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A très bientôt !

Plugin Abeille

Messages : 38
Inscription : 21 févr. 2019, 21:14

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Asyrah » 22 mars 2019, 23:39

Je viens de refaire des tests ce soir sur le ruban RGB Osram, tout est fonctionnel sur la version abeille 47c75f16ad0241536851baf37bb405a248aa4a6d

ON/OFF/Toogle ok
Niveau de luminosité ok
Bouton blanc ok
Bouton bleu ok
Bouton rouge ok
Bouton vert ok

Tu as modifié quelque chose dans le code kiwihc16 ?

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 23 mars 2019, 10:41

J ai corrigé deux bugs ces derniers jours. Peux être est ce en relation.

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Messages : 878
Inscription : 16 sept. 2014, 08:06
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Dams » 24 mars 2019, 07:47

J'ai régulièrement se message: La Zigate semble ne pas pouvoir traiter toutes les demandes (Voir log AbeilleParser).
Je n'ai pas de log abeille parser pour le moment.
J'éditerai se message pour en mettre dès que possible.
J'ai un équipement en timeout last communication. Que dois-je faire
Helper Officiel Jeedom
Merci à l'équipe pour le job !!
Trucs & Astuces I Documentation Jeedom

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 mars 2019, 10:35

Salut Dams,
Visiblement tu es sur la version master avec les dernieres modifications. C'est un nouveau message qui est transmis par la ZiGate quand elle ne peut pas gérer toutes les demandes. Jusqu'a maintenant, Abeille ne traite pas ce cas de figure. C'est en cours de dev. Le probleme c'est que si tu regardes le message reçu dans la derniere commande Abeille tu trouveras certainement une erreur 15 (Si pas erreur valeur 00) or cette valeur n'est pas documentée et pire je ne la trouve pas dans le code de la zigate. Soit j'ai un bug et je ne lis pas correctement la réponse, soit il y a un bug zigate, soit je ne trouve pas la bonne info dans le code,... En gros laisses le message en attendant que je comprenne les détails.

"J'ai un équipement en timeout last communication. Que dois-je faire" => Investiguer. C'est quoi comme équipement ? Peux tu partager le table "Network List" ?

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 878
Inscription : 16 sept. 2014, 08:06
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Dams » 24 mars 2019, 10:40

Merci pour le renseignement kiwi
Pour l'instant j'ai un seul équipement un détecteur outdoor philips, je compte ajouté un volet profalux pour faire des test.
la table nework list reste vide malgrés un recalcul du cache
Helper Officiel Jeedom
Merci à l'équipe pour le job !!
Trucs & Astuces I Documentation Jeedom

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 mars 2019, 10:41


dans ton premier log il n'y a pas d'info permettant de conclure mais il est possible que le ping ne fonctionne pas sur les Hue car il y avait un soucis que j'ai corrigé ces derniers jours.

dans ton deuxieme log, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu dis que cela ne fonctionne pas car je vois que tu fais un Off et l'équipmeent repond qu'il est à 0. Dans ce log je vois que le ping est envoyé mais cf commentaire ci dessus.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 mars 2019, 10:48

Dams, cette table est vide ?
Capture d’écran 2019-03-24 à 10.47.03.png
Capture d’écran 2019-03-24 à 10.47.03.png (78.63 Kio) Consulté 1825 fois

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 mars 2019, 11:11

Bonjour a tous,

Je vois plein de demandes / commentaires sur des problématiques de routage avec des ampoules que vous voulez allumer et éteindre électriquement. Le réseau Zigbee le permet et sait le gérer mais il y a de l'inertie, ce n'est pas instantané. Ce temps d'adaptation va vous amener des comportements indésirables. Ce n'ai vraiment pas une bonne idée. Si vous mettez des ampoules zigbee pourquoi les éteindre éléctriquement ? Eteignez les en zigbee. Je veux dire laissez les sous tension électrique et envoyez une comande d'extinction (Off). Vous aurez tout le bénéfice du routage mesh ....

A vous de voir...

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 878
Inscription : 16 sept. 2014, 08:06
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Dams » 24 mars 2019, 11:44

kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 mars 2019, 10:48
Dams, cette table est vide ?
Capture d’écran 2019-03-24 à 10.47.03.png
Pour le last communication c'est bon je suis passé devant le capteur et c'est mis a jour. Il faut que augmente les 60min du réglage de base.
Pour la table oui c'est bien celle là
Helper Officiel Jeedom
Merci à l'équipe pour le job !!
Trucs & Astuces I Documentation Jeedom

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 24 mars 2019, 13:27

En fait pour le capteur Hue Motion Indoor comme Outdoor, je ne sais pas s ils envoient des infos regulierement donc il est possible que 60 mins ne soit pas une bonne valeur mais dans ce cas quelle est la bonne valeur, je crée une issue:

Pour la table ce n'est pas normal. Peux tu mettre ne debug et partager AbeilleParser quand tu fait un refresh ?

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages : 878
Inscription : 16 sept. 2014, 08:06
Localisation : Annecy

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par Dams » 24 mars 2019, 15:17

kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 mars 2019, 13:27
En fait pour le capteur Hue Motion Indoor comme Outdoor, je ne sais pas s ils envoient des infos regulierement donc il est possible que 60 mins ne soit pas une bonne valeur mais dans ce cas quelle est la bonne valeur, je crée une issue:

Pour la table ce n'est pas normal. Peux tu mettre ne debug et partager AbeilleParser quand tu fait un refresh ?
Je pense que hue motion indoor et outdoor en voie les info seulement quand il y a détection.
La dernière communication que j'avais ce matin était l'heure où je suis passé devant la veille.
J'ai regardé ce matin après être repassé il est revenu à la normal à ce moment là

Pour la table c'est sans doute normal étant donné que je la faisais quand le capteur était en timeout

Je viens de refaire un refresh et j'ai une ligne

Code : Tout sélectionner

AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:57[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:57[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:57[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:57[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:58[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:34:58[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434498,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 8d; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 85; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0402; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 29; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : 0810
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 8d; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434500,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"02"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9d; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:00[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9e; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:01[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 9d; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0006; Data byte list : ->SML002<-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434500,"state":"modelIdentifier","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Configure NE
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE Start
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE End
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 9e; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434500,"state":"configuration","action":"modelIdentifierReceived->configuration","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande Current State Equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 8e; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434500,"state":"currentState","action":"configuration->currentState","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9f; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a0; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 4b; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 4c; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:08[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 8e; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:14[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 9f; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0006; Data byte list : ->SML002<-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:14[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a0; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:27[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:35:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:36:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:37:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:37:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:38:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:38:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:39:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:39:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:40:27[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:40:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:41:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:41:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:13[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:13[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:13[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434933,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:19[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 8f; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:19[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 8f; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:19[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553434933,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"02"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:19[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a1; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a2; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 90; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:23[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:24[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:31[DEBUG];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0; Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 02; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : 5a43; SQN: : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:42:31[DEBUG];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0; Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 02; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : 5a43; SQN: : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:43:35[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:44:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:44:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:45:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:45:32[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:46:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:46:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:47:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:47:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:48:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:48:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:49:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:49:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:01[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:01[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:03[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435401,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:03[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:03[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 91; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:06[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 92; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 91; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435407,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"02"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 92; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 93; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a3; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 93; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:07[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a3; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:08[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 94; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:08[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 94; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:10[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 95; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:11[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a4; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:11[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a5; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:11[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a4; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0006; Data byte list : ->SML002<-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:11[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435407,"state":"modelIdentifier","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:11[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Configure NE
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE Start
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:17[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE End
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a5; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435407,"state":"configuration","action":"modelIdentifierReceived->configuration","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande Current State Equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 95; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 96; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : 96; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Length : 16; endpoint : 02; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0107 (Occupency Sensor); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 06
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0406 - Measurement: Occupancy Sensing
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0400 - Measurement: Illuminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0402 - Measurement: Temperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]OutClusterCount : 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]Out cluster: 0019 - General: OTA
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 97; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : 97; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Length : 16; endpoint : 02; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0107 (Occupency Sensor); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 06
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0406 - Measurement: Occupancy Sensing
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0400 - Measurement: Illuminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]In cluster: 0402 - Measurement: Temperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]OutClusterCount : 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG]Out cluster: 0019 - General: OTA
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 5f; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a6; PacketType: 0120
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a7; PacketType: 0120
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 62; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 63; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8120; (Configure Reporting response)(Decoded but not Processed); SQN: a6; Source address: 5a43; EndPoint: 02; Cluster Id: 0001; Attribute: 0000; Status: 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:18[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 64; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:19[DEBUG];type; 8120; (Configure Reporting response)(Decoded but not Processed); SQN: a7; Source address: 5a43; EndPoint: 02; Cluster Id: 0001; Attribute: 0000; Status: 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:50:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:51:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:51:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:53:13[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:53:13[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:53:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:53:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:57[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:58[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:58[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:58[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:54:59[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435699,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 98; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 98; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435701,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"02"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:01[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a8; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:04[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 99; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:06[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: (ZigBee Error Code unknown): 80; SQN: 00; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:12[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9a; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:12[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9b; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:12[DEBUG];type; 8702; (APS Data Confirm Fail); Status : f0; Source Endpoint : 01; Destination Endpoint : 02; Destination Mode : 02; Destination Address : 5a43; SQN: : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:18[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : d0; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:55:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:56:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:56:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:04[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:04[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:04[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:04[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 91; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : afc0
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435824,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:06[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:06[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9c; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:08[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 92; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : aee3
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 9c; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435824,"state":"EndPoint","action":"annonceReceived->ActiveEndPoint","EP":"02"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le nom de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a9; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: aa; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: a9; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0005; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 42; Attr Size : 0006; Data byte list : ->SML002<-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435824,"state":"modelIdentifier","action":"ActiveEndPointReceived->modelIdentifier","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:09[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Configure NE
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE Start
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:14[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindShortToZigateBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportBatterie
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritSetReportBatterie: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportEtat: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE setReportLevel: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE BindToZigateButton: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureBindShortToZigate: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE spiritTemperatureSetReport: Cmd not found, probably not an issue, probably should not do it
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:15[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportIlluminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportOccupancy
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: BindToZigateTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE cmd: setReportTemperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; ===> Configure NE End
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: aa; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435824,"state":"configuration","action":"modelIdentifierReceived->configuration","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande Current State Equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9d; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435824,"state":"currentState","action":"configuration->currentState","EP":"02","modelIdentifier":"SML002"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 9d; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9e; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: ab; PacketType: 0100
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 9e; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: ab; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0000; Attr ID : 0010; Attr Status : 86; Attr Data Type : ff; Attr Size : 0000; Data byte list : -><-
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 9f; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8045; (Active Endpoints Response); SQN : 9f; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Endpoint Count : 02; Endpoint List :; 02; 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 93; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : b022
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a0; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : a0; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Length : 16; endpoint : 02; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0107 (Occupency Sensor); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 06
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0406 - Measurement: Occupancy Sensing
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0400 - Measurement: Illuminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0402 - Measurement: Temperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]OutClusterCount : 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]Out cluster: 0019 - General: OTA
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce, Switch default: WARNING should not exist
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 77; PacketType: 0530
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: ac; PacketType: 0120
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: ad; PacketType: 0120
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a1; PacketType: 0043
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8120; (Configure Reporting response)(Decoded but not Processed); SQN: ac; Source address: 5a43; EndPoint: 02; Cluster Id: 0001; Attribute: 0000; Status: 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: ae; PacketType: 0120
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8120; (Configure Reporting response)(Decoded but not Processed); SQN: ad; Source address: 5a43; EndPoint: 02; Cluster Id: 0001; Attribute: 0000; Status: 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];type; 8043; (Simple Descriptor Response)(Not Processed); SQN : a1; Status : 00; Short Address : 5a43; Length : 16; endpoint : 02; profile : 0104 (ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA)); deviceId : 0107 (Occupency Sensor); bitField : 00; InClusterCount : 06
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0000 - General: Basic
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0001 - General: Power Config
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0003 - General: Identify
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0406 - Measurement: Occupancy Sensing
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0400 - Measurement: Illuminance
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]In cluster: 0402 - Measurement: Temperature
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]OutClusterCount : 01
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG]Out cluster: 0019 - General: OTA
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:16[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonce, Switch default: WARNING should not exist
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:18[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 94; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : b031
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:23[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 95; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : ad4b
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:38[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:39[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:39[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:39[DEBUG];Type; 8102; (Attribut Report)(Processed->MQTT); SQN: 98; Src Addr : 5a43; End Point : 02; Cluster ID : 0400; Attr ID : 0000; Attr Status : 00; Attr Data Type : 21; Attr Size : 0002; Data byte list : b0a0
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:41[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg, NE: {"5a43":{"IEEE":"0017880106440E2c","capa":"80","timeAnnonceReceived":1553435859,"state":"annonceReceived"}}
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:41[DEBUG];Type; fct; processAnnonceStageChg ; ===> Demande le EP de l equipement
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:48[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a2; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:51[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a3; PacketType: 0045
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:57:59[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:58:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:58:00[DEBUG];Type; 004d; (Device announce)(Processed->MQTT); Src Addr : 5a43; IEEE : 0017880106440E2c; MAC capa : 80
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:58:00[DEBUG];type; 8701; (Route Discovery Confirm)(Decoded but Not Processed); Status : 00; Nwk Status : 00
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:58:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:58:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:59:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 14:59:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:00:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:00:33[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:01:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:01:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:02:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:02:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:03:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:03:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:04:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:04:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:05:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:05:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:06:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:06:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:07:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:07:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:08:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:08:30[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:09:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:09:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:10:27[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:10:31[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:11:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:11:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:26[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:34[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a4; PacketType: 004e
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:34[DEBUG];Type; 804E; (Management LQI response)(Decoded but Not Processed); SQN: a4; status: 00; Neighbour Table Entries: 01; Neighbour Table List Count: 01; Start Index: 00; NWK Address: 5a43; Extended PAN ID: d1f85033101cc20F; IEEE Address: 0017880106440E2c; Depth: 1; Link Quality: 226; Bit map of attributes: 1a
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:35[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a5; PacketType: 004e
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:35[DEBUG];Type; 804E; (Management LQI response)(Decoded but Not Processed); SQN: a5; status: c1; Neighbour Table Entries: 01; Neighbour Table List Count: 01; Start Index: 00; NWK Address: 00; Extended PAN ID: ; IEEE Address: ; Depth: 0; Link Quality: 0; Bit map of attributes:
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:36[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a6; PacketType: 004e
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:36[DEBUG];Type; 804E; (Management LQI response)(Decoded but Not Processed); SQN: a6; status: c1; Neighbour Table Entries: 01; Neighbour Table List Count: 01; Start Index: 00; NWK Address: 00; Extended PAN ID: ; IEEE Address: ; Depth: 0; Link Quality: 0; Bit map of attributes:
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:37[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: a7; PacketType: 004e
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:12:37[DEBUG];Type; 804E; (Management LQI response)(Decoded but Not Processed); SQN: a7; status: c1; Neighbour Table Entries: 01; Neighbour Table List Count: 01; Start Index: 00; NWK Address: 00; Extended PAN ID: ; IEEE Address: ; Depth: 0; Link Quality: 0; Bit map of attributes:
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:13:25[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0010
AbeilleParser 2019-03-24 15:13:29[DEBUG];type; 8000; (Status)(Not Processed); Length: 5; Status: 00-(Success); SQN: 00; PacketType: 0009
Helper Officiel Jeedom
Merci à l'équipe pour le job !!
Trucs & Astuces I Documentation Jeedom

Messages : 150
Inscription : 12 mai 2018, 02:50

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par soyann » 24 mars 2019, 16:18

kiwihc16 a écrit :
24 mars 2019, 10:41

dans ton premier log il n'y a pas d'info permettant de conclure mais il est possible que le ping ne fonctionne pas sur les Hue car il y avait un soucis que j'ai corrigé ces derniers jours.

dans ton deuxieme log, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu dis que cela ne fonctionne pas car je vois que tu fais un Off et l'équipmeent repond qu'il est à 0. Dans ce log je vois que le ping est envoyé mais cf commentaire ci dessus.
Merci pour ton analyse (dommage que tu n’aies rien trouvé, c'est quand même bizarre ...). Il faudrait que l'on arrive à ce caler un moment pour faire des essais poussés ensemble (dispo mardi toute la journée ou jeudi aprem).
En te souhaitant un bon dimanche

Messages : 28
Inscription : 23 nov. 2018, 19:49

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par fab263 » 25 mars 2019, 21:02

Hello, je cherche actuellement une sirène pour équiper l'intérieur de ma maison.

J'ai vu celle ci de marque Heiman qui m'a l'air intéressante compatible zigbee. Savez vous si elle est compatible Zigate ? ... 39114.html

Messages : 150
Inscription : 12 mai 2018, 02:50

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par soyann » 25 mars 2019, 21:28

Je crois avoir trouvé d'où venait mon bug: la dernière ampoule Hue était toujours déclarée sur mon pont Philips, du coup, je pense qu'il devait "brouiller" cette dernière en cherchant à se synchroniser avec, car depuis que je l'ai supprimée, je n'ai plus de fonctionnement aléatoire (une ou deux infos qui se perdent par ci par là, mais c'est le jour et la nuit). Par contre, elles (mes deux LWB010) restent en Time Out dans Santé s'il n'y a pas d'action, mais cela ne les empêche pas de communiquer correctement.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 mars 2019, 21:45

fab263 a écrit :
25 mars 2019, 21:02
Hello, je cherche actuellement une sirène pour équiper l'intérieur de ma maison.

J'ai vu celle ci de marque Heiman qui m'a l'air intéressante compatible zigbee. Savez vous si elle est compatible Zigate ? ... 39114.html
Je ne sais pas mais dans le titre il y a "868MHz" et pas 2.4GHz si c'est la bonne info ca ne marchera pas.

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 mars 2019, 21:46

soyann a écrit :
25 mars 2019, 21:28
Je crois avoir trouvé d'où venait mon bug: la dernière ampoule Hue était toujours déclarée sur mon pont Philips, du coup, je pense qu'il devait "brouiller" cette dernière en cherchant à se synchroniser avec, car depuis que je l'ai supprimée, je n'ai plus de fonctionnement aléatoire (une ou deux infos qui se perdent par ci par là, mais c'est le jour et la nuit). Par contre, elles (mes deux LWB010) restent en Time Out dans Santé s'il n'y a pas d'action, mais cela ne les empêche pas de communiquer correctement.
Tres surprenant mais interessant.
Pour le timeout es tu sur la stable market ou sur ma master github ?

Messages : 150
Inscription : 12 mai 2018, 02:50

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par soyann » 25 mars 2019, 23:24

Je suis sur la stable market (mais ai fait des mises à jour de modèles la semaine dernière pour ajouter la Motion Sensor)

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 25 mars 2019, 23:37

Dans ce cas il est fort probable que tu n'es pas les dernieres corrections qui impactent le TimeOut des Hue.

Messages : 150
Inscription : 12 mai 2018, 02:50

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par soyann » 25 mars 2019, 23:53

Petite question: quand on applique les mises à jour de modèles, hormis redémarrer le démon, y a t il une manip à faire pour démarrer proprement la ruche afin qu'elle digère bien ces mises à jours?

Messages : 1866
Inscription : 08 févr. 2016, 12:40

Re: Plugin Abeille

Message par kiwihc16 » 26 mars 2019, 00:03

Normalement il n'y a rien à faire mais l'applications des modeles n'a pas ete super bien testé. Il est fort probable qu'elle ne fonctionne pas super bien. De plus apres coup je me suis appaercu que le modele ne suffit pas si du code associé à été ajouté dans le master...
En cas de doute le mieux c est de supprimer un equipement et de le recréer.


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