, start it
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0024000024'
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:36, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0024:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8024
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8024
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0015000015'
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:32][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:32][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8015
[2018-03-27 09:40:35][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8015
[2018-03-27 09:40:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 09:41:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:45:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json

Messages : 236
Inscription : 04 janv. 2016, 13:41

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par doudz » 27 mars 2018, 14:41

guims78 a écrit :Oui, c'est bien Prolific qui est selectionné, sur /dev/ttyUSB0.
C'est bizarre, aprés plusieurs dizaine de minute, le demon semble OK.
Et voici le Log :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-27 09:10:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 9443 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:10:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:10:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:10:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:10:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:15:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 19182 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:15:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:15:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:10][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:15:12][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:15:12][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:15:15][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:20:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 28828 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:20:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:20:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:20:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:20:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:25:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 6154 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:25:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 154 != 26
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0010:0
[2018-03-27 09:25:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:25:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:25:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:30:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 15946 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:30:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:16, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 26 != 154
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0010:0
[2018-03-27 09:30:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:30:10][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:30:12][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:35:05][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 25617 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:35:07][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:35:10][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:35:10][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:35:13][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8010
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 252, in <module>
version = z.get_version_text()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 507, in get_version_text
v = self.get_version(refresh)['version']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 500, in get_version
self._version = self.send_data(0x0010, wait_response=0x8010).data
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
[2018-03-27 09:40:06][INFO] : Lancement démon zigate : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/  --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --apikey 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigate/ --socket /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock --callback
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Start zigated
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Log level : debug
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Socket : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/daemon.sock
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Apikey : 9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Callback :
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : Python version : 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124]
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][INFO][root] : zigate version : 0.12.3
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Writing PID 3033 to /tmp/jeedom/zigate/
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to test to jeedom
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'action': 'test'}
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG] : Array (     [action] => test )
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0010000010'
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 21 != 149
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8010 - Version list : major:1, installer:30d, rssi:0, version:3.0d
[2018-03-27 09:40:08][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:09][INFO] : Démon zigate lancé
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Stop waiting, got message 0x8010
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][INFO][root] : Firmware ZiGate : 3.0d
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Try loading persistent file
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : No file to load
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0021 b'\x03\x18\xc8\x00'
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'00210004f60318c800'
[2018-03-27 09:40:11][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0021
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0021
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0023 b'\x00'
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'002300012200'
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0023
[2018-03-27 09:40:14][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 38 != 166
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0023
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Check network state
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0024000024'
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:35, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0009000009'
[2018-03-27 09:40:20][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:23][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0009
[2018-03-27 09:40:23][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8009
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8009
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][ERROR][zigate] : Failed to get network state
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Network is down, start it
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0024000024'
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0024
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8000 - Status response : status:0, sequence:0, packet_type:36, error:b'', rssi:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : STATUS code to command 0x0024:0
[2018-03-27 09:40:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8024
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8024
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0015000015'
[2018-03-27 09:40:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:32][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0015
[2018-03-27 09:40:32][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for message 0x8015
[2018-03-27 09:40:35][ERROR][zigate] : No response waiting command 0x8015
[2018-03-27 09:40:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 09:41:35][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 09:41:36][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2018-03-27 09:45:35][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
Ça ne semble pas fonctionner mieux , la clé ne répond pas. Essaie la commande reset pour redémarrer la clé.

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 27 mars 2018, 15:20

Ok, je vais tester ça.

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 27 mars 2018, 20:02

Apres un moment , j'ai 3 objets reconnus dans le plugin.
Les 3 capteurs de températures qui ne sont pas configurés sur la Gateway Xiaomi.
Je les ai exclus, mais impossible de les inclure à nouveau.

Voici le log :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-27 18:50:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:65, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:1026, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:2117, rssi:108
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2117, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 21.17}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:66, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:1029, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:33, size:2, data:4727, rssi:105
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'humidity', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 4727, 'cluster': 1029, 'unit': '%', 'value': 47.27}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:67, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:1027, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:995, rssi:108
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 96 != 224
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 995, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 995}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'C\xd0\xd6\x01\x04\x03\x00\x10\x00)\x00\x02&\xdf', rssi:236
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2117, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 21.17}}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421281305211d0006240100000000642918086521d711e62b858401000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2117                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 21.17                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 995                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9953                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995.3                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4727                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 47.27                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-27 18:53:26                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 108                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => temperature             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 2117             [cluster] => 1026             [unit] => °C             [value] => 21.17         )  )
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Device Update d0d6.1.1026.0 21.17
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'humidity', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 4727, 'cluster': 1029, 'unit': '%', 'value': 47.27}}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421281305211d0006240100000000642918086521d711e62b858401000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2117                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 21.17                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 995                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9953                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995.3                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4727                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 47.27                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-27 18:53:26                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 108                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => humidity             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 4727             [cluster] => 1029             [unit] => %             [value] => 47.27         )  )
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Device Update d0d6.1.1029.0 47.27
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 995, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 995}}
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421281305211d0006240100000000642918086521d711e62b858401000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2117                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 21.17                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 995                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9953                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995.3                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4727                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 47.27                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-27 18:53:26                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 108                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => pressure             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 995             [cluster] => 1027             [unit] => mb             [value] => 995         )  )
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG] : Device Update d0d6.1.1027.0 995
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 18:53:26][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 18:55:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:00:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:05:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:10:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:14:36][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:14:36][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'Y\xfeP\x01\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\xc2\x00%\x01!\xa9\x0b\x04!(\x13\x05!\x06\x00\x06$\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe4)\xc8\x08\xe5!\xc0\x11\xe6+\xd3\x04\x01\x00
!\x00\x00', rssi:117
[2018-03-27 19:14:36][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:15:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:20:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:21:32][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 222 != 94
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:90, addr:fe50, endpoint:1, cluster:1026, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:2256, rssi:120
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 233 != 105
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fe50 , 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2256, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.56}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xfeP\x01\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x02\x03\xe3', rssi:248
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 195 != 67
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xdc\xfeP\x01\x04\x03\x00\x10\x00)\x00\x02&\xe3', rssi:120
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fe50 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2256, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.56}}
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2256                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 22.56                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9950                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 996                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 996                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4398                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 43.98                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fe50             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-27 19:22:29                     [addr] => fe50                     [rssi] => 120                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => temperature             [addr] => fe50             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 2256             [cluster] => 1026             [unit] => °C             [value] => 22.56         )  )
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG] : Device Update fe50.1.1026.0 22.56
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 19:22:29][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:25:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:30:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:35:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:40:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 201 != 73
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 45 != 173
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 254 != 126
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 118 != 246
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xc7\xd0\xd6\x01\x04\x03\x00\x10\x00)\x00\x02&\xe2', rssi:254
[2018-03-27 19:41:17][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:45:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:50:07][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:50:07][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:50:07][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:50:07][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:50:07][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:50:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG] : callZiGate remove_device Array (     [0] => fed0 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'remove_device', 'args': ['fed0']}
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG] : result callZiGate
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 313, in _handle_request_noblock
self.process_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 341, in process_request
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 354, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 681, in __init__
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 95, in handle
response['result'] = response['result'](*args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 586, in remove_device
ieee = self._devices[addr]['ieee']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 1236, in __getitem__
KeyError: 'ieee'
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:51:34][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG] : callZiGate remove_device Array (     [0] => fe50 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'remove_device', 'args': ['fe50']}
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG] : result callZiGate
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 313, in _handle_request_noblock
self.process_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 341, in process_request
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 354, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 681, in __init__
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 95, in handle
response['result'] = response['result'](*args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 586, in remove_device
ieee = self._devices[addr]['ieee']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 1236, in __getitem__
KeyError: 'ieee'
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:51:39][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG] : callZiGate remove_device Array (     [0] => d0d6 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'remove_device', 'args': ['d0d6']}
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG] : result callZiGate
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 313, in _handle_request_noblock
self.process_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 341, in process_request
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 354, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 681, in __init__
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/", line 95, in handle
response['result'] = response['result'](*args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 586, in remove_device
ieee = self._devices[addr]['ieee']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/zigate/", line 1236, in __getitem__
KeyError: 'ieee'
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:51:44][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'permit_join', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:51:48][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 123 != 251
[2018-03-27 19:51:51][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:51:51][DEBUG][root] : {'result': None, 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:51:51][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] =>      [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:51:58][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0701
[2018-03-27 19:51:58][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xd0\x00', rssi:254
[2018-03-27 19:51:58][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:53:04][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:53:04][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:53:04][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:53:04][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:53:04][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG] : callZiGate reset
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'reset', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0011
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0011000011'
[2018-03-27 19:53:09][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0011
[2018-03-27 19:53:12][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0011
[2018-03-27 19:53:12][DEBUG][root] : {'result': None, 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:53:12][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] =>      [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:53:27][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:53:27][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:53:27][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:53:27][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:53:27][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'permit_join', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2018-03-27 19:54:33][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:54:36][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:54:36][DEBUG][root] : {'result': None, 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:54:36][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] =>      [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:55:37][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:93, addr:fe50, endpoint:1, cluster:1026, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:2284, rssi:212
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'^\xfe\xd0\x01\x04\x05\x00\x00\x00!\x00\x02\x11\xa1', rssi:84
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 254 != 126
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fe50 , 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2284, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.84}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 206 != 78
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xdf\xfe\xd0\x01\x04\x03\x00\x14\x00(\x00\x01\xff', rssi:206
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fe50 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2284, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.84}}
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2284                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 22.84                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9950                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 995                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 996                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 996                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4398                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 43.98                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fe50             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-27 19:55:56                     [addr] => fe50                     [rssi] => 212                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => temperature             [addr] => fe50             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 2284             [cluster] => 1026             [unit] => °C             [value] => 22.84         )  )
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-27 19:55:56][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:56:31][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:56:31][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:56:31][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:56:31][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:56:31][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:56:44][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:56:44][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:56:44][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:56:44][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:56:44][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG] : callZiGate permit_join
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'permit_join', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG][zigate] : REQUEST : 0x0049 FFFC1E00
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG][zigate] : Msg to send b'0049000450fffc1e00'
[2018-03-27 19:56:51][DEBUG][zigate] : Waiting for status message for command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:56:54][ERROR][zigate] : No response after command 0x0049
[2018-03-27 19:56:54][DEBUG][root] : {'result': None, 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:56:54][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] =>      [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-27 19:57:08][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-27 19:57:08][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-27 19:57:08][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-27 19:57:08][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-27 19:57:08][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: [Plugin Tiers] Zigate

Message par guims78 » 28 mars 2018, 14:23

Alors en fait, mon capteur de température apparaît mais au bout d'un certain temps !!! (très long).
Hier soir rien, mais aujourd'hui, j'ai un nouvel objet "Device Fe50".
Voici un extrait du log :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-03-28 12:40:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:237, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:194, size:37, data:0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000, rssi:132
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'battery', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 65281, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000', 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V', 'value': 3.005}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'battery', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 65281, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000', 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V', 'value': 3.005}}
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2089                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 20.89                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 988                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9889                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988.9                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4510                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 45.1                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 12:44:16                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 132                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => battery             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 65281             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V             [value] => 3.005         )  )
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 12:44:16][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 12:45:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 12:50:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 168 != 40
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 198 != 70
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\x07\xfe\xd0\x01\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x02\x03\xdc', rssi:7
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 103 != 231
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:7, addr:fe50, endpoint:1, cluster:1027, attribute:16, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:9884, rssi:135
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fe50 , 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure2', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 16, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 9884, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 988.4}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fe50 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure2', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 16, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 9884, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 988.4}}
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121a90b0421281305210600062401000000006429c806e5217011662bc90501000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 2.985                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2108                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 21.08                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9884                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988.4                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 989                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 989                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4238                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 42.38                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fe50             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 12:51:59                     [addr] => fe50                     [rssi] => 135                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => pressure2             [addr] => fe50             [attribute] => 16             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 9884             [cluster] => 1027             [unit] => mb             [value] => 988.4         )  )
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG] : Device Update fe50.1.1027.16 988.4
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 12:51:59][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 12:54:19][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 226 != 98
[2018-03-28 12:54:19][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 171 != 43
[2018-03-28 12:54:19][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 2 != 130
[2018-03-28 12:54:19][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 53 != 181
[2018-03-28 12:54:19][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 242 != 114
[2018-03-28 12:55:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 12:57:10][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 26 != 154
[2018-03-28 13:00:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:05:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 253 != 125
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:242, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:1029, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:33, size:2, data:4869, rssi:132
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'humidity', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 4869, 'cluster': 1029, 'unit': '%', 'value': 48.69}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xf3\xd0\xd6\x01\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x02\x03\xdb', rssi:4
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 112 != 240
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xf3\xd0\xd6\x01\x04\x03\x00\x14\x00(\x00\x01\xff', rssi:4
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'humidity', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 4869, 'cluster': 1029, 'unit': '%', 'value': 48.69}}
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2089                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 20.89                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 988                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9889                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988.9                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4869                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 48.69                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 13:06:52                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 132                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => humidity             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 4869             [cluster] => 1029             [unit] => %             [value] => 48.69         )  )
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 13:06:52][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 36 != 164
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 80 != 208
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\x0b\xfeP\x01\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x02\x03\xdc', rssi:132
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\x0b\xfeP\x01\x04\x03\x00\x14\x00(\x00\x01\xff', rssi:132
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:06:53][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 44 != 172
[2018-03-28 13:10:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:15:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:20:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:25:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:12, addr:fe50, endpoint:1, cluster:1026, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:2247, rssi:7
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fe50 , 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2247, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.47}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'
\xfe\xd0\x01\x04\x05\x00\x00\x00!\x00\x02\x12\xd6', rssi:4
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 222 != 94
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 238 != 110
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:14, addr:fe50, endpoint:1, cluster:1027, attribute:16, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:9879, rssi:135
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 13:26:57][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fe50 , 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure2', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 16, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 9879, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 987.9}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fe50 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2247, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 22.47}}
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121a90b0421281305210600062401000000006429c806e5217011662bc90501000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 2.985                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2247                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 22.47                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9879                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 987.9                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 989                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 989                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4238                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 42.38                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fe50             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 13:26:57                     [addr] => fe50                     [rssi] => 135                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => temperature             [addr] => fe50             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 2247             [cluster] => 1026             [unit] => °C             [value] => 22.47         )  )
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG] : Device Update fe50.1.1026.0 22.47
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fe50 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'pressure2', 'addr': 'fe50', 'attribute': 16, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 9879, 'cluster': 1027, 'unit': 'mb', 'value': 987.9}}
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121a90b0421281305210600062401000000006429c806e5217011662bc90501000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 2.985                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2247                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 22.47                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9879                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 987.9                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 989                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 989                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4238                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 42.38                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fe50             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 13:26:57                     [addr] => fe50                     [rssi] => 135                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => pressure2             [addr] => fe50             [attribute] => 16             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 9879             [cluster] => 1027             [unit] => mb             [value] => 987.9         )  )
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG] : Device Update fe50.1.1027.16 987.9
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 13:26:58][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:244, addr:d0d6, endpoint:1, cluster:1026, attribute:0, status:0, data_type:41, size:2, data:2111, rssi:132
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device d0d6 , 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2111, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 21.11}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 161 != 33
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][WARNING][zigate] : Unknown response 0x0102
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x0000 - Base response : additionnal:b'\xf6\xd0\xd6\x01\x04\x03\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x02\x03\xdb', rssi:4
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 61 != 189
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:29:47][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 119 != 247
[2018-03-28 13:29:48][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device d0d6 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'temperature', 'addr': 'd0d6', 'attribute': 0, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': 2111, 'cluster': 1026, 'unit': '°C', 'value': 21.11}}
[2018-03-28 13:29:48][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 13:29:48][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121bd0b0421a81305211d000624010000000064292708e521f612e62b118201000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 3.005                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2111                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 21.11                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 988                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9889                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 988.9                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4869                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 48.69                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => d0d6             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 13:29:47                     [addr] => d0d6                     [rssi] => 132                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => temperature             [addr] => d0d6             [attribute] => 0             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 2111             [cluster] => 1026             [unit] => °C             [value] => 21.11         )  )
[2018-03-28 13:29:48][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 13:29:48][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 13:30:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:35:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:40:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:41:20][ERROR][zigate] : Bad checksum 118 != 246
[2018-03-28 13:45:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:50:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:55:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][zigate] : RESPONSE 0x8102 - Individual Attribute Report : sequence:15, addr:fed0, endpoint:1, cluster:0, attribute:65281, status:0, data_type:66, size:37, data:0121a90b042128130521060006240100000000642951086521ca12e62bf18101000a210000, rssi:132
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][zigate] : Dispatch ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][root] : External command ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED : {'device': Device fed0 , 'attribute': {'name': 'battery', 'addr': 'fed0', 'attribute': 65281, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121a90b042128130521060006240100000000642951086521ca12e62bf18101000a210000', 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V', 'value': 2.985}, 'zigate': <zigate.core.ZiGate object at 0x75bfad50>}
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][root] : Send to jeedom :  {'device': Device fed0 , 'action': 'ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED', 'attribute': {'name': 'battery', 'addr': 'fed0', 'attribute': 65281, 'endpoint': 1, 'data': '0121a90b042128130521060006240100000000642951086521ca12e62bf18101000a210000', 'cluster': 0, 'unit': 'V', 'value': 2.985}}
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG] : Array (     [device] => Array         (             [endpoints] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [in_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [endpoint] => 1                             [out_clusters] => Array                                 (                                 )                              [device] => 0                             [clusters] => Array                                 (                                     [0] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 0                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => battery                                                             [data] => 0121a90b042128130521060006240100000000642951086521ca12e62bf18101000a210000                                                             [attribute] => 65281                                                             [unit] => V                                                             [value] => 2.985                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [1] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1026                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => temperature                                                             [data] => 2095                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => °C                                                             [value] => 20.95                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [2] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1027                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure                                                             [data] => 991                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 991                                                         )                                                      [1] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => pressure2                                                             [data] => 9769                                                             [attribute] => 16                                                             [unit] => mb                                                             [value] => 976.9                                                         )                                                      [2] => Array                                                         (                                                             [data] => -1                                                             [attribute] => 20                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                      [3] => Array                                         (                                             [cluster] => 1029                                             [attributes] => Array                                                 (                                                     [0] => Array                                                         (                                                             [name] => humidity                                                             [data] => 4290                                                             [attribute] => 0                                                             [unit] => %                                                             [value] => 42.9                                                         )                                                  )                                          )                                  )                              [profile] => 0                         )                  )              [addr] => fed0             [info] => Array                 (                     [last_seen] => 2018-03-28 13:56:24                     [addr] => fed0                     [rssi] => 132                 )          )      [action] => ZIGATE_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED     [attribute] => Array         (             [name] => battery             [addr] => fed0             [attribute] => 65281             [endpoint] => 1             [data] => 0121a90b042128130521060006240100000000642951086521ca12e62bf18101000a210000             [cluster] => 0             [unit] => V             [value] => 2.985         )  )
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] : "POST /plugins/zigate/core/php/jeeZiGate.php?apikey=9YuusOtUrdsE8kELSk8n6tUZJ5HYC7iM HTTP/1.1" 200 16
[2018-03-28 13:56:24][DEBUG][root] : Jeedom reply :  {'success': True}
[2018-03-28 14:00:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 14:05:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 14:10:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json
[2018-03-28 14:15:41][DEBUG] : callZiGate get_version_text
[2018-03-28 14:15:41][DEBUG][root] : Message received in socket
[2018-03-28 14:15:41][DEBUG][root] : {'action': 'get_version_text', 'args': ''}
[2018-03-28 14:15:41][DEBUG][root] : {'result': '3.0d', 'success': True}
[2018-03-28 14:15:41][DEBUG] : result callZiGate Array (     [result] => 3.0d     [success] => 1 )
[2018-03-28 14:15:42][DEBUG][zigate] : Auto saving /var/www/html/plugins/zigate/core/class/../../resources/zigated/.zigate.json


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