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Plugin Abeille

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 08:01

kouller a écrit :
kiwihc16 a écrit :
20 nov. 2018, 16:53
"le passage à l'état 0 n'est pas paramétrable" Oui et non. C'est géré par Jeedom, voir les parametres de la commande. Jeedom permet définir le retour d'état à la minute prêt.
Comme j'avais besoin d'être plus précis j'ai inclus dans le plugin abeille un objet Timer qui fonctionne à la seconde prêt. Voir la doc: ... s.asciidoc
Salut, merci pour l'info

J'ai regardé les timers, j'ai bien réussi à lancer un timer qui allume progressivement une lampe puis l'éteins progressivement.

Je n'arrive pas de limiter la luminosité max de mon ampoule, j'aime qu'elle s'allume progressivement jusqu'à 50% de sa luminosité maximum

Peut-on régler la valeur du RampUp ?

Dans la commande du scénario tu mets valeur timer divisé par 2. Il n y a pas d option dans l objet timer lui même.
Dernière édition par kiwihc16 le 24 nov. 2018, 08:01, édité 1 fois.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 08:08

poolMiniDomo a écrit :Avec ZWGUI je suis passé au canal 15, vérifié dans l'affichage de la ruche . Plus aucune communication avec mes capteurs et prises. J'ai supprimé une prise, relancer l'inclusion mais rien (je sais pas si la zigate a clignoté, j'étais pas à coté). Je suis repassé à 11 tout re-fonctionne. A chaque fois j'ai redémarré ma box jeedom.
J’attendrai que la fonction soit développé dans le plugin.
Je ne sais pas comment la zigate gère le changement de fréquence côté réseau. Il faut que j investigue.
Si elle n informe pas le réseau du changement alors comment les équipements sont sensé savoir quelle a changée de fréquence et qu’elle n est pas éteinte ?
J’avais lu des trucs dans la norme mais il faudrait que je retrouve.

Messages : 181
Inscription : 13 févr. 2016, 08:55
Localisation : Le Crés

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Greg0307 » 24 nov. 2018, 11:37

kiwihc16 a écrit :
poolMiniDomo a écrit :Avec ZWGUI je suis passé au canal 15, vérifié dans l'affichage de la ruche . Plus aucune communication avec mes capteurs et prises. J'ai supprimé une prise, relancer l'inclusion mais rien (je sais pas si la zigate a clignoté, j'étais pas à coté). Je suis repassé à 11 tout re-fonctionne. A chaque fois j'ai redémarré ma box jeedom.
J’attendrai que la fonction soit développé dans le plugin.
Je ne sais pas comment la zigate gère le changement de fréquence côté réseau. Il faut que j investigue.
Si elle n informe pas le réseau du changement alors comment les équipements sont sensé savoir quelle a changée de fréquence et qu’elle n est pas éteinte ?
J’avais lu des trucs dans la norme mais il faudrait que je retrouve.
Pur ma part le passage en 3.0e à régler des soucis de perte de com, peut être y’a t’il un lien avec inter double aqara que j’ai également.
En revanche il ne remonte pas en routeur.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 11:45

3.0.e permet à des messages qui n étaient pas traités par la zigate à remonter maintenant donc des capteurs comme Présence Xiaomi V1 ne doivent plus présenter de problèmes.

L interrupteur de mémoire n est pas un routeur meme si il est sur le 220V. Par contre il poll le réseau en permanence pour avoir les commandes de la zigate. Il a vraiment un fonctionnement surprenant. C est un End Device qui poll ! C est le seul que je connaisse comme ça. Il faudrait que je revérifie mais je suis quasi sure.

Pour les timeout, la dernière version stable d abeille contient un bug car j ai fait un mélange entre secondes et minutes. La table health est bonne mais si vous utilisez les alertes Jeedom ce n est pas bon. Pour ceux qui veulent une correction, utilisez le master et changez les timeout de vos équipements de secondes a minutes.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 11:56

fab263 a écrit :
23 nov. 2018, 19:58
Hello !
Help j'ai un soucis. Je viens de mettre à jour le plugin Abeille + flashé ma clé Zigate de la V3.0D vers v3.0E. Tous mes périphériques ne fonctionnent plus...

J'ai constaté 2 erreurs :

Dans la log :
Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )

Dans la ruche :
Network Status Failed (ZigBee event codes):04
Bonjour Fab223,

Le flash de la zigate efface tout ce qui est dans la ZiGate. Résultat, il faut:
- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
- mettre en Inclusion
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements.

As tu fait ces actions ?

Messages : 181
Inscription : 13 févr. 2016, 08:55
Localisation : Le Crés

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Greg0307 » 24 nov. 2018, 13:02

kiwihc16 a écrit :
fab263 a écrit :
23 nov. 2018, 19:58
Hello !
Help j'ai un soucis. Je viens de mettre à jour le plugin Abeille + flashé ma clé Zigate de la V3.0D vers v3.0E. Tous mes périphériques ne fonctionnent plus...

J'ai constaté 2 erreurs :

Dans la log :
Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )

Dans la ruche :
Network Status Failed (ZigBee event codes):04
Bonjour Fab223,

Le flash de la zigate efface tout ce qui est dans la ZiGate. Résultat, il faut:
- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
- mettre en Inclusion
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements.

As tu fait ces actions ?
Sauf si on a sauvegarder et restaurer la ZiGate ?? Pas eu besoin pour ma part

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

Messages : 683
Inscription : 21 juin 2016, 10:31

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Rvitch » 24 nov. 2018, 15:02

kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 nov. 2018, 11:56
fab263 a écrit :
23 nov. 2018, 19:58
Hello !
Help j'ai un soucis. Je viens de mettre à jour le plugin Abeille + flashé ma clé Zigate de la V3.0D vers v3.0E. Tous mes périphériques ne fonctionnent plus...

J'ai constaté 2 erreurs :

Dans la log :
Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )

Dans la ruche :
Network Status Failed (ZigBee event codes):04
Bonjour Fab223,

Le flash de la zigate efface tout ce qui est dans la ZiGate. Résultat, il faut:
- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
- mettre en Inclusion
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements.

As tu fait ces actions ?
Salut kiwi,

J'ai la même erreur, j'ai tenté les manips que tu décrits, de retelecharger le firmware , mais rien n'y fait..
J'ai plus de chauffage!
Je vais basculer quelques capteurs sous xiaomi home le temps qu'on trouve..

Messages : 28
Inscription : 23 nov. 2018, 19:49

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par fab263 » 24 nov. 2018, 15:14

OK merci ça fonctionne. J'ai donc fait les 4 étapes :

- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
=> J'ai de nouveau l'erreur : Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )
- mettre en Inclusion
=> OK ça clignotte
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements
=> OK j'ai recrééer mes équipements Xiaomi Aqara qui apparaissaient du coup en double, Bizarre non ?? (Bouton Aqara 2 et Door Sensor Aqara 2)
=> Pour ma prise connectée Osram pas eu besoin recréer l'équipement, le lien avec l'ancien équipement s'est fait automatiquement.
Pièces jointes
(71.47 Kio) Téléchargé 20 fois
(47.03 Kio) Téléchargé 17 fois
Dernière édition par fab263 le 24 nov. 2018, 16:26, édité 9 fois.

Messages : 683
Inscription : 21 juin 2016, 10:31

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Rvitch » 24 nov. 2018, 15:45

Moi ca fonctionnne jusqu'au message :
Erreur, le pilote pl2303 est en erreur, impossible de communiquer avec la zigate. Il faut débrancher/rebrancher la zigate et relancer le demon.
Puis plus rien .

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 20:43

Rvitch a écrit :Moi ca fonctionnne jusqu'au message :
Erreur, le pilote pl2303 est en erreur, impossible de communiquer avec la zigate. Il faut débrancher/rebrancher la zigate et relancer le demon.
Puis plus rien .
As tu essayé de drebranche et brancher et redémarrer le démon ?

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 20:45

fab263 a écrit :OK merci ça fonctionne. J'ai donc fait les 4 étapes :

- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
=> J'ai de nouveau l'erreur : Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )
- mettre en Inclusion
=> OK ça clignotte
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements
=> OK j'ai recrééer mes équipements Xiaomi Aqara qui apparaissaient du coup en double, Bizarre non ?? (Bouton Aqara 2 et Door Sensor Aqara 2)
=> Pour ma prise connectée Osram pas eu besoin recréer l'équipement, le lien avec l'ancien équipement s'est fait automatiquement.
En double : soit tu es tombé dans une issue que je dois corriger ou soit tu as des vieux objets dans Jeedom (créés il y a longtemps ) qui ne contiennent pas pas de commande IEEE.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 nov. 2018, 20:50

Rvitch a écrit :
24 nov. 2018, 15:02
kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 nov. 2018, 11:56
fab263 a écrit :
23 nov. 2018, 19:58
Hello !
Help j'ai un soucis. Je viens de mettre à jour le plugin Abeille + flashé ma clé Zigate de la V3.0D vers v3.0E. Tous mes périphériques ne fonctionnent plus...

J'ai constaté 2 erreurs :

Dans la log :
Alerte changement de l adresse IEEE pour un equipement !!! ( Ruche : 00158d0001ecbcc4 => )

Dans la ruche :
Network Status Failed (ZigBee event codes):04
Bonjour Fab223,

Le flash de la zigate efface tout ce qui est dans la ZiGate. Résultat, il faut:
- redémarrer le plugin
- redémarrer le réseau (bouton Start Network sur la ruche)
- mettre en Inclusion
- re-appairer/inclure tous les équipements.

As tu fait ces actions ?
Salut kiwi,

J'ai la même erreur, j'ai tenté les manips que tu décrits, de retelecharger le firmware , mais rien n'y fait..
J'ai plus de chauffage!
Je vais basculer quelques capteurs sous xiaomi home le temps qu'on trouve..
Peux tu regarder aussi : ... -la-zigate

Messages : 28
Inscription : 23 nov. 2018, 19:49

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par fab263 » 25 nov. 2018, 09:41

kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 nov. 2018, 20:45
fab263 a écrit :OK merci ça fonctionne. J'ai donc fait les 4 étapes :

En double : soit tu es tombé dans une issue que je dois corriger ou soit tu as des vieux objets dans Jeedom (créés il y a longtemps ) qui ne contiennent pas pas de commande IEEE.
Mes objets Xiami ont été créés fin Juillet 2018 donc pas si vieux que ça...

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 nov. 2018, 10:34

C'est pas si vieux mais avec un plugin qui n'a que 10 mois ... et plus de 1000 commit .... et encore tant a faire ....

Messages : 683
Inscription : 21 juin 2016, 10:31

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Rvitch » 25 nov. 2018, 10:56

J'ai beau tester dans tous les sens, pas de clignotement au mode inclusion .

Voici ce que dit abeille :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-11-25 12:22:02][DEBUG] : ----------- Starting cron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2018-11-25 12:22:02][DEBUG] : ----------- Ping Zigate to check Online status
[2018-11-25 12:22:02][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Version vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/getVersion
[2018-11-25 12:22:02][DEBUG] : Envoi du message getNetworkStatus vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/getNetworkStatus
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : ----------- Refresh health information
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Bouton chambre Last: 1542925261 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542928861 now: 1543144923 Delta: 216062
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Bouton chambre lastCommunication: 2018-11-22 23:21:01 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Bouton salon Last: 1542954279 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957879 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187044
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Bouton salon lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:24:39 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Inondation Last: 1542954750 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542958350 now: 1543144923 Delta: 186573
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Inondation lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:32:30 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture ben Last: 1542955070 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542958670 now: 1543144923 Delta: 186253
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture ben lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:37:50 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture cuisine Last: 1542955373 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542958973 now: 1543144923 Delta: 185950
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture cuisine lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:42:53 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture entrée Last: 1542953874 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957474 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187449
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture entrée lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:17:54 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture garage Last: 1542953175 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542956775 now: 1543144923 Delta: 188148
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture garage lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:06:15 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture olivia Last: 1542954251 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957851 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187072
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture olivia lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:24:11 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture parents Last: 1542955452 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542959052 now: 1543144923 Delta: 185871
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture parents lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:44:12 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture salon droite Last: 1542953982 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957582 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187341
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture salon droite lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:19:42 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture salon gauche Last: 1542955180 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542958780 now: 1543144923 Delta: 186143
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ouverture salon gauche lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:39:40 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ruche Last: 1543144445 Timeout: 60s - Last+TimeOut: 1543144505 now: 1543144923 Delta: 418
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ruche lastCommunication: 2018-11-25 12:14:05 timeout value: 60 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature ben Last: 1542953817 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957417 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187506
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature ben lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:16:57 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature olivia Last: 1542953106 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542956706 now: 1543144923 Delta: 188217
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature olivia lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:05:06 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature parents Last: 1542953956 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542957556 now: 1543144923 Delta: 187367
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature parents lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:19:16 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature salon Last: 1542955625 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542959225 now: 1543144923 Delta: 185698
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature salon lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:47:05 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature sdb Last: 1542954779 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1542958379 now: 1543144923 Delta: 186544
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Name: Temperature sdb lastCommunication: 2018-11-23 07:32:59 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 1 state: Time Out Last Communication
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Inclusion Status est a 01 donc on demande de rafraichir l info.
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Status vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/permitJoin
[2018-11-25 12:22:03][DEBUG] : Ending cron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2018-11-25 12:22:27][DEBUG] : deamon_start: IN
[2018-11-25 12:22:27][DEBUG] : deamon stop: IN
[2018-11-25 12:22:27][DEBUG] : deamon stop: Killing deamons: 21112 21114
[2018-11-25 12:22:27][DEBUG] : deamon stop: Killing deamons: 21112 21114!31441 31446 31452
[2018-11-25 12:22:28][DEBUG] : deamon stop: OUT
[2018-11-25 12:22:33][DEBUG] : Parametres utilises, Host :,             Port : 1883,             AbeilleParentId : 7,             AbeilleConId: jeedom,             AbeilleUser: rvitch,             Abeillepass: fab10opr,             AbeilleSerialPort: /dev/ttyUSB0,             qos: 0,             showAllCommands: N,             ModeCreation: Automatique,             adresseCourteMode: Automatique,             onlyTimer: N,             IpWifiZigate :
[2018-11-25 12:22:33][DEBUG] : Subscribe to topic #
[2018-11-25 12:22:33][INFO] : Mosquitto: Connexion à Mosquitto avec code 0 Connection Accepted.
[2018-11-25 12:22:33][DEBUG] : Mosquitto: Subscribe to topics
[2018-11-25 12:22:36][DEBUG] : deamon_start_cleanup: Debut des modifications si nécessaire
[2018-11-25 12:22:36][DEBUG] : deamon_start_cleanup: mise a niveau pour la modification necessaire a la gestion des changements d adresse courte
[2018-11-25 12:22:36][DEBUG] : deamon_start_cleanup: Fin des modifications si nécessaire
[2018-11-25 12:22:39][DEBUG] : deamon_start: *****Envoi de la creation de ruche par défaut ********
[2018-11-25 12:22:39][DEBUG] : deamon_start: publish subject:CmdRuche/Ruche/CreateRuche message: Qos: 0 retain: 0
[2018-11-25 12:22:39][DEBUG] : Topic: ->CmdRuche/Ruche/CreateRuche<- Value -><-
[2018-11-25 12:22:39][DEBUG] : message: createRuche: objet: Abeille/Ruche existe deja
[2018-11-25 12:22:39][DEBUG] : Start deamon socat: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/class/../../resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleSocat.php /dev/ttyUSB0 debug > /var/www/html/log/AbeilleSocat
[2018-11-25 12:22:44][DEBUG] : Start deamon SerialRead: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/class/../../resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleSerialRead.php /dev/ttyUSB0 debug > /var/www/html/log/AbeilleSerialRead
[2018-11-25 12:22:44][DEBUG] : Start deamon Parser: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/class/../../resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleParser.php /dev/ttyUSB0 1883 rvitch fab10opr 0 debug > /var/www/html/log/AbeilleParser
[2018-11-25 12:22:44][DEBUG] : Start deamon MQTT: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/class/../../resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleMQTTCmd.php /dev/ttyUSB0 1883 rvitch fab10opr 0 debug > /var/www/html/log/AbeilleMQTTCmd
[2018-11-25 12:22:44][DEBUG] : Start deamon Timer: /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/core/class/../../resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleMQTTCmdTimer.php /dev/ttyUSB0 1883 rvitch fab10opr 0 debug > /var/www/html/log/AbeilleMQTTCmdTimer
[2018-11-25 12:22:44][DEBUG] : deamon start: OUT
Et voici ce que dit parser :

Code : Tout sélectionner

PHP Warning:  include(../lib/Tools.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/includes/fifo.php on line 3
PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening '../lib/Tools.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/includes/fifo.php on line 3
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:22:45[DEBUG]Starting parsing from /tmp/AbeilleDeamonInput to mqtt broker with log level debug on rvitch:fab10opr@ qos=0
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:22:45[DEBUG]Starting parsing from /tmp/AbeilleDeamonInput to mqtt broker with log level debug on rvitch:fab10opr@ qos=0
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:22:45[DEBUG]Create a MQTT Client
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:22:45[DEBUG]try part
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:23:04[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:24:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:24:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:24:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:24:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:25:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:25:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:25:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:25:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:52[DEBUG];type; 8024; ( Network joined / formed )(Processed->MQTT); Satus; Failed (ZigBee event codes): 04; short addr : 00; extended address : ;Channel : 0
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:52[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:26:52[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:10[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:10[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:11[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:11[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:27:12[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:28:04[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:04[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:17[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:17[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:18[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:21[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:21[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:22[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:22[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:23[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:23[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:39[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:39[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:40[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:40[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:29:41[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:10[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:15[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 02
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:30:20[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 03
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:31:04[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
D'apres ce que j'en retiens, la zigate ne bascule pas en association, et ne me crée donc pas les nouveau devices.
Et ce malgres le message permit joint status, elle ne clignote pas.

A 12h46 4 devices on étés mis a jour :
beilleParser 2018-11-25 12:45:05[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:45:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 04
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:45:11[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 05
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:45:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 06
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:45:21[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 15; SQN: 07
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:02[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:02[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:03[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG];type; 8015; (Abeille List)(Processed->MQTT) Payload: 00dcf400158d0001ab232b00a70121f600158d0001b1472c00d602221600158d0002566cb200ef035a7100158d00013e55b6019904624700158d00018262dc00b2050800000000000000000000100600000000000000000000000000
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]Nombre d'abeilles: 7
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 0; ID : 00; Short Addr : dcf4; IEEE Addr: 00158d0001ab232b; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 167
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 1; ID : 01; Short Addr : 21f6; IEEE Addr: 00158d0001b1472c; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 214
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 2; ID : 02; Short Addr : 2216; IEEE Addr: 00158d0002566cb2; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 239
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 3; ID : 03; Short Addr : 5a71; IEEE Addr: 00158d00013e55b6; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 01; Link Quality: 153
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 4; ID : 04; Short Addr : 6247; IEEE Addr: 00158d00018262dc; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 178
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 5; ID : 05; Short Addr : 0800; IEEE Addr: 0000000000000000; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 16
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:46:09[DEBUG]type: 8015 (Abeille List) Abeille i: 6; ID : 06; Short Addr : 0000; IEEE Addr: 0000000000000000; Power Source (0:battery - 1:AC): 00; Link Quality: 0
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:47:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:47:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
PAr contre depuis ces messages plus de mise a jours des valeurs des capteurs détectés et pas de reconnaissance des autres capteurs associés.
Dernière édition par Rvitch le 25 nov. 2018, 13:14, édité 5 fois.

Messages : 35
Inscription : 07 juil. 2018, 11:19

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par cyrililo » 25 nov. 2018, 12:16

Bonjour Kiwi

Je reviens encore avec mes volets Profalux. Depuis que j'ai fait la mise a jour du firmware en 3 E , j'ai voulu refaire une clean install, mais impossible de recréer les volets, avec tous mes périphériques Xiaomi pas de problème.

Je suis en version master depuis le market.

Voici les logs


Code : Tout sélectionner

[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Link-Quality<- Value ->123<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144063<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:43<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/tbd---puissance--<- Value ->0<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144063<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:43<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/000C-02-0055<- Value ->0<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144063<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:43][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/cfaf/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:43<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Link-Quality<- Value ->126<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144067<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:47<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/0400-0000<- Value ->459<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144067<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:47<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Link-Quality<- Value ->126<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144067<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:47<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/0406-0000<- Value ->01<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144067<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:47][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/474a/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:47<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:48][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Inclusion vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/SetPermit
[2018-11-25 12:07:48][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Status vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/permitJoin
[2018-11-25 12:07:51][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/permitJoin-Status<- Value ->01<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:51][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144071<-
[2018-11-25 12:07:51][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:07:51<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/IEEE-Addr<- Value ->20918a000001243e<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144080<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:00<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/enable<- Value ->enable<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Entering enable/disable
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/joinLeave-IEEE<- Value ->Annonce->20918a000001243e<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144080<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:00<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/IEEE-Addr<- Value ->20918a000001243e<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144080<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:00<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/enable<- Value ->enable<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Entering enable/disable
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/joinLeave-IEEE<- Value ->Annonce->20918a000001243e<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144080<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:00][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:00<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/dc01/IEEE-Addr<- Value ->20918a000001243d<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/dc01/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144082<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : L equipement dc01 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/dc01/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:02<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : L equipement dc01 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/dc01/enable<- Value ->enable<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Entering enable/disable
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/joinLeave-IEEE<- Value ->Annonce->20918a000001243d<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144082<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:02][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:02<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : ----------- Starting cron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : ----------- Ping Zigate to check Online status
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Version vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/getVersion
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Envoi du message getNetworkStatus vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/getNetworkStatus
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : ----------- Refresh health information
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ruche Last: 1543144082 Timeout: 15s - Last+TimeOut: 1543144097 now: 1543144083 Delta: -14
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: Ruche lastCommunication: 2018-11-25 12:08:02 timeout value: 15 timeout status: 0 state: ok
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: TEST Last: 1543144067 Timeout: 60s - Last+TimeOut: 1543144127 now: 1543144083 Delta: -44
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: TEST lastCommunication: 2018-11-25 12:07:47 timeout value: 60 timeout status: 0 state: ok
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : --
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: TEST 2 Last: 1543143594 Timeout: 3600s - Last+TimeOut: 1543147194 now: 1543144083 Delta: -3111
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Name: TEST 2 lastCommunication: 2018-11-25 11:59:54 timeout value: 3600 timeout status: 0 state: ok
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Inclusion Status est a 01 donc on demande de rafraichir l info.
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Envoi du message Status vers CmdAbeille/Ruche/permitJoin
[2018-11-25 12:08:03][DEBUG] : Ending cron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/SW-Application<- Value ->0002<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/SW-SDK<- Value ->030E<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Short-Addr<- Value ->0000<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/IEEE-Addr<- Value ->00158d0001b22ebe<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : IEEE-Addr;00158d0001b22ebe;Ok pas de changement de l adresse IEEE, je ne fais rien.
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/PAN-ID<- Value ->4867<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Ext_PAN-ID<- Value ->e9e4b6f2a061bc02<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Network-Channel<- Value ->15<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/permitJoin-Status<- Value ->01<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144085<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:05][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/Ruche/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:05<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Link-Quality<- Value ->84<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144091<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:11<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/IEEE-Addr<- Value ->20918a000001243e<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144091<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:11<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Short-Addr<- Value ->ff85<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-TimeStamp<- Value ->1543144091<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : Topic: ->Abeille/ff85/Time-Time<- Value ->2018-11-25 12:08:11<-
[2018-11-25 12:08:11][DEBUG] : L equipement ff85 n existe pas dans Jeedom, je ne process pas la commande.


Code : Tout sélectionner

AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:27[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 69; Src Addr : cfaf; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 000C; Attr ID : 0055; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 39; Attr Size : 0004; Data byte list : 3e0F5c29
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:43[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 79; Src Addr : cfaf; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 000C; Attr ID : 0055; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 39; Attr Size : 0004; Data byte list : 00000000
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:47[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a0; Src Addr : 474a; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : 01cb
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:47[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a1; Src Addr : 474a; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0406; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 18; Attr Size : 0001; Data byte list : 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:49[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 87
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:50[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:50[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:07:51[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : ff85; IEEE : 20918a000001243e; MAC capa : 8e
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : ff85; IEEE : 20918a000001243e; MAC capa : 8e
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : dc01; IEEE : 20918a000001243d; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:02[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:03[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:04[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];type; 8000; SQN: 0 for messages which are not transmitted over the air.
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];type; 8014; ( “Permit join” status response)(Processed->MQTT); Permit Join Status: 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:05[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:07[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 88
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 88; Status : 00; Short Address : ff85; Endpoint Count : 01; Endpoint List :; 01
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande le modelIdentifier de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:09[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 56
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:09[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:10[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 89
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:10[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144080,"state":"EndPoint","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"01"},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:11[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 56; Src Addr : ff85; End Point : 01; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:11[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande le Location de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:11[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144091,"state":"location","action":"modelIdentifier->location","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":null},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:11[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande Configuration Equipement qui doit etre cree
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce end, NE: {"ff85":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243e","capa":"8e","time":1543144091,"state":"configuration","action":"location->configuration","EP":"01","modelIdentifier":null},"dc01":{"IEEE":"20918a000001243d","capa":"80","time":1543144082,"state":"annonceReceived","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint"}}
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 57
AbeilleParser 2018-11-25 12:08:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce ; Demande Current State Equipement qui doit etre cree
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getCmd() on boolean in /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleParser.php:1956
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleParser.php(2067): getNE('ff85')
#1 /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleParser.php(2207): processAnnonce(Array, Object(Mosquitto\Client), '1')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /var/www/html/plugins/Abeille/resources/AbeilleDeamon/AbeilleParser.php on line 1956

Messages : 71
Inscription : 02 oct. 2018, 08:35

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par poolMiniDomo » 25 nov. 2018, 14:16

Il faut faire quelque chose de particulier pour avoir un log dans le AbeilleParser ? J'ai jamais rien. J'ai voulu mettre le log pour la prise externe mais j'ai rien (même avec une une suppression puis une nouvelle inclusion).

Si non j'ai fair mes reserves de prises Ikea, j'ai racheter 2 (tant pis c'est le modele avec télécommande l'autre n'est pas dispo dans mon magasin).. Je suis prêt :D

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 nov. 2018, 15:23

poolMiniDomo a écrit :Il faut faire quelque chose de particulier pour avoir un log dans le AbeilleParser ? J'ai jamais rien. J'ai voulu mettre le log pour la prise externe mais j'ai rien (même avec une une suppression puis une nouvelle inclusion).

Si non j'ai fair mes reserves de prises Ikea, j'ai racheter 2 (tant pis c'est le modele avec télécommande l'autre n'est pas dispo dans mon magasin).. Je suis prêt :D
Si je me souviens bien il faut mettre le log en debug dans les paramètres du plugin abeille mais aussi mettre dans la configuration de Jeedom le bon niveau de log. Je ne suis pas devant une machine mais des que je peux je partagerai une capture d écran.

Pas encore reçu la prise IKEA pour moi.

Je viens de recevoir un kit Legrand que j ai commencé à testé et des ampoules GU10 venant de Chine pas encore ouvert le colis.

De quoi faire pour les prochains jours. ...

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 nov. 2018, 15:25

Cirililo, Rvitch, je regarderai vos log probablement ce soir car avec le mobile autant dire que c est mission impossible.

Messages : 509
Inscription : 30 sept. 2017, 13:00

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par guims78 » 25 nov. 2018, 16:45

y a t-il une astuce pour éviter de devoir inclure à nouveau tous ces équipements lors d'une mise à jour vers le 3.0E ?


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