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Experience in product localization

Let's talk about plugins, widgets, scripts, and development with JEEDOM
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Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 11 févr. 2015, 15:57

Can someone share their experience of localization?
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 11:38

Hi !
What do you mean by "localization" ?
something like "ok I'm coming back home and something have to happen" or more something like "I'm enterring in a room" ?

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par jbval » 12 févr. 2015, 11:41

@Marie Je pense qu'il parle de traduction. Je ne connais pas ce pan de jeedom pour lui répondre (d'ailleurs à ce sujet, je viens de voir une question sur le site de mysensor demandant si jeedom était fr only
Jeedom Mini & Rfxcom
Zwave/X10/Mysensor/Chacon DI-O/CurrentCost Envir/Netatmo

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 11:58

ok I really haven't understand the question like that ^^
so I don't have the answer, the best thing is to wait until someone answer if the question is "where are people using jeedom ?"
@wagan : could you tell us what you really mean in your question please ? =) (it's easier to answer when we are on the same idea =) )

edit @jbval : je viens de répondre après avoir demandé à loic ce qu'il fallait dire ;-) merci pour la transmission du post ;-) on a du mal à tout suivre ^^

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 14:46

@jbval: I used Google translation and say that you are right :)

@marie: This is a common term in the software. Yes, I was referring to the translation into other languages, such as Russian. What to do there, what files need to consistently translate?
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 15:05

ok sorry I'm not developper so some terms have no meaning for me ^^

we will make a documentation to translate I think it will be easier but it's quite easy :

if you have a github account : you can fork the project "jeedom" and the translation are in the file jeedom/core/core/i18n and then you will fine one for russian (I will tell you when it will be created ^^)
then you get a file with a lot of lines like that

Code : Tout sélectionner

 "french version":"other language version",
At first both versions are in french, but you just have to change the right part in russian and the russian version will exist =)
When you stop (break or end), you have to do a "pull request", and loic will merge it.
After that in the next beta version you will see your translation =)

If you have any question for the translation : don't hesitate I could help you (I know this part of the project quite good)

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 15:13

Great! Thank you very much. I'll speak with my friends about translation, thay can help me.
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 15:20

Thanks to you too (and your friends) if you do/help for the translation =)

so that's okay, the file has been created so it's this one for russian "ru_RU.json"

don't hesitate if you have any question =)

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 15:24

Thank you again ))
I'm going to start...
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Messages : 1076
Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 15:53

ok than you and... enjoy =)

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 16:01

Translated to 44 rows and want to take a break. Should I choose "Commit directly to the master brunch" or "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull reguest"?
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Messages : 1076
Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 16:05

Is it a fork on your own system or on line on github ?

edit : doesn't matter : you can "commit directly to the master brunch" loic has to approve any change in the code ;-)

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 16:10

marie a écrit :Is it a fork on your own system or on line on github ?
github.jpg (77.12 Kio) Consulté 4311 fois
It helps to understand what I did?
I went into the core/core/i18n and fork the file. Or I should fork another way?
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 16:13

for this time you can do what I edit in the last post, but I ask loic for next time ;-) -> commit to master branch

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 16:17

Thank you and sorry for misunderstanding
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 16:35

don't worry ;-) it's me I added it probaby after you read it ;-)

loic said me it's ok as you did so just continue like this ;-)

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 16:41

@marie: It's my fault, I know that I'm stupid :-)
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Messages : 1076
Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 16:43

no no it's just language issue ^^

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Re: Experience in product localization

Message par Wagan » 12 févr. 2015, 17:10

Excuse me, may be it's possible to provide the file with english words? It'll be better for me to understanding :-) Sorry for disturbing

upd: OK, I'm stupid ))) I can use en_US.json as a layout
With best regards,
Wagan Sarukhanov
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Messages : 1076
Inscription : 20 févr. 2014, 19:39
Localisation : Lyon (ou presque)

Re: Experience in product localization

Message par marie » 12 févr. 2015, 17:25

yes ^^ that's what I will suggest you because it's not possible to have english/other language but you can use the en_US file ;-) (I'm working on it so let me know if you have some problem on this file ;-))


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